July Daily Deviant Fic: Switch (Harry/Draco & James Sirius/Teddy, NC-17)

Jul 09, 2017 11:28

Hello July! I am bringing you my first fic of the month, written for that most wonderful community,
daily_deviant! This fic has been living as a very vague plot bunny for years, and when I saw that Flogging was one of this month's themes, I knew I had to write it. Unfortunately, the fic wanted to be much longer than I really had time for, especially give RL constraints. Like so many of my DD fics, this one is a little outside my usual box. I hope you enjoy! <3

Title: Switch
Characters/Pairings: James Sirius/Teddy, Harry/Draco, Draco & James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Flogging & Rushed Sex (sort of)
Other Warnings/Content: established relationships, multiple POV, non-sexual kink, D/s dynamics, BDSM, Sub!James, Dom!Draco, flogging, sort of exhibitionism & voyeurism, sub-space, aftercare, anal sex, bottom!James, blow jobs, face-fucking, praise!kink, hand jobs
Word Count: ~7,450
Summary/Description: James's boyfriend won't hit him, and Draco's boyfriend doesn't want to be hit. James thinks there's a pretty obvious solution to these problems, he just has to get everybody else on board.
Author's Notes: This has been living in my folder of vague plot-bunnies for literal years, so I jumped at the Flogging theme. Unfortunately, it ended up wanting to be a lot longer than time really allowed, so it was a bit of a cram trying to fit it in under the deadline. Sort of an unusual fic, I think, but that's why DD is so great! :D

Thanks to lauren3210 for the speedy beta, especially since the scenario here isn't really your cup of tea. You are wonderful! <3

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please feel free to comment here or there.

kink: whipping/strapping/flogging, my fanfic, kink: praise!kink, fandom: harry potter, pairing: draco/harry, kink: blow jobs, kink: anal sex, kink: exhibitionism, pairing: james sirius/teddy, kink: voyeurism, sub!james sirius, kink: d/s dynamics, bottom!james, established relationship, rating: nc-17, kink: face-fucking, kink: bdsm, comm: daily_deviant, dom!draco

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