Signups are OPEN for H/D LDWS!

Jun 30, 2017 18:52

Signups are open over at Slythindor's annual H/D Last Drabble Writer Standing (LDWS) contest, and you all should definitely consider signing up. It's an elimination fest, but you only have to do a drabble a week, and everybody seems to really have fun with things, which definitely takes the pressure off. I'm actually a little bummed, because I was hoping to be able to sign up this year, but with RL obligations, I don't think I'll have much writing time over the next two months. But I totally encourage all you lovely people to sign up so I can live vicariously through you! <3

art used with artist permission - art by

This entry was originally posted here on Dreamwidth. Please feel free to comment here or there.

fest: slythindor ldws, promote

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