Double Drabble: Deathday Party (Draco/Harry, PG)

Nov 08, 2016 10:00

This year was my first time participating in hp-halloween's double drabble exchange, and it was a lot of fun! There are always so many cool drabbles with some fantastic variety! Plus, it's an exchange, which means a gift! The lovely torino10154 wrote me this amazing James/Teddy drabble that totally made me smile!

For my part, I wrote writcraft this little number. I wasn't entirely pleased with it--drabbling is so hard--but I'm definitely glad I played along. :)

Title: Deathday Party
Author: gracerene
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Word Count: 200
Content: Established relationship, professor!harry, professor!draco
Summary: The dangers of making out in Hogwarts corridors.
Author Notes: I had the darndest time with this one for some reason, but I hope you enjoy, Writ! <3 Thanks to capitu for the beta!

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no repost, my fanfic, trope: halloween!fic, fandom: harry potter, established relationship, fest: hp_halloween, pairing: draco/harry, rating: pg, profession: teachers and professors

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