Harry Potter Cross-Gen Recs

Jan 15, 2014 09:12

These are all of my Harry Potter recs where the people in the pairings are from different generations. Hopefully the cut tags are pretty self explanatory! :)

♥ = favorite

updated July 22, 2017

[Harry Potter/Sirius Black]Harry Potter/Sirius Black

Title: Unbound
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing: Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,300
Warnings/Content: AU: Sirius lives, established relationship, marriage!fic, bottom!harry, bondage, sex toys, blindfolds
Summary: Sirius is standing there, and the witch is going on about a year and a day and all that and slipping the cool silk between her hands, but he's screwed, because all he can think about is other things an industrious bloke can do with ties.
Fabulously sexy fic with a really wonderfully real and tender relationship between Sirius and Harry. I love the way glimpses of their wedding day are cut with glimpses from their wedding night. :)

Title: Hush
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing(s): Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,334
Content/Notes: established relationship, secret relationship, underage, dirty talk, light praise!kink, hp-kinkfest 2015
Summary: The thing Harry likes most about blowing Sirius isn't the taste; it's the things that Sirius says.
Super hot fic, with a Harry who is gagging for it and a deliciously dirty talking Sirius.

Title: Break the Clock
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing: Sirius/Harry
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 1,442
Content/Warnings: underage sex, clothed sex, underaged drinking, desk!sex, hprarefest 2015
Summary: Grimmauld Place is slowly killing Sirius, and Harry knows it. He also knows just how to fight it.
Gorgeous fic that takes place during OotP and beautifully shows Sirius and Harry's simmering anger over their situations, and how that really brings them together.

Title: Firewhiskey
Author: faithwood
Pairing: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Words: 1,600
Warnings: underage
Summary: Harry finds Sirius in the kitchen.
God this was so hot and the characterizations were so spot on for both Harry and Sirius.

Title: Flying in Place
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing: Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,623
Warnings/Content: underage, face-fucking, blow job friday 2015
Summary: Once they'd all gone, Harry turned and leaned against the countertop. Sirius stared at him from his seat at the table, long legs stretched out. They both listened to the others' voices retreating, their footsteps going slowly up the stairs.
Super hot PWP set during OotP. Loved the connection between Harry and Sirius that shines through.

Title: Cigarette in My Bed
Author: torino10154
Pairings: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,930
Warnings: Capnolagnia: arousal from watching others smoke (i.e. smoking fetish), chan, masturbation, voyeurism, first time, bottom!harry
Summary: Harry had no idea what was wrong with him, but he couldn't stop watching Sirius.
Hot and gorgeously written. Harry's smoking fetish really permeates the fic.

Title: Wild Men
Author: traintracks
Pairings: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: chan (14), cross-gen, godfather/godson, uncircumcised penises
Word Count: ~2,380
Summary: Harry watches Sirius strip off his putrid rags by the side of the clear pool. "God..." Sirius sighs, scratching his chest, turning his bare white arse to Harry. But not before Harry gets an eyeful of the other.
Jesus this was hot. Harry's inexperience and desire were so well written and Sirius' guilty reluctance and how touch-starved he was from Azkaban come through beautifully.

Title: Daddy
Author: graceland428
Pairings: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: chan, role-play (pseudo-incest), daddy!kink
Word Count: ~2,500
Summary:The first time it happens Sirius chooses to ignore it, chalking it up to orgasm-induced incoherency. So what if Harry arches up and breathes "Daddy" when he comes? He probably doesn't even know what he's saying.
Super hot! I love this kink with this pairing.

Title: Summer of Eden and sequel Between Breaths
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing(s): Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,782 and 665
Content/Notes: first time, bottom!harry, underage, light bondage, light breathplay, hprarefest 2014
Summary: He knew Harry was growing up. That was the whole point of him being up here - to get to know the person Harry was becoming - but it was one thing to know it and another thing entirely to actually see it and feel himself respond. Sirius only meant to spend some bonding time with his godson away from the prying eyes of the Order, but Harry is beyond tempting and Sirius has never been very good at saying no.
A really amazing fic with a really fantastic characterization of Sirius and some crazy ridiculous hot sex. And the sequel is just gorgeous. I just adore Sirius in these.

♥ Title: Sins of the Father and Only Forgiven
Author: xylodemon and happiestwhen
Pairing: Harry/Sirius, implied James/Sirius and Hermione/Ron
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2,787
Warnings: cross-dressing, dirty talk, dub-con, underage, bottom!harry, first time
Summary: In which Sirius finds Harry in an interesting situation and promptly takes advantage. // Sins cannot be undone, only forgiven. - Igor Stravinsky
These fics have everything I love about this pairing. The angst and the guilt and knowing it shouldn't happen, but not being able to stop. Sirius missing his dead best friend and lover and seeing James in Harry and letting that dictate his actions. Sirius knowing it's wrong but not quite caring enough to stop. And all the guilty feels and Harry's inexperience and confusion make everything so much hotter!

♥Title: These Walls Were Built to Fall
Author: xylodemon
Pairing: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC17
Words: ~3,200
Warnings: underage, bottom!harry, first time
Summary: Harry is James' son and twenty years too young, and Sirius could build a brand new house with the cold wreckage from all his bad decisions and ruined relationships.
I think this is the first Sirry fic I ever read and boy did it turn me onto them so hard. So freaking hot with the guilt and the forbiddenness and the inability to stop. It fits so perfectly into canon and OMG the ending is so perfect and melancholy, especially considering what happens next for Sirius in the books.

Title: Keeping Secrets
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing(s): Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,255
Content/Warnings: Underage (Harry is 15), rough sex, shower!sex, dirty talk, bottom!harry, hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Harry knows that it’s wrong, sneaking around with Sirius like this. He knows that they both know it’s wrong. What he doesn’t know is why Sirius started it when he can barely look Harry in the eye afterwards.
Such a beautifully sexy fic with that perfect blend of guilt and angst I love so much with this pairing. Super hot, and I loved the hopeful note it end on.

Title: Slip Free of My Grasp
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing: Sirius/Harry (past, non-explicit Harry/Ginny)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,450
Warnings/Content: AU: Sirius lives, cross-gen (40/19), public!sex, bottom!harry, rimming, table!sex, first person POV
Summary: I don't want to be bad for him. I want to do bad things and still be, somehow, inexplicably, good.
I'm so picky with first person POV, but it works so well here. Sirius' voice is perfect in this, with that fantastic balance of guilt, and Harry obsession, and just not giving a fuck about being an upstanding gentleman. Loved seductive Harry and the sex was seriously hot like burning.

Title: Drunk Love Baby
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing(s): Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,531
Content/Notes: first time, bottom!harry, underage, drunk!sex, underage drinking, mind altering substance: alcohol, dirty talk, daddy!kink, praise!kink, light dub-con
Summary: Harry wants Sirius to be happy, and he's willing to do anything to make him that way. Sirius is both a bad influence and an irresponsible adult, and Firewhiskey never stops things from getting out of hand.
JFC this fic is hot like burning! SO many delicious kinks in this one and a fabulous dynamic between Harry and Sirius. I sort of think this pairing was made for daddy!kink to be honest, and combined with the slight blurred edge of inebriation, the whole thing is just blazing hot.

Title: Just One More Secret
Author: marguerite_26
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Harry/Sirius
Word Count: 4,000
Warnings: age disparity, underage (Harry’s 15), sentient bestiality, xenophilia, hp-kinkfest 2012
Summary: A dog can be a lonely young boy’s best friend.
Bestiality is really not my kink, but it just works here, the psychology behind both Harry and Sirius' actions is so real.

Title: Good Boy (locked on comm)
Author: contrariwise
Pairings: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,114
Warnings: AU, chan, dub-con, rimming, felching, light xenophilia
Summary: Good boys get their sweets.
This is not quite dark, but definitely a bit more filthybadwrong than most of the Sirius/Harry I read. This takes place during GoF, and has a Sirius that definitely doesn't really understand boundaries. I loved this sort of twisted take on Harry and Sirius's relationship, and the whole thing is dirty hot.

Title: With Worldly Hands
Author: anise_anise
Pairing: Harry/Sirius
Rating: NC17
Word count: 4,531
Warnings: chan, dub-con, rimming, felching, merry smutmas 2005
Summary: “Would you so soon put out, with worldly hands, the light I give?”
This was exactly how I like this pairing. Harry's young and innocent, Sirius is guilty and fucked up, and they're both a little love starved. Dirty, guilty, hot sex ensues.=

Title: Right Now and So Strong
Author: traintracks
Pairing: Harry/Sirius, Hermione/Ron
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 4,540
Warnings: AU: Sirius lives, godfather/godson, cross-gen (39/18), mentions of major canon character deaths, sirius-black fest 2013, bottom!harry
Summary: AU Sirius lives. After the war Harry moves in with Sirius and they both have nightmares and comfort each other. One thing leads to another…
I always imagine Harry having a lot of nightmares after the war, and this fic handled that idea wonderfully. I thought the angst Sirius felt about Azkaban and all the people he lost and his "inappropriate" feelings for Harry were really well handled. And then he just loses it and gives in and it's so hot.

Title: Just Breathe
Author: g_bowneyes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Sirius
Warnings: major character death (canon death), chan, first time, bottom!harry
Word Count: 8,012
Notes: hp-kinkfest 2013
Summary: “You’re not evil,” Sirius whispered into his ear. “You’re the kindest person I’ve ever met, with the most heart. You’re the exact opposite of evil,” Sirius said, arms still wrapped tightly around him. “I promise you.”
Really wonderful fic that fits perfectly right into OotP canon. I loved this vulnerable Harry, and the connection between Harry and Sirius, how much they love and care for one another, comes across so beautifully. The sex is hot and meaningful and the ending is lovely and heartbreaking. (it is canon-compliant afterall)

♥Title: Steam Heat
Author: dementordelta & swtalmnd
Pairing: Harry/Sirius
Length: 8,500 words
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: rimming, chan, PWP, first time, bottom!harry, size kink
Summary: Harry goes to get some godfatherly advice about asking girls to the Yule Ball his fourth year, and finds Sirius otherwise occupied in his cave.
This is so hot and the timing of it all makes it fit right into canon.

[Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape]Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape

Title: It's Never Too Late to Start
Author: torino10154
Pairings: Severus/Draco, past Draco/Astoria
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 1,068
Content/Warnings: Mention of past character death, implied bottom!draco, snaco-soiree 2015
Summary: If there is one thing Slytherins are good at, it's waiting.
Wonderful fic with Draco and Severus getting together much later in life after Draco has married Astoria and raised his son. I liked the different dynamics here with an older, more mature Draco, since so many of the usual Snaco fics take place when Draco is in school or just out. Hot and sweet with some lovely emotion thrown in.

Title: The Lesser Machine of Sol
Author: tzi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Draco/Severus
Word Count: 1,487
Warning(s): bottom!draco, sex toys, established relationship
Summary: He was aware of many sorts of magic machines, and the one currently situated in their drawing room was not one of them.
God, sex machines are a new kink of mine and I honestly haven't seen it much in slash fics, which is too bad because this was so hot!

Title: Marathon
Author: blithelybonny
Pairing: Draco/Severus
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,500
Content/Warnings: D/s dynamics, hurt/comfort, light bondage, suicidal thoughts, teacher/student relationship, hp-crossgenfest 2015, *my prompt
Summary: Draco runs because Severus tells him to run.
This fic is lovely. Gorgeously written with a seriously fabulous Draco.

Title: Fantasy
Author: gypsyflame
Pairing: Draco/Severus, background Ginny/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,600
Warnings: Consensually-roleplayed rape, role play, cross-dressing, rape fantasy, established relationship, bottom!draco, hp-kinkfest 2011
Summary: Draco is hesitant to tell Severus his secret fantasy.
I really like how Draco's rape fantasy was handed in this fic and how understanding they both were of one another's kinks. Their relationship is in this fic is really lovely.

Title: Wild Bells
Author: catrinella
Pairing: Draco/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,040
Warnings: bottom!draco, merry smutmas 2007
Summary: Draco gets the shock of his life, but he's happy about it.
Lovely, quick fic that takes place after DH. Hot sex and lovely feels.

Title: Water Shadows
Author: femmequixotic
Pairing: Draco/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,876
Notes: bottom!draco
Summary: Draco wants a bath. Badly.
Love fics with this pairing that explore what could have happened after the end of HBP. This was sexy and I loved the characterizations.

*NEW: 7/22*
Title: Here I Am, Again.
Author: snax0
Pairing: Draco/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,080
Content/Warnings: bottom!draco, hprarefest 2017
Summary: Five years after the war, Draco returns to England to work for Severus Snape. He expects an interesting job opportunity, but what he gets is a new nightshirt and a rekindled childhood crush.
This fic was so wonderful! Draco and Severus are beautifully characterized here, and I really loved the way the author portrayed their relationship. It was very clear that Draco had grown and matured, and it was wonderful seeing them connect as equals. Lovely read.

Title: Habitué
Author: anise_anise
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Draco/Severus, Remus/Sirius
Word Count: 8,510
Warning(s): bottom!draco
Summary: Draco’s frequent visits to his former Head of House are raising eyebrows amongst the Hogwarts staff.
This was not a pairing I EVER thought I would get into, but OMG this fic is awesome! I love sneaky, manipulative Lupin and Draco was so perfect in his attempt to get Severus to notice him. And some really hot sex!

Title: Calan Mai
Author: femmequixotic
Pairing: Draco/Severus, past Harry/Draco, background Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,045
Content/Warnings: auror!draco, car!sex, hds-beltane 2013
Summary: When Harry Potter finds a puzzling case photo, Draco must go to Wales to investigate.
Really lovely fic with Draco having been in love with Severus since Hogwarts, and then finding out that he's alive. I loved Draco's POV and the depth of his emotion for Severus was wonderfully real. Their chemistry was palpable, and the ending was lovely and satisfying.

♥ Title: Little Stone
Author: tzi and zaganthi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Draco/Severus
Word Count: 17,285
Warning(s): bottom!draco, teacher/student relationship, underage
Summary: Thievery proves to be a bane for Draco.
This was so fantastic! Such an interesting concept with the stone and holy GOD the sex is ridiculously hot!

♥ Title: Thursday Nights
Author: gypsyflame
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Draco/Severus, past Blaise/Draco
Word Count: ~19,000
Warning(s): bottom!draco, teacher/student relationship, D/s, dub-con, threats of rape, blindfolds, bondage, bonding!fic, dirty talk, spanking
Summary: When Amycus Carrow threatens him, Draco turns to Snape for protection. That choice leads him down a path he’d never thought he’d travel.
This fic was so unbelievably amazing. It works perfectly with DH and I love the little glimpse we get into the Slytherins and Hogwarts during the war. And god, the sex was unbelievably hot with a fantastic submissive Draco and some of my favorite associated D/s kinks! And the ending is perfection.

Title: Riddles and Rhymes
Author: bewarethesmirk
Pairing: Draco/Severus, mention of past Blaise/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~22,000
Warning(s): Set between HBP and DH, underage (Draco is 17), D/s, dirty talk, exhibitionism, spanking, light dub-con, bottom!draco, hp-cross-fest 2008
Summary: Draco would have to be an idiot of Potteresque proportions not to understand what had just happened, and he was not that much of an idiot. Still, he didn't know to what extent Snape would have to take this. To what extent they would take this.
So many of my kinks in this fic (dirty talk like whoa!) and some great interactions between Draco and Snape. Love how you can see the lines between acting for the Dark Lord and personal feelings get blurred. And a fantastically touching and bittersweet ending.

Title: Sparking Like The Perfect Match
Author: lokifan
Pairing: Severus/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~32,000
Content/Warnings: dub-con, D/s dynamics, spanking, flogging, first time, sex toys, switching, bottom!draco, bottom!severus, orgasm control, teacher/student, sex magic, hds-beltane 2015
Summary: After Potter’s escape, Draco and his family need protection from someone the Dark Lord likes. Headmaster Snape gives it for a price: Draco’s cooperation in an unexplained Beltane ritual.
Such a gorgeous, sexy fic! the author does such a brilliant job showing us Draco's position after Potter escapes from Malfoy Manor, and the development of his feelings and relationship with Severus in the aftermath is wonderful. Draco here -- his feelings about Voldemort and the war, his terror for himself and his family and his diminished position amongst his peers, his desperation to do whatever it takes to stay afloat -- is just perfection. I also loved this Severus, who clearly cares for Draco, but is still willing to do what is necessary to see his true allegiances through. The whole thing is brilliant, and the sex is seriously hot.

[Maurader Era/Trio Era Slash]Marauder's Era/Trio Era

Title: Unto an Evil Counsellor
Author: anise-anise
Pairing(s): Draco/James, James/Lily
Word Count: 1,149
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: AU, teacher/student relationship, desk!sex, bottom!draco, infidelity, underage
Summary: James gives into temptation and the consequences are disastrous.
Very rare pairing and such a good read! Love all the angsty, guilty, dirtywrong sex, and the ending is perfect.

Title: A Muddy Pair of Trainers
Author: lightgetsin
Pairing(s): Harry/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,186
Content/Warnings: established relationship, bottom!harry, marriage!fic
Summary: They were committed now, and had been for a long time, and Remus found it impossible to feel anything but joy that there was still more they could be. He wanted more.
Really sexy and sweet snapshot of Remus and Harry's life together.

Title: I Like Big Cocks and I Cannot Lie
Author: eeyore9990
Pairing(s): Harry/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~2,250
Content/Warnings: AU: Snape Lives, professor!harry, sex toys, rough sex, bottom!harry
Summary: When Snape's clothing disappears, Harry gets more than an eyeful. He really likes what he sees.
Super hot fic with hung!Severus giving harry the fucking of his life.

Title: Control Issues
Author: anise-anise
Pairing(s): Harry/Remus
Word Count: 2,414
Rating: NC-17
Content/Notes: AU, established relationship, light D/s, rimming, bottom!harry
Summary: Remus takes charge.
I love a more submissive Harry and this was crazy hot. I mean the rimming alone...

Title: Blowing Off Steam
Author: Llaeyro
Pairing: Sirius/Charlie, mention of Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,500
Warnings/Content: AU: Sirius Lives, spanking, light D/s, bottom!Charlie, club!fic, implied switching, dirty talk, rough sex, hprare-cliche 2016
Summary: Sirius goes out on the pull.
Super fun and dirty fic with Charlie and Sirius running into each other at a club and sparks flying!

Title: When Most He Plays the Devil
Author: nimori
Pairing: Harry/James
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, chan, parent/child incest, dub-con
Word Count: 2,813
Summary: Harry is sick, so his father James takes care of him
God this is so dirtyhot and fantastic!

Title: A Perfect Fit
Author: anise-anise
Pairing(s): Harry/Remus
Word Count: 2,885
Rating: NC-17
Content/Notes: AU, established relationship, first time, rimming, bottom!harry
Summary: An afternoon of moving furniture and a nice soft sofa.
Oh this fic is just crazy freaking hot! I love Remus and Harry's relationship here, how much love there is. Harry deciding that he's finally ready to have sex, and the very enthusiastic deflowering that follows, is wonderfully sexy.

Title: Howl When We’re Apart
Author: leontinabowie
Pairing(s): Harry/Remus
Word Count: 3,200
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): dub-con, sex, rimming, AU, creature!fic, hprarefest 2013, werewolf!harry, bottom!harry, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics
Summary: Harry is bitten by a crazed werewolf, and turns to Remus for support. Harry learns to cope, but the Blue Moon does strange things to werewolves.
I normally really don't like the idea of Remus with Harry, but I have a bit of a werewolf kink, especially with Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics and this was just super hot.

Title: Sirius Black and The Blasted Moral Dilemma
Author: dracogotgame
Pairing: Sirius/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,500
Content/Warnings: Sirius Lives AU, glasses!draco, bottom!draco, sirius black's birthday extravaganza 2015
Summary: Sirius has the hots for his young cousin and he's going mental.
I have a major soft spot for this pairing and there is not nearly enough of it out there, IMO. This fic does a brilliant job showing some of what I love about this pairing, with a turned-on Sirius trying to be good and resist, and Draco as his bloody sexy assistant who is determined to drive him to distraction. Super hot and super fun.

♥ Title: One Night in London
Author: entrenous88
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Charlie/Sirius
Word Count: 3,689
Warning(s): light D/s, spanking, dirty talk, hp-crossgen-fest 2008
Summary: Charlie has a delivery to make to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.
Dirty talk is a big kink of mine and oh my god, the dirty talk in this fic is mind-meltingly hot. *fans self*

Title: Patriarch
Author: lokifan
Pairings: Draco/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,700
Content/Warnings: Sirius Lives AU, spanking, dub-con, bottom!draco, hp-kinkfest 2017
Summary: Sirius is the head of the family and he's going to prove it.
Super hot and a loved the tension between Draco and Sirius here. Both of them feel very raw and real and in-character.

Title: In the Bones
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: Remus/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,833
Content/Warnings: come play, rough sex, biting, rimming, bottom!draco, werewolf!draco, creature!fic, table!sex, hp-crossgenfest 2014
Summary: Remus can't help what he wants; the pull of the moon makes his entire body ache with desire. He won't give in though. He won’t let himself take Draco to that place.
This fic is just amazing and crazy fucking hot. Draco and Remus are really wonderfully captured and the way the werewolf traits/aspects are described how that part of them influences Draco and Remus is really fantastic.

♥ Title: Only One Word
Author: entrenous88
Pairing: Draco/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 7,970
Warning(s): daddy!kink, bottom!draco, daily-deviant kinky kristmas 2010
Summary: Remus worries far too much what Draco thinks of the differences between them, until he discovers what Draco truly thinks.
This author has introduced me to so many rare pairings, it's crazy! This is not a pairing that really makes sense to me, but it totally works when you read the fic. The characterizations are pretty great, the sex is super hot, and I love the light way the daddy!kink is addressed/introduced.

Title: Here For You
Author: mindabbles
Pairing(s): Harry/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,500
Content/Warnings: rimming, first time, bottom!remus, *my prompt, hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Remus needs him. Teddy needs him. That’s why he’s still here - he’s not lying to himself, he just needs a place where he can sleep.
Oh, this was so great! I loved Harry here, watching him deal with the aftermath of the war and grow closer to Remus. Their relationship development was so lovely, and seeing the family they created together was really wonderful.

Title: Breath of Life
Author/Artist: writcraft
Pairing(s): Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~14,300
Content/Warnings: spanking, caning, belting, Professor/student role play and related corporal punishment, hand jobs, minimal suggestion of self-harm, dub-con (sort of), anal sex, fingering, blow jobs, bottom!harry, shower!sex
Summary: After the final battle, Severus Snape takes the opportunity to create a new persona and leave his past behind. For five years Sebastian Prince - former Durmstrang professor, potions consultant and erstwhile disciplinarian - enjoys relative anonymity, until an owl from Harry Potter arrives at Sebastian’s home bearing an unusual request. Severus introduces Harry to the delights of corporal punishment but it isn’t long before old tensions resurface and Severus struggles to keep his true identity hidden, ignoring conflicting emotions which are anything but professional.
Fabulous read! I don't read a ton of Snarry, and when I do, I need it to really sell me, which is exactly what this fic did. Harry's warmth and strength is captured so well, and I loved seeing him through Severus's eyes. Both of their characterizations were brilliant, and Severus's sort of self-loathing was particularly well-handled. And, of course, I'm always a big fan of corporal punishment and role play, and the whole thing was just super steamy. :D

Title: Midst of Life
Author: anise_anise
Pairing: Draco/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,417
Notes: first time, bottom!draco
Summary: Remus offers Draco shelter during the war. Harry isn't pleased.
This was an interesting and well-written fic with an more broken Draco and an understanding, protective Remus. I loved the development of their relationship and their characterizations. This fic does feature a pretty petulant, dickish Harry, which is not really my thing, but he gets better and isn't in it too much.

Title: The Fields of St. Herve
Author: arsenicjade
Pairing: Draco/Remus, Hermione/Milicent, Harry/Gabrielle
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~33,000
Warning(s): AU after HBP, creature!fic, werewolf!draco, first time, bottom!remus
Summary: Draco's a bit down on his luck.
This is a seriously wonderful fic. It's a very slow-build relationship-wise (Remus doesn't even physically appear in the story until about 12,000 words in) but it has a lot of great characterizations and it is about so much more than the (lovely) Remus/Draco romance. The Harry/Draco friendship was fantastic and Draco's development before and throughout the fic is just really great to watch.

[Draco/Albus Severus]Draco/Albus Severus

Title: Bloody Potters
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing(s): Draco/Albus Severus, Harry/Draco UST
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,015
Content/Notes: semi public!sex, outdoor!sex, implied past teacher/student relationship, face-fucking, anywhere but the bed comment fest 2014
Summary: If you can't beat 'em...let one suck you off behind a hedge.
Loved Albus in this, so playful and mischievous and sexy. Poor Draco never stood a chance! And then the background H/D feels! It's so hard to pull that off without getting bogged down in angstyness IMO, and I loved how light this was! Super fun and just crazy hot!

Title: The Shadow of a Malfoy
Author: _melodic_
Pairing: Albus Severus/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,150
Warnings/Content: first person pov, fuck buddies, bottom!albus
Summary: Albus knows these late night encounters with Draco don’t really mean anything, yet they always seem to leave the most painful scars.
Ooo, this was a wonderful bit of smut! There was a glorious thread of angst throughout, and some really lovely insights into Albus's head that both complimented the gloriously filthy encounter perfectly!

Title: Magic and Light
Author: tryslora
Pairings: Draco/Albus Severus, implied Draco/Harry, implied background Harry/Ginny
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,156
Content/Warnings: first time, rimming, dream!sex, bottom!albus, semi-public!sex
Summary: James says the holodeck will fill any fantasy Albus has, which would be perfect, if Albus could control the programming of the holodeck. Instead, he falls headlong into one of the programs his father left behind.
Oh my god, this is so great and such an interesting premise! Albus is adorable and I love how he confident he becomes the more he interacts with Draco. The H/D hints are a bit heartbreaking, but really added such a beautiful edge to things. And the sex! *fans self* So fantastic! :D

Title: Fit
Author: birdsofshore
Pairing: Draco/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,553
Warnings/Content: semi-public sex, first person POV, wand-in-a-knot 2016
Summary: Draco needs a new suit. Albus is keen to assist in any way possible.
This is super sexy fun! Albus's voice is great as a flustered shop assistant picking out a delicious suit for Draco to wear. Really lovely tension and bonus blow job! :D

Title: Observing the Proprieties
Author: birdsofshore
Pairing: Albus Severus/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~7,000
Content/Warnings: teacher/student, some dub-con, professor!draco, some praise!kink, voyeurism, exhibitionism, hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Professor Malfoy is determined to teach his students to follow his instructions to the letter. The problem is that Albus enjoys detention just a little too much.
Lovely, steamy fun! Draco was the perfect blend of wicked and redeemed, and Albus was adorable in all his nervous arousal. Their voices were fabulous, and the whole thing was deliciously hot, despite the fact that they don't touch.

Title: Bridge Series (2 Fics)
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing(s): Draco/Albus Severus (44/18), past Harry/Draco with current UST, past Harry/Ginny, brief Albus/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Content/Warnings: public nudity and sexual situations, rough sex, dancing in a cage, dub-con, spanking, rimming, bottom!albus, implied switching, first person POV, boss/employee relationship, dm-asp-fest 2014
Word Count: 7,305
Summary: He can't help his green eyes, fit arse, and lazy smile. So what that having that smile directed at me is my fucking wet dream?
This fic just gave me ALL THE FEELINGS! Al and Draco were so lovely, and had such a hot and sweet and genuine connection here. A connection with some crazy hot sex, with the mirror!sex, and the intergluteal, and the riding. And the H/D bits just killed me, especially with the ending, which is fabulous.

Title: Once Upon a Time Series (2 Fics) & companion art Cheering Up
Author/Artist: shiftylinguini
Pairing: Draco/Albus Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,278
Content/Warnings: AU: Magical, AU: Fairy Tale, light dub-con, light breathplay, rough sex, some dirty talk, cross-dressing, bottom!albus, light D/s, rimming, spanking, desk!sex
Summary: Princess Albus is lonely in his tower, and Master Malfoy is a stern and harsh keeper, except when he isn't.
Oh my goodness, this is so much sexy, ridiculous fun! Albus as a slightly bratty and manipulative pretty tower princess and Draco as his domineering master who loves to spoil him rotten is just the best. Fun and hot and it totally put a smile on my face. :D Oo and the prequel fic is fantastic! We get some more background about how Albus came to be in Draco's tower, and their first steamy sexual encounter!

Title: Best Laid Plans
Author: _melodic_
Pairing: Draco/Albus Severus, background James Sirius/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~12,100
Content/Warnings: bottom!albus, outdoor!sex, hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Albus has heard, for years, how terrible the Malfoys are and the damage Draco Malfoy has done to his family. When he decides to take matters into his own hands, and find a way to exact revenge on Draco, he doesn’t expect the feelings and desire that unexpectedly bloom and threaten to overcome him.
Ooo, this is such a wonderful fic! It was great seeing Albus's anger towards Draco, and then watching those feelings evolve and change the more he actually gets to know him made for such a lovely journey. The side characters here were also really awesome, and there were so many little details that made this story feel so very real. I very much enjoyed seeing Draco and Albus's relationship grow and evolve, and eventually come together in some gloriously hot sex. Lovely read. :D

Title: Euphoria Series (2 Fics)
Author: birdsofshore
Pairing: Draco/Albus Severus, Albus Severus/Scorpius, Draco/Albus Severus/Scorpius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~37,500 total
Content/Warnings: dub-con, sex under the influence of alcohol and potions, voyeurism, threesome, infidelity kink, orgasm delay, light D/s, bottom!albus, hp-crossgenfest 2015, *for me
Summary: A fire is prickling in the pit of my belly. I feel a little like I'm watching this happening to someone else. Al's sitting there, reeking of another man's sweat and come. He looks miserable and anxious... but also well-fucked. I look at his mussed hair, his bitten lips. I've never wanted him more.
Oh this is such a dirty, sexy, glorious bit of fanfic! The sex is really freaking hot, and I adore the characterizations here. I thought Scorpius's arousal and jealousy and struggle with the infidelity kink was especially fantastic. I also really liked how the author handled the Scorpius/Draco aspect of the triangle, and for those of you who aren't a big fan of incest in fic, that's definitely *not* the focus of this piece- Albus is very much the center of attention. :D Oh god, and the sequel was written for me by the glorious Birds and it is such a fabulous, smutty update. Love the increased intensity in this one, and the sex is seriously to die for.

♥ Title: Unguarded Series (5 Fics)
Author: birdsofshore
Pairing(s): Draco/Albus Severus (age 43/17), background Harry/Ginny, past Draco/Astoria
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~38,834 total
Content/Warnings: powerplay, talk of cutting with a razor, first time, light D/s, rimming, dirty talk, bottom!albus, first person POV, shaving!kink, dm-asp-fest 2014, sex toys, semi-public!sex
Summary: Staying with Scorpius for the first time proves to be more eventful than Albus expected, right from the moment when he walks in on Mr Malfoy shaving.
This fic is freaking perfection, and I am not just saying that because it was written for my prompt! Draco and Albus are perfectly characterized here, with innocent and eager Albus and seductive, morally grey Draco. The sexual tension is unbelievable and the shaving scenes are perfectly incorporated throughout to ratchet up the tension. And then the sex. Which is just mind-meltingly hot. Seriously. Go read this fic, it's AMAZING! And the sequels! The sequels are so, so good! Really fabulous development of the characters and their connection.

[Trio Era/Next Gen Slash]Trio Era/Next Gen

Title: Untitled
Author: leashy-bebes
Pairing(s): Charlie/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,250
Content/Notes: wall!sex, rough sex, bottom!teddy, rimming, felching
Summary: Charlie teaches Teddy something new.
Holy fuck was this hot! Loved the rough wall!sex and the felching was a super sexy touch.

Title: Albus Severus, Unplugged
Author: queenie_mab
Pairing: Albus Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: parent/child incest, mild dub-con
Word Count: 1,468
Summary: Of all his children, Albus Severus is the one that Harry has a hard time with.
I have a thing for Pottercest fics, and this one is short, sweet and sweet and super hot. Al gets a butt-plug stuck and, of course, needs Harry's help getting it out. Harry's conflicting emotions over helping out his son and getting aroused by the sight are well-written and the whole thing situation is a little ridiculous and pretty freaking sexy. Plus, you kind of get a hint of a sneaky, manipulative Slytherin Al at the end.

Title: Making an Entrance
Author: lumosed-quill
Pairings: Draco/Harry/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~1,550
Warnings: established relationship, dirty talk, threesome, m/m/m, bottom!teddy, spitroasting, sofa!sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism
Summary: Just a little threesome PWP sofa action. See the author's notes for more.
Just some super hot threesome sexy times! Loved the little glimpses into their relationship, and the whole thing is sexy and fun. This fic was inspired by/is a continuation of the drabble Making Out by sdkshelly, which you don't have to read for this to make sense, but I super recommend it.

Title: Disheveled
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: Draco/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1,975
Content/Warnings: established relationship, rimming, dirty talk, mention of bondage, bottom!teddy
Summary: Draco looks far to neat.
This fic was smoking hot. Rimming and dirty talk and a light, almost playful tone. Pretty much exactly how I picture their relationship.

Title: Villa Zabini
Author: cabinetcaligari
Pairing: Blaise Zabini/ Albus Severus Potter
Rating: R
Word Count: ~2,100
Content/Warnings: non-linear timeline/narrative, first times, first person POV, switching, bottom!albus, bottom!blaise, hp-nextgen-fest 2016
Summary: Scorpius and Albus travel through Italy to celebrate leaving Hogwarts. They visit the Malfoy’s family friend, Blaise Zabini. However, when Scorpius leaves after only a day, Albus stays behind.
Definitely a more unusual pairing, but it's so, so good! The writing here is just so lush and gorgeous, and the descriptions make me desperate to go to Italy! The connection between Blaise and Albus is so beautifully developed, and the ending, while bittersweet, is perfect for them.

Title: In the Shadows of the Mind
Author: torino10154
Pairing: Harry/James Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,550
Content/Warnings: Parent/child incest, first time, bottom!james, hp-crossgenfest 2014
Summary: James isn't so sure about going on a father and son Muggle-style camping trip but it turns out to be just what they both need.
Another one of my guilty pleasure pairings that there isn't nearly enough fic of! This was perfectly written and blazing hot. Exactly what I love for them!

Title: Right Into My Hands
Author: starstruck1986
Pairing(s): Ron Weasley/Teddy Lupin, past Hermione/Ron
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,927
Content/Warnings: hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Harry has played right into his hands, and Teddy is thrilled - while Ron is just bemused that he’s at the heart of it all.
This fic is lovely! So sweet and charming, with a really great post-divorce Ron who's funny and a little self-deprecating. I loved his reaction to PYT Teddy having a crush on him, and the ending was great. Easily could have read a lot more of these two together!

Title: Three Series (2 Fics)
Author: sdkshelly
Pairings: Draco/Teddy, Draco/Harry/Teddy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,496
Warnings: agrexophilia (arousal from knowing one might be overheard), ecouterism (arousal from hearing/listening to others engaged in sexual activities), dirty talk, threesome, m/m/m, bottom!teddy
Summary: Draco's never one to miss an opportunity.
These two ficlets are quick and dirty! I loved the established Draco/Teddy, and the little flashes of both of them wanting Harry. I love how devious Draco is in trying to get Teddy off loud enough for Harry to hear in the next room. The second fic takes place immediately after the first and is even sexier. There is spit-roasting. Do you need any more incentive than that? :D

Title: Starfucker
Author: gryffindorj
Pairing: James Sirius Potter/Oliver Wood
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~5,000
Content/Warnings: table!sex, rimming, hung!Oliver, bottom!james
Summary: "Big" is the word that comes to mind when James thinks about Oliver.
JFC this is just beyond hot. Oliver here is sexy as hell and I just adored the chemistry and interactions between him and James.

Title: Careful Where You Point It
Author: lumosed_quill
Pairing: Scorpius/(Harry)
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: ~6,800
Content/Warnings: fantasy, wanking, hp-crossgenfest 2015
Summary: Scorpius is having a little problem - when it comes to his big crush on Harry Potter.
Harry/Scorpius is not a pairing I usually go for (in fact, it's a pairing that I have a very difficult time getting into) but I really loved this take. There was something so wonderfully believable about Scorpius's crush, the nervousness and arousal and fluttery feelings whenever he was around his handsome professor. I really adored seeing Harry through Scorpius's eyes, and I thought that Harry was really perfectly characterized. He was kind and supportive and didn't make Scorpius feel awkward or bad about his crush. He was just awesomely Harry, and the author really just nailed the emotions and relationships and interactions in this one.

Title: Mixtapes and Mistakes
Author: writcraft
Pairing: Harry Potter/Teddy Lupin, brief reference to Teddy Lupin/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~12,700
Content/Warnings: EWE (Harry never married or had children), non-linear timeline, pining, angsting over feelings, anal fingering, blowjobs, hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Teddy has always wanted Harry, but he can’t seem to convince Harry it’s a good idea. In the end, all it takes is a long, hot summer, a year and a half of waiting and a mixtape with a magical twist.
This fic is just gorgeous! The tension thrumming between Harry and Teddy here is fantastic and seeing Harry through Teddy's eyes...*fans self* Well, let's just say you'll be left feeling as smitten as Teddy! Some gorgeous pining, and self-sacrificing Harry, and a happy ending make this a real treat to read. :)

Title: Finding Viktor Krum
Author: atdelphi
Pairing: Albus Severus/Viktor Krum
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 13,155
Content/Warnings: bartender!krum, architect!albus, hp-beholder 2009
Summary: "A man walks into a pub..." Or, how the universe played a joke on Albus Severus Potter and how he learned to go along with it.
Not a pairing I've ever read before but the author really sells it. Viktor and Albus are wonderfully characterized here and their connection is wonderful and felt so organic and believable. The writing is superb and I liked that, while the wizarding world isn't as accepting of homosexuality as seems to be the norm in HP fic, it wasn't uncomfortable or horrible either. Plus, awesome Dad Harry is always a favorite.

♥ Title: The Road to Hell...
Author: gryffindorj
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/James Sirius
Word Count: ~28,000
Warnings: angst, rimming, felching, switching, hp-yule-balls fest 2010
Summary: James Potter knows he's a lying coward but hopefully no one else will find out. Not his family and certainly not Draco.
This is a fairly rare pairing, but I really liked it in this fic. I liked that James and Draco weren't substitutes for Harry and Scorpius and I thought it seemed very realistic and natural. The fic starts out with them in a relationship, but James isn't out to anybody, and when Draco finds out it causes all sorts of problems for them. The characters here are so well done, they are messy and imperfect and real. I really love James' relationship with his family, especially his siblings, who are both so well written!

[Other Slash]Other Slash

Title: Hidden Things
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing: Tom Riddle/Harry
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 1,088
Content/Warnings: AU, underage, mild blood play, creature!fic, biting, bottom!harry, hp-creatures 2015
Summary: Harry doesn’t have a wish, and he’s not sure that Tom’s a real genie, but that doesn’t stop him from summoning him anyway.
Really wonderfully dark and sexy fic. Loved the creature aspect here and the dynamics between Harry and Tom were fabulous.

Title: Dream Boy
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing(s): Tom Riddle (Diary Horcrux)/Harry Potter
Rating: R
Word Count: 2,181
Content/Warnings: extreme underage, manipulation, hp-crossgenfest 2016
Summary: Self-preservation is what Tom was created for. So when he discovers the Horcrux in Harry’s scar, he decides to preserve that too. Of course, that doesn’t mean that he can’t enjoy himself in the process.
Oh, this was gloriously dark. The underage is pretty underage, which normally squicks me, but it's not super explicit, and the insidiousness of diary!Tom is so perfectly evil and seductive. Really fascinating fic.

Title: Needs Must
Author: atdelphi
Pairing: Argus Filch/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,400
Content/Warnings: Brief underage content (fantasy only), bottom!severus, hp-crossgenfest 2014
Summary: "This isn't so much an arrangement as it is...a state of affairs." A slice of life from Severus's first year teaching.
I know, this is Snape/Filch, and I would have never in a million years thought I would read this pairing, but it is seriously beautifully written. Their characterizations are so spot on and they just fit together so well. I can't even believe I am reccing this pairing, but it really is worth a read!

Title: In the House of Horus
Author: hikarievandar
Pairing: Bill/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,430
Content/Warnings: Ritual sex, fuck-or-die, hp-crossgenfest 2015
Summary: Trapped in the warding chamber of an Egyptian tomb, Harry and Bill must make a sacrifice to the goddess Hathor in order to escape.
Not a pairing I've read a lot of, and I am seriously questioning why, because this was super hot! The premise was clever and awesome, and the sex was smoking. :D

Title: Hypnotic Kind of Dance
Author: leontinabowie
Pairing: Tom/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2,500
Warnings/Content: AU, biting, rough sex, bloodplay, creature!fic, vampire!tom, barebacking, bottom!harry, hp kink-n-squick 2016
Summary: In a club where humans willingly offer themselves to vampires in exchange for the high that comes from a bite, Harry meets an incredibly charming vampire named Tom.
Super sex fic with vampire Tom seducing an all-too-willing Harry.

Title: The Artifice of Eternity
Author: lomonaaeren
Pairing(s): Harry/Tom Riddle Jr., mentions of Bill/Fleur
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 12,300
Content/Warnings: Dub-con, rough sex, bottom!harry, first time, creature!fic, veela!tom, do-me-veela fest 2015
Summary: A chain of unlikely circumstances lead to the reappearance of Tom Riddle, Jr.-not exactly a Horcrux, not exactly a Veela.
Really interesting fic! The whole idea of Tom coming back as a Veela and how it was done was great and really well executed. I loved seeing Harry struggle with his feelings and desires here, and the possessive sex was fabulous!

Title: The Love of a Good Wizard
Author: sweetsorcery |
Pairing: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Minerva McGonagall/Pansy Parkinson [background Myrtle/OMC, brief Draco/Ron]
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 75,027
Warnings/Content: time travel, first time, switching, bottom!harry, bottom!tom, bath!sex, sex toys, shower!sex, femslash, light D/s, spanking, resorted, slytherin!harry, dirty talk
Summary: History of Magic has something to teach after all, and two resourceful students decide that the key to having any future at all lies in the past, and in Tom Riddle's heart. Assuming he has one.
Okay, this is not a fic that I ever would have read normally. But I was intrigued and I'm super glad I gave it a read. A few things first, the time travel in this is integral to the plot (obviously) but the mechanics and consequences aren't the best I've read. I know that might bother some people, but it's magic, so I'm fine with things not always being explained. This fic also gets a bit schmoopy in places (particularly the ending), but overall I thought it worked for the fic. Those were my too biggest caveats, because sometimes it felt a bit too unrealistic, but the fic had more than enough awesome to make up for it. The chemistry and the UST, and the relationship dynamic between Harry and Tom is exactly the kind of thing I love. Harry's confused innocence, dealing with these feelings not only for a boy, but the boy who goes on to kill his parents. Tom being a bit more dominant and sexy, going after what he wants. The tension just crackles between the two, and even their kissing had me fanning myself. I was worried about the Pansy/Minerva pairing going into this, but it was honestly fantastic and I ended up loving them so much, both individually and as a couple.

[Het Pairings]Het Pairings

Title: All in the Family (remixed sequel to Sweet Girl)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Lily Luna, James Sirius/Lily Luna, implied Albus Severus/Lily Luna
Word Count: 2,050
Warnings: incest, sibling incest, parent/child incest, underage, serious dub-con, intercrural sex, first time, light daddy!kink
Summary: Lily's persistence finally pays off, only not in the way she expects.
God this was super freaking hot and so many dirtybadwrong feels from both. James is a bit of a manipulative bastard in these fics, but, then again, it seems like the whole Potter family is a bit off in the best kind of way.

Title: Daddy's Girl
Author: entrenous88
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Lily Luna, Harry/Ginny
Word Count: 7,493
Warning(s): incest, parent/child incest, het
Summary: Everyone knows Lily is Daddy's girl.
Yeah, so.....no shame, this was ridiculously hot. And this is coming from somebody who is not a huge fan of Harry het pairings. But basically you add in a forbidden aspect and some dirtyhotbadwrong feels and I am all over it.

kink: sex toys, pairing: charlie/sirius, fest: hp_crossgen_fest, pairing: hermione/remus, trope: marriage!fic, fest: do_me_veela, pairing: draco/james, pairing type: femslash, fest: hp_yule_balls, kink: dub-con, kink: a/b/o dynamics, bottom!harry, kink: teacher/student relationship, kink: exhibitionism, kink: bestiality, pairing: draco/james sirius, kink: shaving!kink, bottom!draco, kink: shower!sex, pairing type: cross gen, trope: secret relationship, pairing: harry/lily luna, kink: infidelity, bottom!remus, kink: whipping/strapping/flogging, pairing: albus severus/blaise, kink: dream!sex, pairing: draco/sirius, fest: hprarefest, kink: desk!sex, trope: mind-altering substance, pairing: albus severus/draco, fest: kink_n_squick, au, kink: bath!sex, pairing: harry/tom riddle, kink: d/s dynamics, pairing: argus/severus, pairing: harry/scorpius, switching, pairing: harry/remus, pairing: albus severus/scorpius, fest: sirius_black, kink: come play, bottom!scorpius, fest: snaco_soiree, fest: hds_beltane, kink: praise!kink, trope: time travel, pairing: minerva/pansy, kink: couch!sex, spitroasting, bottom!blaise, kink: spanking, au: snape lives, pairing type: threesomes and moresomes, kink: felching, bottom!tom, pairing type: slash, creature: werewolf, kink: barebacking, sirius black fest 2013, pairing: harry/james, genre: pwp, profession: baristas and bartenders, kink: cross-dressing, pairing: minerva/remus, trope: fuck or die, underage drinking, kink: size!kink, kink: rough sex, pairing: draco/teddy, established relationship, trope: slytherin!harry, kink: first time, bottom!albus, kink: het sex, pairing: draco/remus, trope: resorted, fest: hp_creatures, pairing: harry/james sirius, non-linear timeline, merry smutmas 2005, kink: blindfolds, kink: incest, fest: hp_kinkfest, pairing: albus severus/viktor, kink: ecouterism, pairing: james sirius/oliver, pairing: harry/molly, pov: first person, kink: daddy!kink, trope: creature!fic, creature: vampire, kink: orgasm delay, bottom!severus, fest: dm_asp_fest, kink: biting and marking, major character death, kink: rimming, kink: public!sex, pairing: draco/severus, kink: breathplay, fandom: harry potter, kink: bondage, agrexophilia, capnolagnia, fest: daily_deviant kinky kristmas, pairing: albus severus/draco/scorpius, kink: drunk!sex, kink: wall!sex, fest: hp_beholder, bottom!teddy, pairing: hermione/teddy, pairing: draco/harry/teddy, pairing: harry/severus, pairing: albus severus/harry, merry smutmas 2007, pairing: harry/sirius, pairing: charlie/teddy, trope: bonding!fic, au: sirius lives, kink: dirty talk, fest: hp_crossgenfest, kink: face-fucking, kink: xenophilia, kink: table!sex, kink: outdoor!sex, kink: role play, kink: underage, kink: car!sex, kink: bloodplay, fest: anywhere but the bed comment fest, fest: hp_nextgen_fest, rape fantasy, pairing type: het, kink: voyeurism, profession: architect, rec: fic, trope: sex magic, kink: infidelity!kink, creature: veela

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