Teen Wolf Holiday Exchange Fest Recs

Jan 14, 2014 08:48

Teen Wolf Holiday Exchange 2013 is a completely tumblr based fest; the first I have ever followed.

I don't know if it is because I started out in the mostly LJ-based Harry Potter fandom, but I am actually not a huge fan of tumblr for fanfiction. I think it is a bit jumbled and confusing and it works amazingly for art and graphics and fanvids, but for running/watching fests and posting/reading fic, I don't think it is the easiest to follow. But the Teen Wolf fandom is all about tumblr, so I suppose I need to start getting used to it!

Anyways, this was an open-pairing exchange fest with authors posting their own works in in their respective journals and then submitting them to the tumblr page on their posting date. Some of my favorite Sterek fics from the fest are below, but you can check out all the entries on their tumblr page!

Title: You Sure Are Looking Good
Author: miriad |
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,117
Warnings: AU, cop!stiles, laura lives, teen wolf holiday exchange fest 2013
Summary:Stiles also doesn’t like it when assholes treat other people around him poorly, which is how he ends up meeting Derek.
Fun PWP with Stiles defending Derek's honor, and then they get it on. Sweet and hot!

Title: Gotta Love the Classics
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,979
Warnings: AU: Human, mechanic!stiles, face fucking, teen wolf holiday exchange fest 2013
Summary: “Or you could just blow me,” He says, casual as all fuck. Yup. That's pretty much the fic.
This was so freaking unreal hot. Motorcycles and hot leather-wearing Derek and mechanics and face fucking and OMG!

Title: Home
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,568
Warnings: dub-con, mates, underage, made them do it, teen wolf holiday exchange fest 2013
Summary: Maybe, sometimes, he misses Derek. Perhaps, once in a while, he even thinks about him, late at night, wonders if he’s sleeping okay, if they are eating right, if Derek can forget Boyd and Erica for just a few seconds and stop being so miserable.
Derek gets dosed with a wolfsbane that makes him need to mate, you know the rest. :)

Title: Tit for Tat
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 10,041
Warnings: AU: Human, professor!derek, TA!stiles, switching, teen wolf holiday exchange fest 2013
Summary: Derek is a professor, and Stiles is his TA. They mostly work well together, but Derek still prefers pen and paper while Stiles embraces modern technology. When Stiles realizes this preference extends even to spank bank material, he decides it’s his job to show him the wonders of online porn. Derek rises to the challenge and counters with his favorite erotica. Who will win? (hint: everyone)
This was sexy and fun! I loved the way the differences between written erotica and porn are described and mirrored in their relationship.

Title: Circle Yes or No
Author: shockselectric |
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek, background Erica/Boyd
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 23,192
Warnings: AU: Human, student!derek, TA!stiles, teen wolf holiday exchange fest 2013
Summary: Stiles is a TA for Professor Morrell's class, where Derek happens to be a mature student.
Lovely and interesting concept. And the way the characters were all worked in was wonderful.

rec: fic, teen wolf holiday exchange fest 2013, pairing: stiles/derek, fandom: teen wolf

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