Rectober #10: Kingman Recs

Oct 26, 2015 10:00

My Hartwin love is still going strong. I just adore these two and all of the Cross Gen deliciousness! Lots of longer fic this month. <33

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[Kingsman: Eggsy/Harry]Title: The Manner of Giving
Pairing: Harry/Eggsy, mention of Eggsy/OCs
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,737
Content/Warnings: AU, bottom!eggsy, daddy!kink, praise!kink, light D/s, barebacking, fuckbuddies, come play, glove!kink
Summary: Eggsy has a habit of sleeping with rich people who like to spend money on him. One day, he meets Harry Hart, who is equally as rich as the others, but who also makes him feel things.
Super fun and sexy fic. Loved the connection between Harry and Eggsy here, and how the feelings develop so beautifully and naturally between them. Plus tons of fabulous sex scenes. :D

Title: Bang to Rights
Pairing: Harry/Eggsy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 17,291
Content/Warnings: AU: Alternate First Meeting, cop!eggsy, bottom!eggsy, rimming, light D/s
Summary: Constable Unwin never met a tailor before, but he knows this bloke who keeps turning up at his crime scenes ain't one.
Really great alternate first meeting fic, with Eggsy as a police officer who comes across Harry at his crime scenes. Wonderfully in-character and fantastic relationship development between Harry and Eggsy. Plus the sex scenes were incredibly hot!

Title: make a true believer
Pairing: Harry/Eggsy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 40,671
Content/Warnings: AU: Harry Lives, bondage, spanking, D/s, rimming, office!sex, bottom!eggsy, face-fucking
Summary: In which it takes more than just an apology to rebuild trust after Harry comes back from the dead.
Really wonderful Harry Lives AU that deals with the aftermath of Harry's "death." Loved Eggsy's hurt and anger, and the way their relationship heals and develops felt very natural. The sex was crazy hot, and I really liked how the fic addressed the potential issues on Harry's side of things after the church massacre and being shot. Wonderful read.

Title: hold courage to your chest (Part two of the Legends & Legatees Series)
Author: Fahye |
Pairing: Harry/Eggsy, past brief Eggsy/Tilde
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 46,306
Content/Warnings: AU: Harry Lives, bottom!eggsy, light D/s, dirty talk, rough sex, bath!sex
Summary: Eggsy slumps against the wall, feeling every bruise like it's new, and tells the truth.
"You want to make sure I jump when I'm told?" he demands. "It'd better be you doing the telling, Harry."
This fic is super hot. Seriously. The first one was gloriously sexy, and then we have the gorgeous second fic, with some really lovely characterizations. I loved the slightly different take with the lack of angst over Harry being alive, and the lack of too much "will they, won't they" back and forth. The relationship develops more slowly, but very surely, and the whole things is lovely and super fucking hot.

pairing type: cross gen, fandom: kingsman, pairing type: slash, pairing: harry/eggsy, rec: fic, challenge: rectober

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