Rectober #9: Pottermore Art Rec

Oct 22, 2015 10:30

banner by nerak_rose

Title: Bottled Glory
Artist/Author: shiftylinguini
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Inspired by Pottermore entry: #F5. Potions
Rating: PG
Medium: Pencil sketch.
Word Count: 510
Warnings/Content: None.
Summary: The weather is rotten, Draco’s been hanging out with the potion mob again, and Harry just wants his dinner. Featuring cats, bad knitting, terrible taste in pizza, and more potions ingredients than you can poke a stick at.

Another one of my prompts! This was one of my silliest ones, and I was so thrilled when I saw it was claimed, because I was super curious what the creator would come up with. And this is so much fun! Draco channeling Snape at his most potiony-dramatic, and Harry delightfully exasperated. The three art panels art gorgeous, and the little drabble to go along with is perfect. Though, I must point out that, while all of it is fabulous, the second art panel, where we get to see Draco in his potion's lab, is seriously freaking awesome and impressive. I seriously stared for five minutes straight, zooming in on all of the little jars and giggling with delight at all of the little details. So much fun!

pairing: draco/harry, fest: hd_fan_fair's pottermore fair, rec: art, challenge: rectober, artist: ???, fandom: harry potter

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