
Oct 15, 2007 22:52

Admittedly, I read often; but, post seldom -- oughta try to post with a lil mo' frequency.
We went to the doctor's today. Hubby's going with me every time; tho, he missed the previous appointment being home sick. Met doctor #2, next time doctor #3... then what do I pick who I liked best or keep rotating? Prior to becoming pregnant I'd only seen a nurse practitioner for annual appointments. Now that I've gotten knocked up I've got to meet all their OBs because you never know who'll be on call when the baby decides to enter the world. There are several docs there but only three that do deliveries. Today's appointment was good. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat. Very cool -- makes it all the more real (not to mention that many of my jeans no longer fit.) I have bought a couple of knit jogging pants; don't need maternity clothes just yet, but probably within another month...
I go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks. At that appointment they'll take more blood for further testing. I said I don't want an amnio being invasive and somewhat risky from what I've heard but said they could do blood testing. They've drawn plenty already what's a lil more. They test for downs and spinabifida. No great bother to me taking more blood but do wonder what's the point of having the test when he said there's a chance of false positive results; just gotta remember that, and hope for happy negative results. Doc said after that the following appointment will be three week later. Right now I'm about 13+ weeks along; so by then, I'll around 18+ weeks. Around then they may do another ultra-sound. I'm still on the fence with the whole finding out the gender thang. Hubby has said he'd like to know whereas I've said I'd like to wait and see what comes. Now I'm saying that when they do the ultrasound, if it's not obvious then the tech needn't point it out; hubby said it's up to me. He thinks knowing allows you to be better prepared. Prepared for what, we'll love whatever comes out. Personally I think the only purpose of finding out whether it's a boy or girl is so people know whether to buy ya pink or blue outfits; no matter, classic pooh goes with either.
So being up this late is just a sign that I've made it past the first trimester. Happily morning sickness didn't last so long into the pregnancy at all. I was worried about it; esp., after a friend told me she had been sick throughout her whole pregnancy. And it feels good not to be so damn tired all the time; back to putzin' on the 'puter and around the house, way past any reasonable bedtime. I've take advantage of this time while I can as I've been told the exhaustion will return with the third trimester. Impending parenthood's been doing good things -- I've been getting into better habits, cooking good dinners regularly and doing dishes before bed. Hubby is very helpful around the house, tonight he did the dishes.
So after much negligence in posting; I think I've babbled enuff for now, g'nite.


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