Nov 29, 2011 10:33


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write all the fandoms!, fun for all, everything and its mother and cthulu

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"All I want for Christmas" Tiger and Bunny, Barnaby/Kotetsu, Mild spoilers willowanderer December 4 2011, 19:29:51 UTC

Barnaby didn't like Christmas. This was a fact of like and Kotetsu accepted that. In his place, he wouldn't have cared for Christmas much either.

Of course, he wasn't Bunny, and he did like Christmas. He liked the lights, he liked the cakes and he liked the good cheer that was all around. While it might have reminded Barnaby of sadder times, it reminded the older hero of walking hand in hand in the snow with his wife.

Alright, maybe it was a little sad, but Kotetsu still liked it- in theory.

Right now, the best he could hope for was a drink with Antonio and a call from his daughter that wouldn't end in her swearing to hate him forever. Kaede might have wanted a visit when she was younger, but she was reaching that age where walking around with her father on Christmas eve wasn't something that appealed; and as hard as it was for him to accept it, he was starting to get the picture that she was growing up.

He'd rather have hung out with his partner on Christmas; but if Barnaby wanted to stay home and dwell on the past, sometimes even partners had to step aside. When Kotetsu had invited the young man along to the bar, in the hopes of bringing him out of himself Barnaby had just looked at him through his glasses with an expression with which Kotetsu was intimately familiar.

He'd dubbed it 'Bunny's You Dumbass' look. He saw it a lot.

Normally a night out with Antonio would end one of two ways-
They'd get a call and head out for some heroing, more intoxicating and heady than any drink on the market, or they'd end up drunk and stumbling home with one of them sleeping on the other's couch.
But by wonder of wonders, Antonio managed to hook up with a lovely young lady, and Kotetsu had politely withdrawn to make things less awkward- he had a few more drinks then shambled his lonely long legged self home, to go to bed, drunk and alone.

Since Kaede had declined to even visit, and he'd planned to visit her for new years, he hadn't even decorated his house for the holiday- that was why when he turned the key and opened the door, he was surprised to see the warm, colorful glow of Christmas lights, flickering in the blinking winking patterns interspersed with a genuine pine tree, covered in- as his wondering drunken eyes took in covered in green and white and pinkish red balls. It was the most beautiful thing he'd seen, somehow, and the brown haired hero moved towards it, taking off his soft cap near reverently, forgetting momentarily in his drunkenness that someone must have broken into his house to accomplish such a thing.

A soft noise made him look down, and he quickly revised his opinion.
The three most beautiful things he'd ever seen in his life were his new born daughter, his wife on their wedding day, and the lean, elegant body of his partner stretched out on the tree skirt beneath the Christmas tree, asleep, half-curled hair disarranged, lips parted, and completely bare except for a scarf that he remembered giving him as a present at the same time he'd offered Barnaby a chance to hang out for the holidays. The colored lights played over the young man's pale skin and toned body, casting mystical pink, green and blue shadows over hollows and dips, giving him a certain delicacy that his tough, stoic attitude never left him while he was awake.

Kneeling down beside him, Kotetsu leaned over to kiss those slightly parted lips but didn't get close enough before Bunny's hand came up and pushed his face away sleepily.
“You smell like a frathouse.” the young refined hero complained. “Where have you been?”
“Being good.” he replied impishly with a grin. “Very good, judging from my present.”
Barnaby relented and folded his arms around his more experienced partner.
“Merry Christmas.” he murmured
“Merry Christmas.” Kotetsu responded, feeling a warm feeling inside- it was, after all. A very merry Christmas indeed.


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