Nov 13, 2009 06:12
High 70.3 Low 45.6 Rain 0.02 A very cool day. Hopefully it will kill off the bugs.
Have great hopes that my legs will gradually improve, and I want to try to work a little. I guess the numbness is wearing off, because my left leg stings when I stand up, like a bad sunburn. My legs and back hurt again, or more all around the hip, which is probably the arthritis. Its not that painful, but it makes it tough to find a sleep position. I just used up my big bottle of ibuprofen, so I need to get some more. Today, I get a copy of the MRI and go to the neurologist. I also requested a computer disk of the MRI for my brother.
Morning: Walked around the gardens. The arugula was covered with worms and their eggs in the C4 garden. The spinach, carrot, lettuce, kale, broccoli, and cauliflower seedlings were all gone. In the P orchard, the corn looked damaged, and the dichondra had all disappeared. Nothing that I direct seeded germinated. It is hopeless unless we can get rid of these bugs.
I sprayed the Safer caterpillar killer on the arugula, then went to the P garden and sprayed the pumpkins, then to the veggie garden to the cucumbers and squash. There was really nothing left of the cucumber plants to spray. The leaves were eaten to the veins.
That's all I did. I asked David for more soil so that I could move the eucalyptus seedlings into individual pots. The germination rate was excellent, above 90%. More good news- looks like I didn't kill any of the peppers or eggplants by transplanting them.
insecticide spray,