
May 13, 2007 16:17

Date/Time: Sunday, 9 April / 11am
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Aideen
Warnings: does adorableness count?

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jesse duncan

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aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 20:27:32 UTC
Aideen had been awake since about eight that morning -- it was the customary time for her to get up, and even when she could sleep later? She couldn't. Her body just woke her up at eight every single morning, unless she had to get up earlier.

She'd chalked it up to being a morning person.

The weekends were great, because they gave her time to write and enjoy her relaxation around the castle. She studied, sometimes, but most of the time, she utilized the weekends for writing. Writing stories, both fiction and non, or columns about books that she'd read, or just anything that came to mind.

Some of her best work tended to be rambling.

This particular morning? She was working on more of that rambling. But this morning was different than some other mornings, because she'd noticed Jesse when the girl had come out to go running.

Which had set her mind thinking about the Gryffindor. Which meant that by the time Jesse actually came back around and sat down, Aideen had a good two pieces of parchment of rambling about her.

Jumping and looking up with a startled expression, it took her a moment to be able to think. "What?" She looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but then she made a realization. Jesse had just come to sit with her.

A grin spread over her face as she continued hurriedly, "Oh, no, not... just some thoughts about everything lately. I do that sometimes, write in a train of thought kind of way. It's confusing, but some of my best work has come out of it." After all, she didn't want the Gryffindor to try and look at it -- that would be embarassing.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 20:34:07 UTC
So apparently she had managed to surprise her, Jesse thought with a grin when she noted the way that Aideen jumped when she sat down. It was kind of adorable, really, the way she looked all shocked by it or something.

"Hey, you don't have to look quite so startled," Jesse teased her with a laugh, before lifting an arm and mimicking smelling at her armpits. "I don't smell that bad, do I?" She made a face at herself, and then shrugged, dropping her arm down again with a small laugh.

"Seriously, though, you don't mind, right?" she asked, because if she did smell that bad, then a shower would jump waaaaay high on her list of priorities. Gross.


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 20:44:43 UTC
Smell bad?

No. No, Jesse didn't smell bad. In fact, she smelled like Jesse and running and sweat and... oh, Merlin, there came that blush. Aideen's cheeks tinged with a light pink colour as she shook her head. She didn't trust herself to speak at that particular moment.

Looking down at the paper for a moment, she finally managed to say, "Of course not. I love talking to you..." and then she grinned. "Smelly or not."

Teasing was a way to keep herself from thinking about the things that made her blush. "Besides, we don't get to talk as often as we should," she added softly, smiling a bit gentler as well.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 20:49:43 UTC
Jesse raised an eyebrow slightly when Aideen seemed to blush at that question. That wouldn't have been a reaction she would have expected -- but then, it wasn't the first time that Aideen had had some reaction that she wouldn't have expected. She supposed she should almost expect that at this point, which at least made sense to her.

She laughed, though, when Aideen basically called her smelly anyway. "Well, that's settled then," she said with a shake of her head. "We'll talk and make up for lost talking time. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me."

There was a pause, and then she was smiling in a different sort of way -- less teasing and more just a smile. "So, you should let me read some of what you write sometime." That might have seemed kind of random, but it wasn't to Jesse; she was curious.


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 21:01:34 UTC
Jesse's random comment made Aideen's eyes widen.

At first, it was because she was shocked that the girl would actually want to read something that she'd written. She was good, sure, but she tended to think of Jesse as someone who wouldn't be interested in the amateur writings of a Hufflepuff.

"Really?" She grinned a bit brighter, before she realized something that shocked her for a different reason.

What if Jesse meant right now?! The parchment that she had on the table was filled with the Gryffindor's name, and it would be embarassing as anything to have her see what Aideen had been writing.

But her pleasure at Jesse wanting to read her stuff trumped that, and she added, "You really want to read my stuff?"


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 21:12:29 UTC
If Aideen had voiced that out loud, Jesse would have been quite curious to know what the girl thought she would be interested in. Because why shouldn't she be curious about Aideen's writing?

Okay, sure, they weren't like best friends forever or anything like that, but they got along and Jesse considered her a friend, which automatically meant anything she did was worth Jesse noticing, right? Right.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" she asked, and it was obvious she was surprised at how surprised Aideen was by that. "If you don't want to show me, that's cool too, I won't push, but I'd love to see some of it sometime if you didn't mind," she added with a slight shrug.

It was true, she wouldn't push, but she hoped that Aideen would show her sometime anyway. So she grinned, figuring she could sweeten the deal somehow. "It could be like a trade -- I'll bring some of my pictures to show you, too, if you wanted."


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 21:27:24 UTC
"I don't know. I just don't have people wanting to read what I write most of the time," she replied with a sheepish smile and a shrug. "But I'd be... happy to let you read some of my stuff, especially..."

A brighter grin lit her face as she sat up straight and looked a little more animated. "There's this one thing that I wrote, and I liked it a lot, but I haven't had a chance to show it to anyone. I think it could even spark something bigger and better, kind of like a starting place, but I wanted an opinion on it first."

Her stomach twisted just a little when she noticed that she was asking for Jesse to read something that was close to her heart -- but that was the kicker. She really wanted the Gryffindor to tell her that it was good. That she liked it.

"And I would be willing to accept a trade for it," she said, nodding.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 21:36:10 UTC
"Or maybe they're too shy to ask," Jesse pointed out, as a confidence booster partly. But then, hey, who knew? It could be true. Jesse didn't tend to care about asking things like that -- worst she could have said would have been no, right?

But she grinned when Aideen seemed perfectly willing to let her read something. Awesome!

"Well, that's great! We'll have to decide on a time, then, so I can get some of my pictures together and we can do some sort of... opinion swap," she said with a bit of a laugh. That sounded a bit funny, didn't it? But fun, too.

"So long as you promise not to be too embarrassed by it, that is," she couldn't help but add in a teasing tone.


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 21:40:26 UTC
Blushing, Aideen shook her head. "I can't promise anything on that," she said truthfully, knowing that there was no point in even trying to hide that. It was obvious that she got flustery around Jesse sometimes, so she had to just... admit it and pretend that it was just because that was her personality.

Oh, no, it had nothing to do with the fact that she had a crush on Jesse. Not at all.

"But it sounds like a plan to me! As long as you promise not to tease me about it too much," she added, leaning over and nudging Jesse lightly with her elbow.

Honestly? She liked being teased by the Gryffindor, but she wasn't about to just say that.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 21:49:13 UTC
Of course, Jesse did figure it was just a part of her personality. At least partly because it wasn't like they spent that much time together, so it wasn't like she'd seen her with other people often enough to know differently.

Besides, Jesse had to admit that she liked teasing her because it made her flustered, which was amusing to watch. She didn't think that in any sort of mean way, though.

"Well," Jesse said leaning forward with a grin. "If you can't make any promises then I can't either, you know?"


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 21:54:37 UTC
Jesse was suddenly a lot closer than before, and Aideen didn't even think about the fact that she'd started it by leaning over the table to nudge her. No, the only thought in her mind now was the fact that she was close.

"How about... we agree to a mutual pact, then. You can tease a little, and I can get a little embarassed."

She'd taken a moment more than she'd have liked to say those words, but she managed it without too much trouble. Hopefully Jesse wouldn't have noticed the way that she'd kind of glanced to her lips, and... the way that she might have swallowed just a bit.

Those unconscious little physical things that would have given her away if they'd been noticed.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 22:00:55 UTC
If Jesse were like some of the playboys that ran around this school, if she were the sort that liked to try and get that sort of effect out of people, she would be noticing Aideen's reactions and smirking.

As it was, that wasn't Jesse at all; but she wasn't completely oblivious, either. So she noticed the slight pause before Aideen responded -- but it just brought a sort of curious look over her face, rather than alerting her to how Aideen might feel.

She leaned back, though, when Aideen gave the terms for a pact, as it were, and the grin was firmly back on her face. "Sounds like a pretty good deal to me," she agreed.


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 22:11:03 UTC
"So now we just have to figure out a time," she agreed, sitting back with a sigh when Jesse sat back. Her head was a little clearer now that the girl wasn't so close, which was good!

Right? Right.

And she was trying not to think about the fact that they were planning to get together again. Most of the time, they just bumped into one another, or... well, she tended to approach Jesse randomly sometimes, which made her feel rather lame.

But at the same time, at least she wasn't as intimidated to be talking to her anymore? Now it had just moved into a 'wanting to be around her all the time' kind of thing. Which obviously just didn't work.

"I'm good with any time that I'm not in class..." she added, still smiling. She would be hard-pressed to get rid of that smile any time she was around Jesse, actually.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 22:15:52 UTC
Jesse hadn't really thought about the fact that they didn't usually plan to get together or anything. Well, why shouldn't they start, right?

In a few short months they wouldn't even be in school anymore, and Jesse would be lying if she didn't admit to herself that she felt a bit bad that she didn't know some of her classmates better than she did, Aideen included. Okay, it was a hell of a time to start to get to know people, but it worked out alright in her mind.

"Well, we could make it easy and meet up before Ancient Runes on either Wednesday or Thursday?" Jesse offered.


aideen_connelly May 13 2007, 22:21:05 UTC

Grinning brightly, she added, "Wednesday is better for me." Not because of anything other than the fact that sooner was better than later. If they got together on Wednesday and swapped items, then they could get together on Thursday and give them back.

Perhaps talk about them too.

See? It worked out quite nicely for Aideen, so she nodded.


jesse_duncan May 13 2007, 22:23:22 UTC
"Great," Jesse agreed with a grin. "Wednesday it is, then!"

Hmm. She would have to think about what she wanted to share with her. Not that Jesse was shy about her pictures, really -- but if she was going to be sharing them for the first time, she wanted to make sure that she chose some of her best ones, of course.

"Now that that's taken care of," she added after a moment, because clearly it was time for a change of topic. "How've you been?"


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