(no subject)

May 13, 2007 16:17

Date/Time: Sunday, 9 April / 11am
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Aideen
Warnings: does adorableness count?

Jesse didn't usually get up too very early on the weekends. Time to sleep in and relax and all that, right? Lately, though, she'd been waking up early without even meaning to. Sometimes she would just start studying early, boring as that could be. Sometimes she'd go out and take pictures, sometimes she'd just relax.

This morning, she'd decided to go out and take a run around the grounds. Good way to wake up, get the blood flowing, clear her mind. Plus, it was a good way to spend some time alone, without all of her crazy housemates -- and without having to seem like that's what she was doing! Plus, excercise was good for you, and Jesse believed that.

She'd paced herself, going rather slow, since it wasn't about how fast she could go but how much she could get out of it -- and Hogwarts grounds were big, so she'd been out there for a little over an hour when she finally turned back towards the castle, jogging slowly up towards the entrance, when she noticed Aideen sitting in the courtyard -- either studying or writing, Jesse wasn't sure which.

Now, she had just been jogging for quite a while -- so she had her hair pulled back, she was in her work out sweats, and she was sweaty. In other words? Sorely in need of a shower, a change of clothes, and some food to boot. But that could wait, right? Because Aideen was a sweetheart, and Jesse didn't get enough opportunities to sit and talk with her.

So ignoring the fact that she really should be heading inside, she decided instead to plop down across from the Hufflepuff, dropping her elbow onto the table and her chin into the palm of her hand. "Writing anything interesting?"

jesse duncan

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