(no subject)

May 11, 2007 22:04

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 3rd, Afternoon
Location: Halls
Open To: ...dunno. Any?
Currently Involving: Samantha.
Warnings: Woe?

Samantha was a person who so often relied on logic, rationalization, and facts to get herself through things. Those are what she understood and made sense to her more than anything else, and it wasn't until very recently that she let herself go and follow things that weren't so set in stone and were more emotion-driven. It scared the hell out of her to do something like that, but she'd done it, and as much as it still scared the hell out of her, she was glad she had done it.

Sure, she had people that she loved and cared for and loved quite a bit, but that didn't change the fact she tried to remain balanced, logical, and fair. She prided herself on that sort o f thing, and aimed to keep up with it.

These past few weeks, however, ha thrown her through a loop. A one month anniversary, Trick dying, and now... now...

It killed her to think about. It hurt that she couldn't have helped Trick, couldn't think of a way to comfort Ed, couldn't be a help to anyone else, because she was far too busy wallowing in her own sadness. In an instant, she'd lost a family member forever and not too long later... two of the most important people in her life were just gone and she had no idea what had happened to them. The wondering was the worst part -- her mind came up with all sorts of theories and that was never good.

She'd skipped out on classes in favour of curling up in an empty corridor, knees pulled to her chest as she stared blankly out of a window. Every so often, she swallowed the lump that kept growing in her throat and rubbed harshly at her eyes. Her eyes were dry and itchy from crying and she hadn't slept or eaten yet...

She couldn't handle this.

samantha pascal, ed mcmillan

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