(no subject)

Apr 21, 2007 23:27

Date/Time: Friday, April 1st, 8PM
Location: Hallway
Open To: Darin
Currently Involving: Riley, Darin
Warnings: Ahahaha. Possible violence, definite bitching.

April first. The most ridiculous day of the year. A day where the self-proclaimed pranksters of Hogwarts spent their time annoying everyone around them. A day where the French, who were very ridiculous people (she's a quarter French, she's allowed to say it), put bloody paper fishes on each other. It was pathetic. And the general silliness of the day wasn't Riley's only reason for hating it. It was her birthday.

Honestly, she had no idea why she hated her birthday so much. Perhaps it was because she hated being the center of attention and her wretched date of birth gave people reason to fuss over her. Perhaps it was because she didn't like to be associated with a day of tomfoolery and moronic pranks. Really, the most likely reason was because she didn't think she was worth celebrating, but the chances of her admitting that to the people who insisted that the day was important were very slim. She didn't want to seem ungrateful. She also didn't want them to realize just how low her self-esteem was.

It was really hard for Riley not to have low self-esteem when everyone but perhaps ten people regretted her existence. The Gryffindors, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs hated her simply because she was a Slytherin. Her own house hated her because she wasn't Slytherin enough. Her father...well, he didn't hate her, but he wasn't necessarily found of her. She wasn't her mother. She wasn't who she was supposed to be. The only people she had were James and the Pascals. And perhaps some of their friends.

At any rate, Riley'd just finished practicing Transfiguration and was heading to the kitchens for a snack. Even if she hated her birthday, it was an excuse for cake. And she did love sweets. She stopped outside of the entrance and had to suppress a groan and an eye roll at the sight of one of the causes of her low self esteem walking towards her. Darin Delouise. Fucking hell.

riley mcgranahan, darin delouise

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