How can I be such an idiot?

Apr 26, 2007 14:28

How can I be such an idiot...
I have been asking myself this question since last night.  I tried tothink of why and or what was I thinking...But still it did not matter.   I rarely make mistakes, especialy ones that hurt other people.  But this time I took the cake, and the booby prize to boot.  I went and did something terrible to two people I cared a great deal for...and hurt several others in the same process.  What was I thinking?  I think the 'Thinking' part was not there.  And for all that it is worth I can only say I am sorry...But it does not cut it.  How can I make ammends?  How can I make it up to them?  How can I ever forgive myself for the damaged I have caused?  These questions and so much more I cannot answer...I want to die.  But death is a release and I truely do not deserve that release.  Hide?  Too many people would hunt me down and drag me back into the light.  It burns me up that I who has prided myself on my honor, honesty, and straitforwardness.  Fell way short of any of those.  I fell and took people I cared about with me.  I hate I loath my exisitance right now.  Feeling low is kind of an understatment.  Those who know me will be greatly dissapointed in me, and that hurts.  I have betrayed and harmed those that I cared for and I am lost within myself.  I find myself falling further into myself loathing.  I used to think I was strong only to find that I am weaker than I could imagine.  I thought I was intelligent.  Only to find myself beyond stupid.  I thought myself a loving and worthy person.  Only to find that I am hateful, mean, petty, and totaly untrustworthy, and worthless.  I hate stupid people, and now I am one of those.  Some would say I could learn from this...
Even if they could find it within themselves to forgive me.  I do not think I can forgive myself.  I looked at myself as being a good person for too long and now that I find myself looking at the real me...I hate beyond my ability to reason...myself.
Maybe some day I will be able to look at myself in a decent light.  But for the time being I think I will find a hole and crawl my happy ass into it and let the world forget that I ever existed.  Stupid is truely an understatment.

GozarktheMad...GozarktheIdiot is more like it.  A fool, and a truely disloyal one at that...

stupid beyond words

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