So it occurs to me that I've never actually made a post about the Pork N' Rind, the old-west style saloon that Lina and Gourry built into Girls' 11. It has pool tables, darts, foosball, deep-fried everything... y'know, bar stuff. And Gourry still runs the place, because he doesn't have a lot else to do, and because he looooooooooooves his deep-fat-fryer. FEEL FREE TO USE THE BAR AS A LOCATION FOR POSTS AND STUFF OR ASSUME THAT YOUR CHARACTER GOES THERE OFFSCREEN. Assuming my next school quarter doesn't eat me too much I'll try to post with him a lot more. OR BUG ME IF I'M ON IRC I ALWAYS LOVE PLAYING GOURRY FOR ANY REASON. :|b
In general:
- Bar is closed at mealtimes when Gourry is off at the Mess Hall gorging himself, and also Whenever He Darn Well Feels Like It. He likes to wander off.
- Gourry is a terrible bartender. He forgets orders, steals food when he thinks customers aren't looking, and if you order a mixed drink and he mixes it drink right, it's by sheer coincidence.
- He doesn't remember your name no matter how much you come in.
- On the other hand, he's super friendly and sometimes he forgets about your tab.
- Sometimes he leaves Yuffie in charge. Not because he thinks it's a good idea, but because he doesn't actually care that it isn't.