1553 Novembre le mercredi XXII

Nov 22, 2008 19:25

Le mercredi XXIIe, apprès desjeuner, je allé à Sct-Pierres, Symonnet avecques moy. Venus la, je y trouve Cantepye qui avoyt couché à Gouberville. Je monstre au lieutenant de Sct-Sauveur, à maistre Jehan Binet et à maistre Guillaume Vastel, ung contract où Myaulx, de Gonneville, debvoyt estre signé.

Led. jor, j'achatté de Jehan Caulvin cinq quartiers de blanchet por fère unes chausses à Symonnet, XXXVII s. Appres avoyr parlé à mon filleul de Raffoville, à missire Guillaume Flamenc, à Harelle et à plusiers aultres, j'achatté de Sansonnet troys peignes et deux petittes bagues d'argent X s., puys m'en viens, missire Jehan Auvre, Yvon Mesnage et Thomas Drouet avecques moy. Il estoyet quasy nuyct quand j'arrivé céans. Et assés tost apprès, Cantepye arriva, qui estoyt demeuré encore ung peu à Sct-Pierre por lever ung memorial. Por IIII vitecos qu'il achatta VI s. ............ LIII s.

Led. jor, reçeu par la main de Cantepye en l'acquict de Phillipin Tocque, sur son louage....... XXI s. X d.

Led. jor, baillé à la Marchande por deux jours qu'elle à esté céans por me fère des chemises. ....... XII d.

Wednesday the 22nd, after breakfast I went to St. Pierre, Symonnet with me. Came there, I found Cantepye who had slept at Gouberville. I showed to the the lieutenant of St. Saveur, to master Jehan Binet and to master Guillaume Vastel, a contract where Myaulx, of Gonneville, ought to be signed.

The said day, I bought from Jehan Caulvin1 five quarters of blanchet to make hose for Symonnet, 37 sous. After having talked to my godchild of Raffoville, to missire Guillaume Flamenc, to Harelle and several others, I bought from Sansonnet three combs and two little silver rings 10 sous, then I came, missire Jehan Auvre, Yvon Mesnage and Thomas Drouet with me. It was almost night when I arrived here. And soon after, Cantepye arrived, who was staying again a little at St. Pierre in order to pick up a notebook. For 4 [vitecos?] that he bought 65 sous. ............ 53 sous.

The said day, received from the hand of Canteype on the account of Phillipin Tocque, on his rent..... 21 sous 10 deniers.

The said day, paid to La Marchande2 for two days that she was here to make me some shirts. ........ 12 deniers.

1. this would be John Calvin, in English, which amuses me. The famous one is from Noyon.
2. not clear if this is her surname or a role, "marchande" being feminine for "merchant."
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