1553 Novembre le sabmedi XVIII

Nov 18, 2008 23:37

Le sabmedi XVIIIe, je ne bougé de céans. Apprès disner, Symonnet alla à Vallongnes porter à maistre Pierres Jehanne, procureur por le Roy, aud. Vallongnes, troys lièvres por ce qu'il faisoyt demain le banquet de la bienvenue de sa femme. Viron neuf heures, je fus chez Auvrey por envoyer leur serviteur Nocent à Magneville querir des tonneliers, et de la m'en vins à Henry Gardin, que je trouvé à sa grange, et luy dis qu'il contragnist Françoys Doysnard por le reste de ce qu'il me doybt. Cantepye revinst au soyer de Briquebec.

Led. jor, apprès disner, je m'en allé à Tourlaville, Moisson avecques moy, chez Philippes Truffer, affin qu'il me gardast le marc de ses pommes d'amerdoulx, por en avoyr les pepins. Nous en revinsmes par chez petit Jehan Luce, que nous trouvasmes en son pressoyer, et grand Jehan Luce qui y pilloyt. J'achatté dud. grand Jehan des pommes de menuel estant encor aulx arbres par XVIII deniers le rasière. Martin Luce et led. petit Jehan y estoyent presens.

Saturday the 18th, I did not move from here. After dinner, Symonnet went to Vallongnes to bring to master Pierre Jehanne, attorney for the King, at the said Vallognes, three hares because he was putting on a banquet tomorrow for the welcome of his wife1. Around nine o'clock, I was at Auvrey's in order to send their servant Nocent to Magneville to fetch some coopers, and from there I went to Henry Gardin, whom I found at his barn, and he said he had constrained François Doisnard for the remainder that he owed me. Cantepye came back in the evening from Briquebec.

The said day, after dinner, I went to Tourlaville, Moisson with me, to Philippe Truffer, so that he saved me the pulp of his bittersweet apples, in order to have the seeds. We came back by way of the house of little Jean Luce, whom we found at his press, and big Jean Luce was crushing there. I bought from the said big Jean the [small?] apples being still on the trees for 18 deniers the bushel. Martin Luce and the said little Jean were present there.

1. this is a traditional celebration for a new bride moving to her husband's parish.
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