1553 Novembre le vendredi XVII

Nov 17, 2008 22:23

Le vendredi XVIIe, je ne bougé de céans. Tout le jor il fist fort mauvays temps, et principalment sur le soyer; la grosse pluye me surprinst à la Perruque, Guillaume Berger avecques moy. Nous prinsmes le couvert chez Varin, à l'hostel Barrier, où nous trouvasmes la Chigorne et Letice, lesquelles se voulloyent entrebattre, et ne tint pas à nous qu'elles ne se prinsent au poil.

Led. jor au matin, viron neuf heures, j m'en allé chez Mesnage. Nous en allasmes de la pourmener au Clos-des-Ventes, Yvon Mesnage avecques moy, et me conta que Nicollas Levesque avoyt voulu achatter de Bunel, de Cosqueville, une condition de l'heritage, sur led. Mesnage, touchant sur ce que la mere dud. Bunel à en ceste parroisse. Guillaume Mesnage vinst au soyer por raccoutrer mes bottes et les Symonnet. Je luy donné I s. et Symonnet ung aultre, de l'argent qu'il avoyent gaigné de Moisson à jouer à la chause.

Friday the seventeenth, I did not stir from here. All day it was very bad weather, and principally in the evening; the heavy rain surprised me at La Perruque, Guillaume Berger with me. We took cover at Varin's, at the hotel Barrier, where we found La Chigorne and Letice, who1 wanted to fight each other, and it was not due to us that they only pulled each other's hair.

The said day in the morning, around nine o'clock, I went to the Mesnage place. We went from there toward Clos-des-Ventes, Yvon Mesnage with me, and told me that Nicollas Levesque had wanted to buy from Bunel, of Cosqueville, a term of his inheritence, on the said Mesnage, concerning something that the mother of the said Bunel had in this parish. Guillauem Mesnage came in the evening to repair my boots and Simonnet's. I gave him 1 sou and Symonnet another, from the money that he had won from Moisson playing at [chause]2.

1. feminine, these are two women
2. no idea what this game is yet
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