Jan 07, 2009 14:45

I had a little bit of thought on men and women today..

A while ago my mother said ¨Men want a woman that has all the attributes that they think themselves possess.¨ In other words, they simply want a mirror of themselves so they can be just a bit more egotistical then their 2 inch cock will allow.

Makes sense...

Then I was watching a David Chappell skit on men and women and he was talking about how men don´t want anything material, it´s all women, men just get the material stuff so they can please women and lure them into their little chastity trap.

I honestly don´t believe that..

Women like expensive, shiny, dressy things WHY?

It makes them look better for men.

MEN like expensive, shiny, dressy things WHY?

It makes them look better to women who want to look better for men.

Single handedly I have proved the ¨Big car- Small Cock¨ phenomenon. Expensive, shiny, lavish things are simply a better way to catch a submissive women.

Women don´t give a shit about material fucking things... UNLESS there is a man she can try to show off to.

So what do we have now?

We have.... men... buying things for women so she can look good to other men.


Men... Wanting to have a woman... that looks good to other men..


Men WANT to look good to other MEN.

And science will try to tell us that ¨oh.. well.. uhhh.... thats cuz... men .... is...... are.... hunters!!! yeahh... thats it... hunters..¨

New Theory: Men want to look good for other men because they are fucking gay. NOT because of their attraction to another man, per se, but because of their affiliation and worship for the Penis (See: Previous entry). Logical? I think so. More and more men are coming out in their 50s and 60s. These happily married, child  laden men who were so seemingly normal suddenly are seen on tv marching down the street in a pink boa. The wives of these flamboyant morons are left with kids and a breaking pain in her heart that she was not able to satisfy the man who said he loved her (but was really taking it up the ass behind her back).

But society tells us to actually feel bad for these newly-outed men... Its that damn wife of his who oppressed him for so long! Bless the gays!


I say: FUCK the gays. Put your cock in your fucking pants so we can try and avoid and ¨straight¨ man avid and spontaneous penis worship at your little ¨chique boutique!¨


1. You don´t have to sleep with the first dude that says he loves you.
2. Buy a Cadillac, men like those, and real in the fucking fish, then have your pick.



homosexuals, homosexual rights, women's rights, men, gay, penis, gays, women

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