Nov 17, 2006 19:35
So I just went through photos on my facebook page and now I'm all nostalgic and boohooing about the awesome year this was and missing Fredonia way too much. Things have been going rather smoothly lately, minus the crazy three-week throat infection I'm currently finishing fighting. I feel like I'm in the major I should be in. Classes, for the most part, are going well. Work is superb. I have a big bed (thanks to my love, Stephanie). Everything is going well at the moment. I hope it stays that way.
There are lots of little things going on as well. Such as things in planning, potential things, happening things. Loads of things.
With the onset of this throat infection and then prescribed meds, I think I may have kicked my addictive coffee habit. No longer crave nor yearn for coffee. Don't even care for the taste of it too much. I mean, I have my moments, but I'm finally drinking things other than just coffee and water, which is good. Plus, I joined Fitness19 with Stephanie and Lyn and we're all attempting to stop being jiggily and bring sexy back in a big way. You'll be jealous, just you wait.
There are still way too many things I want to happen now, but can't for a variety of reasons, money, time or otherwise. I think I'm being very good at being patient lately as well and I'm also working very hard at saving money, or trying to anyways. Being sick made these past two paychecks kind of sucktastic, but next week's and the week after especially will be a great boost to the bank account.
:: Upcoming events ::
: some HorrorFest films with Lyn (!!!)
: tattoo (to be scheduled soon)
: new Emma Bunton album!!!!
: new Incubus album!!!!
: continued physical fitness activities
: Thanksgiving food goodness (may set back physical fitness slightly)
: a whole lot more Christmas music
: get cracking on some art projects (way too many ideas and way too little time)
Stay golden...