ohhh, lookit! I wrote charlie! :)

Aug 13, 2007 15:01

friends? still not reading anything labeled as being for the Luau.. it doesn't mean I don't love you anymore! I'll get back to it all later, I swear!

ahhh, those Queen at
lostsquee  ...  I cannot deny them anything! I wrote Charlie! YAY! another thing out of my comfort zone, and it's probably not very good, but well... it's Charlie, at least! lol!

so especially for you,
queen_alysanne , I present this little fic

Making the Rounds
Charlie, spoiler for S3 finale, 350 words, rated G, no pairing

Charlie walked around the camp in the day, going to see everyone at their turn. He had his round, now, a bit like Jack.

The first stop was always Hurley, he missed his friendship the most. Big guy was doing mostly alright, and hanged with Desmond a lot. That was good. Maybe he would pull the Scot out of his guilt trip a little.

Then he went to see Jin and Sun, awed and worried at the same time to see her become rounder by the day. Charlie tried to shoo fishes towards Jin's net once, but it seems animals are not scared of the dead.

Sawyer was not doing so great, but no one appeared to notice. He hid it well, and Charlie realized he was fooled too when alive. Sawyer looked as if he was just about ready to break in half. Kate was not helping, coveting Jack openly.

It was fun to assist to the important meetings, finally. It would even have been hilarious if it was not so unproductive. He kept telling them to listen to Sayid. When the other ideas ended in catastrophes, Charlie was the first to say "I told you so!". Sayid was just too bloody polite to say it himself.

Charlie often wondered why he didn't see any of the others that had died before him. It could have been cool to spend time with Eko again. Maybe they had all moved on to better places and he was stuck here in limbo. Would be just his frigging luck.

At the end of the day, he came home. He told Claire everything about the camp's gossip of the day, how the quadrangle was doing, about Alex who kept looking at Sawyer. He'd describe the crazy schemes of Locke in the jungle. Okay, so he was making most of that up. Who knew what that loon was up to?

He'd talk, and talk, and talk, and not even once would Claire frown or make any sign that she was feeling his presence.

It didn't matter. He was used to no one really paying attention anyway.

The End


lost fic: charlie, fic, lost

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