ohh, a meme/challenge

Mar 27, 2012 20:56

it seems it's No.777 challenge

You go to the 7th page of your WIP, 7th line down, and copy/share the next 7 lines.

I have 4 WIP that reach over seven pages...

The Losers, Jensen/Cougar

This one has been sleeping in my folders for... years? I just need to finish it, and in fact the excerpt is like... half a page from where I'm at. Seriously, I need like a paragraph and then editing and it's done, I don't know why I never do it.

"The alarms were deactivated at 0600," Jensen grumbles. He glowers at Cougar who is slumped against his chest. "You're not supposed to let the bad guys have the drop on you, asshole!"

He's terrified that they won't get Cougar to a couple of pints of blood in time. The mere idea of him dying makes a cold sweat break all over Jensen's body. He's letting the others talk in the front of the truck and Jensen starts whispering things that are only meant for Cougar to hear, and then again maybe not. He dares because Cougar is out, and Jensen might not get another chance.

H50, Steve/Danny

This the one that I didn't finish for five0bang, but that I entered into hawaii_bigbang so I need to finish it. This bit is pretty bad, sorry :/

"What, you guys aren't men enough to concede that we're absolutely awesome?" Kono asks, fist-bumping Mary.

Well it answers the pairing question.

"Danno, you know you should never bet against Kono," Steve says as he joins them. Mary looks more animated than she's been since she arrived, already 2 weeks ago. It's great that she's so welcomed into their little group.

"Shut up, Steven, we ain't dead yet," Danny says.

Avengers, Steve/Tony

This is the fic that I think will never get OUT of the WIP folder, it's just bleh. But hey.

"If you don't like me back, it's okay, it doesn't have to..."

Tony gapes, then laughs, even though it sounds a bit hysterical.

"Are you shitting me?"

"Language," Steve says automatically.

"I like you alright," Tony says and Steve starts to smile only to realise that Tony is the one backing away this time, face serious and eyes a little wild. "I like you way too much to let this happen."

Avengers, CLINT/EVERYONE (and Steve/Tony)

The one I am working on right now. It's loooong and I still have a way to go, I skipped writing most of the sex scenes and god. WILL I EVER FINISH?

"But then again, we're talking about Tony Stark. He could make house plants swoon," Clint jokes and Steve snorts in amusement.

"He's something alright."

And yeah, tell Clint about it. He's been trying to act perfectly blasé around the guy, but it's Tony sex-on-legs Stark they are talking about here. He'd tap that, repeatedly.

Steve looks a bit better and Clint could leave him to untangle his feelings, but... if Steve doesn't talk about it now he might be too shy to open up to anyone else.

Funny how 7th page and 7th line got me to bits that made some kind of sense, in a way. So these are the long ones. And pretty much all of them, in fact. Those darn WIPs... one day I'll finish one ;)

the losers, avengers, h50, writing, meme

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