All of my Tony Stark feels...

Mar 25, 2012 14:42

You all noticed I have tons of Tony Stark feelings lately, yes? Because I do.

Two and a half months ago yuna_aoki posted a Tony Stark vid, with footage from the first Iron Man movie, set to 'Shake it out' by Florence and the Machine.

It's perfect.

Summary: And I am done with my graceless heart, so tonight I’m gonna cut it out and then restart. (Ode to Tony Stark, new beginnings and second chances.)

(If you want, you can give feedback here on LJ or on YouTube)

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I've been watching it over and over again, especially in the last few weeks, I love it so much. I mean to share it with you guys for a while.

And then, today, sirona_gs had to post the "I want love" videoclip with Robert Downey Jr, that I love with a passion of a thousand suns (especially with the history of it where RDJ got permission to get out of rehab to film it and all). I always get emotional when I watch it, but with the underlying knowledge that Robert found Susan and they are so happy now. BUT BUT BUT sirona_gs then said look, look, this is the perfect Tony Stark song vs Steve Rogers and I just broke down and cried. I ship them so much.

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I told you I had it bad. *sniffles*

pimp, avengers, ironman, vid, tony stark is my favorite

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