Fic: "skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts", TVD, Tyler/Matt, NC-17

Jan 15, 2012 18:03

Remember the Holiday Extravaganza thingy where I said I'd write ficlets for the ones who gave their names? Well I do. I didn't forget! This one has been started for a while, but I waited until tellshannon815 got caught up with the show. And then it stalled a little, but the last episode gave me exactly what I needed. SPOILERS for the latest episode.

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holiday extravaganza, fic, tvd fic: tyler/matt, tvd

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Comments 5

tellshannon815 January 16 2012, 22:27:43 UTC
Thank you so much for writing this for me, loved it! This ship needs more love.


gottalovev January 17 2012, 19:31:24 UTC
it's my pleasure, really! Thank you, I am glad you liked it. it was lots of fun to play with them. I am not in the fandom except from a fic here and there on my flist, but I agree, there should be love for them.

It's not the first time that I see your icon, but it really made me laugh out loud on this story. lol! oh, Matt baby, don't look so shocked!


engel82 April 22 2012, 19:21:17 UTC
omfg I am late (I remember that I was behind on the episodes when you posted this) BUT I FINALLY GOT HERE AND JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!

Yes please. More of this. Maybe throw Jeremy in as well. Let's have no shame.



gottalovev April 22 2012, 20:26:40 UTC
Ohhh, that's an awesome surprise! =D

I am thrilled you came back to this and that you enjoyed it!

I laughed at the no shame comment. LET'S NEVER HAVE SHAME, EVER!!!! :)


engel82 April 22 2012, 20:30:22 UTC
I can be a little more coherent and say I love that Tyler could smell Matt's lust and how Matt laughed when Tyler told him he had a crush on him.

And the angsty ending.

Looooooooove (<- high pitched)


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