Fic: "skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts", TVD, Tyler/Matt, NC-17

Jan 15, 2012 18:03

Remember the Holiday Extravaganza thingy where I said I'd write ficlets for the ones who gave their names? Well I do. I didn't forget! This one has been started for a while, but I waited until tellshannon815 got caught up with the show. And then it stalled a little, but the last episode gave me exactly what I needed. SPOILERS for the latest episode.

Title: skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Rating/Word count: NC-17, 1159 words
For tellshannon815, who requested TVD, Tyler/Matt, regret
Warning: spoilers for all aired TVD episodes, especially 3.11 "Our Town"

Matt thought he'd want to kill Tyler for what he did to Caroline; he surely felt like doing so after the bite. In reality, though, what Matt feels is an overwhelming feeling of helplessness when he finally finds him in the ruins of the old Lockwood property. Tyler's drunk, a big old mess, and he keeps apologizing and beating himself up about what he's done, harder on himself than anyone could be.

"I don't want to be like this," Tyler shouts, throwing at the wall the bottle of scotch he was holding like a lifeline only a minute ago and it explodes in a million shards of glass.

"I know," Matt says, slowly walking closer, hands up and non-threatening.

It's not like Tyler asked to be a werewolf or a hybrid, even less to end up being sired to Klaus and lose all of his friends in the process. When Tyler starts to curl on himself, Matt pulls him into a hug. So much happened in the last months, but Tyler is his best friend and Matt misses him. After a second of stiffness, Tyler hugs back so hard it almost cuts off Matt's air.

"Caroline will never forgive me," Tyler whispers. He sounds just about to break.

"I'm sorry, man," Matt says, though he cannot bring himself to say that everything will be okay (it probably won't, this is Mystic Falls, after all).

Matt needs this hug, too, and he'll hold on as long as it's required and maybe a bit more after that. It's not as if it's a hardship, after all. Matt has never acted on it - you don't hit on your straight best friend - but he's always been attracted to Tyler. The guy was built even when everyone their age got through the bean pole phase, and now he's packed with muscle and more gorgeous than ever. Holding him, Matt can clearly feel the barely restrained power he possesses now, so much strength coiled tight. Since Matt broke things up with Caroline, he's had very limited physical contact with anyone (save from a hug from his homicidal dead sister, and how's that for creepy?). His traitorous body reacts to the closeness and the more Matt tries not to think about it, the worse it gets. It's especially excruciating when he feels Tyler breathing in deeply, almost nuzzling his neck now.

"You want me, Matt," Tyler says with a growling quality to his voice.

Matt can't help a full body shiver, even through his complete mortification.

"I'm so-" he starts to apologize, but Tyler is pressing closer instead of getting away, pushing him against the wall and shoving a thigh between Matt's. "Oh, god," he breathes out as sparks of pleasure explode behind his eyelids at the pressure against his cock. "This is a bad idea."

Tyler is not stopping, though, a hand sneaking under Matt's sweater.

"I just need..." Tyler pleads, though he doesn't finish the thought. Not to feel alone, not to feel rejected are probably safe bets. How's Matt supposed to refuse when he's been feeling the same for a while?

"Okay, okay," Matt agrees, arching into the insisting touch.

When Tyler kisses him it's hard, almost punishing. Matt doesn't know if it's paranoia, but his friend's teeth seem sharper and pointier than normal and he shivers, part fear and part arousal. Tyler has their pants opened real fast, too fast, and a hand on his dick right after that. Matt curses loudly, it's been a while, and Tyler's grunting, lining them both up and trusting.

"Yeah, this good, this... Fuck," Tyler pants against his mouth. "You know I've always had a crush on you, right?" he asks, his hand stroking relentlessly.

It startles a laugh out of Matt while the only thing he can do is grip Tyler's arms and hang on for dear life. "No," he chokes out.

"So gorgeous."

Suddenly Tyler turns him around, the super strength sending a new shot of lust through Matt's system. He's pulling his pants down and whoa, this is going fast and Matt never did this.

"I want you," Tyler rasps near his ear.

"Tyler..." Matt protests weakly. He's turned on as hell but uneasy, too, he's way over his head right now.

"But we don't have..." Tyler pauses, hands clamped on Matt's hips and his forehead on a shoulder. He breathes deeply and then mouths at Matt's neck. "Shit, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I won't hurt you, shush."

Tyler has shoved his pants down, too, and Matt groans when he feels Tyler slide his hard cock right between his thighs, against his ass but not trying to shove in. The pressure against his balls and perineum, added to the teasing slide against his opening is mind-blowing hot in itself but then Tyler closes a fist against his dick again and Matt cries out.

"Just like this, okay?" Tyler asks, pumping Matt's cock and shoving between his legs; it's a wonder that he even manages to nod. "You sure?"

Matt's hot all over, pleasure building so fast he knows he won't hold out long.

"Yes, god, so good..." he slurs, gripping at the stone wall as Tyler all but nails him to it. Pre-come and sweat is easing Tyler's movements, everything slick and hot and perfect.

"I want to fuck you for real so bad," Tyler says, voice rough. "I want to claim you, to mark you as mine..."

It must be the wolf talking and Matt can't help it, it's a major turn on. He takes it and moves in counterpoint to Tyler, clenching his thighs together as much as he can to make it good for him and seeking friction for himself in the hand milking his cock. He can feel Tyler's mouth against his neck, near his spine, and moans helplessly when there's the pinprick of teeth, there and gone again. Matt's pretty sure Tyler didn't break the skin but he almost wishes he had, it's not as if it would be dangerous for him, he's a mere human after all.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I'd never hurt you," Tyler repeats again and again and Matt's heart breaks a little. He won't want to, he'll probably not hurt him physically if he can help it, but Tyler loves Caroline, not him. This is bound to end in disaster one way or another. Matt forces reasoning away to concentrate on the now, on a pleasure so bright it can push away the rest, if only for a moment.

It will have to do.

holiday extravaganza, fic, tvd fic: tyler/matt, tvd

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