Fic: "Nothing to hide", H50/SPN crossover, Gen

Dec 21, 2011 00:00

I love crossovers and I think Mel knows that ;) I hope you like this darling, even if it's late!

Title: Nothing to hide
Fandom: H50/SPN crossover
Rating/Word count: G, 700 words
For mel_b_angel, who requested SPN/H50, Sam & Dean meet McG & Danno at Kamekona's shaved ice hut. I made it Kamekona's shrimp truck instead *yay creative freedom! lol!*.

under the cut )

spn, h50 fic: danny, holiday extravaganza, fic, h50

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Comments 7

mel_b_angel December 21 2011, 11:37:31 UTC
And then? Lol. I love it! And I love the artistic license you've taken :) i am very tickled with Danno's appreciation of Dean - but of course, how could he resist the Dean Winchester Charm eh?

Thanks hon - its a lovely Christmas present :)


gottalovev December 24 2011, 20:27:25 UTC
lol! I know, the 'and then???' is the problem with shorter fics ;) I'd live to investigate that one day, who knows ;)

Danny is only human, of course he's swayed by the Dean Winchester charm! lol! I'm glad you enjoyed it! =D


siluria December 21 2011, 21:57:27 UTC
Now that would be a heck of a lot of pretty in one place..... *thud*


gottalovev December 24 2011, 20:28:33 UTC
right? I agree with that statement!

thanks for reading, I'm happy you enjoyed! =D


finduilas_clln December 21 2011, 23:20:31 UTC
Oh, very nice. Intriguing. :)


gottalovev December 24 2011, 20:30:01 UTC
hee, thank you! the idea could have potential, I think. I'm happy you enjoyed =D


finduilas_clln December 25 2011, 17:23:49 UTC
Yes, definitely. And I don't even watch Supernatural! Lol. But I know enough about the show and the characters to be able to follow. :)


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