Fic: "Yellow brick road", SGA, Aiden/Rodney, G

Dec 19, 2011 23:59

I'm going to try getting back into the ficlet posting, but this one is already a week overdue, sorry! hoktauri surprised me with an unusual paring: McKay/Ford. It was a nice challenge, and if the Aiden/Rodney is pretty mild, it's getting there, so I hope you like it darling! =D

Title: The yellow brick road
Fandom: SGA
Rating/Word count: G, 766 words
For hoktauri, who requested Stargate Atlantis, Aiden/Rodney, and an episode tag for "Letters from Pegasus" or "Home". It's the latter (spoilers for 1.09)

It's easy to say afterwards, but the moment Aiden knew something was wrong wasn't at his grand-parents when he got the orders to report to McMurdo. It was later, at the SGC, when McKay promptly dismissed his concerns about a change of orders and announced that there was no way to go back to Atlantis. Just like that, in the middle of a corridor: game over Lieutenant, deal with it. Prepare your suitcase and have a nice life.

First, McKay would never let go of the City, Aiden's sure of that. He'd huff and puff and pull a rabbit out of his ass to get back or die trying. At least he wouldn't give up after hours or a day, even if a spaceship blew up and the ZPM was now only a pretty paper weight.

Plus McKay had barely looked at Aiden at the time, too busy leading his new minions. McKay is self-absorbed a lot, but he's been doing better in the interpersonal relations lately. A true illusion of McKay would have reacted a lot less flippantly at Aiden's life being turned upside down like that. Or at least he would have looked sorry while being insensitive.

So yeah, Aiden had known something was off. Later, the confrontation with the fake General Hammond had been weird in itself and now they are back on the planet, in the mist, and ready to go home. McKay is already getting to work on that.

"I need to get the control crystal out of the D.H.D," he says. "Shouldn't be more than a few minutes."

McKay walks over to the DHD and squats down at the base. He's not sure that he can do much, but Aiden follows.

"I'll give you a hand."

He barely listens to the bickering between Dr Weir, Sheppard and McKay, ready to put all of this little adventure behind him. It had seemed so real, for a while. Aiden misses his grand-parents with a renewed ache, and to have had the hope to see them pulled out of his reach again is so unfair.

"How was it for you, McKay?" Aiden asks. He likes when the man goes on a ramble. In fact, he likes the man quite a lot, to his total surprise.

"Frustrating? I mean... Let's not talk about the part with the girl, that's disturbing on so many levels, but to be fed pages and pages of uttermost garbage by the incompetents at the SGC was like my own version of hell," McKay says, visibly shuddering.

Aiden grins. "And that's different from real life how exactly?"

There's a pause, and then McKay makes a considering noise. "Point. The differences were very subtle."

It's good to be able to laugh at this, even so soon. Aiden looks at the mist surrounding them again and he feels uneasy.

"Hum. Are we breathing them in right now?" he asks softly.

McKay's eyes widen and meet his. It's quite unnerving how blue they are, and that Aiden notices stuff like that now. "Oh. That would be... unfortunate."

"What would be unfortunate?" Major Sheppard asks as he comes to loom over the DHD. "And why aren't we out of here already?"

Sometimes, Aiden thinks his CO pushes McKay too much with no good reason, but he can't quite say that out loud.

"Hold your horses, Major, I was just about to give the okay to dial," McKay snaps, getting up.

Okay, so maybe Aiden doesn't have to talk for him after all: McKay's able to defend himself. Which doesn't mean Aiden loses the impulse to hover; as Sheppard signals Atlantis, he grabs McKay's arm and squeezes a little.

"It was worth a try, right? You did good, Doc," he says, supportive.

"Yeah, right, but I almost did a mass genocide," Rodney counters.

"No way you could have known," Aiden says as they walk towards the event horizon. "Anyway, there's no place like home, right?"

McKay's - Rodney's - grin is oddly sweet. Aiden's pretty sure that the fondness and attraction undercurrent between them doesn't go only one way. Contrary to popular belief, Aiden can be patient, though, he can take his time with this to do it right.

"Right. Let's go, Lieutenant. I've got real minions to berate."

The ride back is not like tapping his heels together three time, but it does the trick.

sga fic: aiden/rodney, holiday extravaganza, fic, sga

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