
Jun 04, 2011 00:43

sgareversebang went live today! There's so much great stuff, the masterlist of art and fic is here

I did the two parts of the challenge...

meaning that first I did some art, No Man Left Behind, and for which the wonderful and courageous ladyanne wrote Life Is But a Dream - Set after Enemy at the Gate, Atlantis returns to the Pegasus Galaxy. Team Sheppard's first mission doesn't go according to plan. Do they ever? (John/Rodney, R, 11 800 words)

And I also picked fantastic art by mific, A Tiny Problem for which I wrote the story... A Tiny Problem (yes, yes, I stole the title, I am lame like that! lol! but it was perfect!) - When Radek and Elizabeth go missing, John and Rodney decide to check the lab they had planned to visit. What they find is definitely surprising and has an unforeseen… little complication. (John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, implied Radek Zelenka/Elizabeth Weir, PG-13, 10 342 words)

Go tell my partners in crime how awesome they are! and everyone else in this challenge, too!

sga fic: john/rodney, fic, sga, graphics

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