SGA Reverse Bang 2011 Masterlist

Jun 03, 2011 00:00

Here's all of the art and fic that have been submitted for this year. They're sorted in alphabetical order (of artwork) with the artist's/author's name, preview picture/summary, rating, and pairings (where applicable). If a main pairing was specified, I've only listed the main one.

Please click on the links for warnings and more information. All warnings (other than no warnings) have been marked highlight to read - even the really innocuous ones - as SOP.

Notes: Authors and artists, please refrain from posting your work elsewhere for a bit. I'll make a post on the community once you're free to post wherever you like (it'll be within a week or two).

I've turned off email notifications on the fic/art posts, so if there are formatting issues or other problems, you can comment here to let the mods know, or you can contact us through PM/email if you're more comfortable with that.

And with that out of the way, now we can get to the good stuff!

Advent by mashimero (G)

The Dreaming City by falconsheart and camshaft22 (PG-13)
After Atlantis starts malfunctioning, John learns something about the city that will change their lives forever.

Airmail by chkc (G)

Cloud by kriadydragon (PG-13)
It's happening again. But this time, John has a new kind of help.

Dreaming I'm Alive by almostnever (pre-John/Rodney, SFW)
When John is exposed to the Iratus retrovirus from "Conversion" again, the team bands to help. But there are some things John has to face alone.

Atlantis, The Palm - Dubai by in_the_bottle (G)

Kubla Khan by sageness (John/Rodney, explicit)
There's a Goa'uld incursion in Dubai. SG-10 gets put on the case.

Canvas by calcitrix (G)

Heavy in Your Arms by welfycat (Evan Lorne/John Sheppard, R)
Atlantis was not the safe haven Evan Lorne had been expecting but there was someone there who was a haven all on his own.

Desert Rose by mella68 (Sheppard/McKay, PG)

Desert Rose by mific (McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)
John, a downed Hurricane pilot in WWII, is rescued by Rodney who's tracking strange energy readings in the Sahara. And in another life, their story makes another John and Rodney unwilling Atlantis celebrities.

Elba by danceswithgary (G)

In the Place of Jackals by auburn (McKay/Sheppard, R/Mature)
Able I was ere I saw Elba.

fight for the future by fanarts_series (Mckay/Sheppard, O'Neill/Jackson, Beckett/Emmagan, Carter/Mitchell, Lorne/Davis, PG-13)

City in Flight by goddess47 (McKay/Sheppard, O'Neill/Jackson, Beckett/Emmagen, Carter/Mitchell, Lorne/Davis, PG)
They weren't a new threat to Atlantis but they now came at them with a vengeance. John knew they needed help. What they got was more than they had hoped for.

Here Comes Goodbye // I Think I'm Falling by gblvr (Lorne/Zelenka, G)

Back in the Saddle by sam_gamgee (Lorne/Zelenka, NC-17)
Evan Lorne gets more than he bargins for when Radek Zelenka shows up to help him overhaul his computer system.

Into the Darkness by syble4 (NC17)

M9J-203 by sabinelagrande (John/Rodney, John/OMC, NC-17)
John takes part in a ritual that changes everything.

Into the West by hollow_echoes (PG)

Into the West by rinkafic (McShep, R/NC-17)
John Sheppard goes west to help an old friend.

The Little Merman by murderdetective (John/Rodney, G)

What Is Idle Babble For? by omg_wtf_yeah (John/Rodney, T)
Merman Prince John wants to win Prince Rodney's affections. Prince Rodney wants to find the mysterious stranger who saved his life. Will John succeed in winning Rodney's heart?

Love in the Midwest by kay_greatness (Sheppard/McKay, G)

Love in the Midwest by lar_laughs (John/Rodney, Ronon/Teyla, Evan/Amelia, R)
Life on the Dotted A, a ranch on the Colorado/Kansas border, is always an adventure but things really heat up when Amelia goes back to Kansas City to help out her cousin, Ronon Dex. John invites the man back to help out at the ranch, never thinking for an instant that the band of thugs was trailing them, intent on mischief and mayhem.

Love Revives by haruechan (Rodney/Carson, John/Rodney and, possibly, John/Rodney/Carson, PG)

In Which Rodney's Life Turned Out The Exact Opposite Way He Thought It Would by csichick_2 (Carson/Rodney, John/Rodney, John/Carson/Rodney, NC-17)
Once upon a time, Rodney thought he always be alone. Reality couldn't be further from that thought.

Mess Hall by csichick_2 (G)

The Curious Afterlife of John Sheppard by enigmaticblue (John Sheppard/Vala Mal Doran, R)
Technically, John Sheppard dies in the Nevada desert.

Mr. Woolsey vs. the Squids that Loved Rodney McKay by chibifukurou (G)

In a Family Way by puddle_of_goo (Sheppard/McKay, NC17)
When a group of baby squid imprint on Rodney McKay, John Sheppard discovers something about family and himself he previously discounted as important.

My Love Atlantis by theeverdream (gen or John/Atlantis, G)

My Love, Atlantis by rinkafic (John Sheppard/OFC, G)
John Sheppard loved Atlantis. He never suspected she really loved him back.

No Man Left Behind by gottalovev (PG)

Life Is But a Dream by
ladyanne (John/Rodney, R)
Set after Enemy at the Gate, Atlantis returns to the Pegasus Galaxy. Team Sheppard's first mission doesn't go according to plan. Do they ever?

No Other Place I Can Surface by race_the_ace (John Sheppard/Cam Mitchell, G)

Coming Up For Air by bluflamingo (John Sheppard/Cam Mitchell, Adult)
Cam goes missing somewhere between Earth and another planet, and for John, this turns out to be his breaking point

it all goes away when the sun comes up by somehowunbroken (John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, R)
It's six months after the disease spread through Atlantis, crippling or killing everyone in the CIty, and Cam's more than ready to get out there to help.

Not the kind of ship I was expecting by 31stcentury (G)

Tag, Hide and Seek, and Other Grown-Up Games by kisahawklin and soleta (PG-13)
Missions are a lot like childhood. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you touch the wrong knick-knacks and get sucked into a painting.

Roads to be taken by antares04a (Sheppard/McKay, PG-13)

A Road Traveled, More or Less by shaddyr (McKay/Sheppard, PG)
There are many roads, and most of them are taken, more or less. Sometimes, those roads intersect.

Wilderness Of Your Intuition by sian1359 (McKay/Sheppard, G)
Rodney finally figures it out.

S.G.A.: Student Government Association Rumble by omg_wtf_yeah (John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, G)

If I Were To Go Back To College by auburnnothenna (McKay/Sheppard, PG-13)
Rodney has a dream. Sheppard interferes.

Shall We Dance? // Maybe We by gblvr (Lorne/Zelenka, G)

And One And Two And... by wolfshark (Lorne/Zelenka, NC-17)
When Dr. Weir makes Rodney McKay’s department take country line dancing lessons, Radek Zelenka has trouble with the steps. He has less trouble with it in private.

Sleeping Under (the Fire) by kazbaby (Gen, John/Cam or John/Cam/Ronon, G)

Under Fire by busaikko (Ronon/Cam, Cam/John, Ronon/Cam/John, Teyla/Kanaan, NC17)
Pegasus AU. When the expedition from an embattled Earth arrived in the City of the Ancestors, they found it already occupied by the Satedan military. But Specialist Ronon Dex tried to avoid politics, intrigue, and diplomacy as much as he could; he was having a hard enough time building a team that worked together under fire.

Tell me, Comrade, What Would you Give for the Sky? by taste_is_sweet (Gen or McKay/Sheppard, G)

Poyekhali by mdime02 (implied McKay/Sheppard, R)
AU. A world where the USSR survives, the Soviets control the stargate, and Rodney still gets sent to Siberia.

A Tiny Problem by mific (Gen or McKay/Sheppard, G)

A Tiny Problem by gottalovev (John/Rodney, PG-13)
When Radek and Elizabeth go missing, John and Rodney decide to check the lab they had planned to visit. What they find is definitely surprising and has an unforeseen… little complication.

Warrior by cybel (G)

Warrior by
shippen_stand (McKay/Sheppard, mild NC-17)
The Cananth people have an underground Ancient facility where they shelter when the Wraith come, called the Haven and Help. The haven is obvious, but what is the help? They all have the Ancient gene, and a quiet steady confidence that John can't help envying. When a mission goes bad, John begins to question both who and what he is. Thinking of the Cananth, and remembering Marine Col. Everett, who led the force that helped save Atlantis, John wishes he had that same single-minded assurance - even if it fractures his changing relationship with Rodney.

!fic, !masterlist, !art, 2011

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