And that's it for the sgoc gift, spam over!

Dec 23, 2010 00:39

Normally with this next batch of graphics, I have given a gift to everyone in the sgoc  exchange :)

I tried my hand at wallpapers again, plus a header and a couple of profile banners... oh and there's a SG1 drabble too.

under the cut:

Laura Cadman
Daniel & Rodney


For colls  who was intrigued by Ronon and Jeannie in "The Shrine" (1280 x 800):

For mfirefly10  who loves Laura Cadman (1280 x 800):

For emmz13  a McKay/Beckett header:

and also a SG1 team drabble:

The usual

Jack ducks and rolls, managing to avoid the staff blast when he hides behind a big rock. A rapid sweep of the perimeter assures him that the kids are all accounted for.

"What's the situation, Carter?"

"I've counted fifteen Jaffas between us and the gate, Sir."

"It will not be a problem, O'Neill," Teal'c says with his usual calm, powering the Zat.

"Of course it won't, why would only fifteen Jaffa be a problem?" Daniel says, voice a bit high.

Jack decides to stay extra close to him, just to make sure he won't go and die on them again.


For dizzydame  who loves Cam/Vala (1280 x 800) :

Note: the lyrics are from "Are We Real?", a song by South Park Mexican I discovered yesterday in a wonderful H50 vid. I hope they fit.

For green_wing, 2 profile banners to show her OTPs, this time Daniel/Teal'c (please do not take, she asked for exclusivity :) )

For mute90, a wallpaper to show Daniel and Rodney's friendship (1280 x 800)

and for csichick_2, a Rodney/Carson wallpaper (1280 x 800)

The SGA caps were mostly taken here
Other images were found via google

Comments are loved
Credit is appreciated
Hotlinking kills kitten, please do not kill kitten.

wallpaper, drabble, fic, sg1 fic: jack, sg1, sga, graphics

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