Fic: "Fancy meeting you here", SGA, John/Rodney, Rated G

Dec 22, 2010 13:41

Title: Fancy meeting you here
Character/Pairing: John/Rodney
Word count/Rating: 1165 words, Rated G
Summary: Rodney can't believe he let Teyla set him up for a blind date.
A/N: For prlrocks  at the sgoc  who enjoys McShep, angst, UST and a happy ending. Kind of low on the angst and UST, but heh. lol! I hope you like it! I'm using if the schmoop_bingo : blind date, too. Many thanks to jaydblu  for looking the fic over for me ♥

This was a very bad idea. Rodney was always nervous before a date, but add to the fact that this one had been set up by Teyla and he was a mess. Oh, the Teyla part was not the problem, the fact that Rodney didn't know who his date was going to be was. In Rodney's sentimental history, blind dates had always been monumental fiasco.

Yes, Rodney was lonely and he knew that Teyla only wanted him to find someone that he could to have a good time, and maybe - eventually - more. He wanted that, too! But at this very moment, wiping sweaty hands on the jeans Teyla told him to wear and tugging at the cuffs of the blue shirt she had selected too, he wanted to just turn around and go back to his quarters. He plows on, though, because Teyla went into a lot of trouble to make this happen and he doesn't want to disappoint his friend. Said friend can also very effectively kick his ass, so there is that, too.

He gets to the big balcony in the south west tower five minutes before the due time. He obviously got there first, though the table is set and there's the promised picnic basket. Curious, Rodney goes to check the content and wow, it looks delicious, fruits and sandwiches and even a bottle of wine from UHB-238. Teyla really thought about everything, and it may even be worth it to suffer a mild case of humiliation to eat the goodies. Rodney hears the balcony door slide open and jumps guiltily away from the basket, and then swivels around. It's only John, though, who strolls out like he owns the place.

John raises an eyebrow when he sees Rodney, then looks at the basket with a smirk.

"Sorry, buddy, that's not for you," John says.

Rodney scoffs.

"It so is. Shoo, Sheppard, before my date gets here and thinks she won the blind date lotto, and sulks all night when she realizes it's me," Rodney says, with some 'go away' motions.

It makes John frown.

"A blind date? What are you talking about?"

It makes Rodney roll his eyes.

"I'm sure that you heard of the concept: two persons are set up by a mutual friend and try to do small talk for a couple of excruciatingly awkward hours," Rodney explains. "Now go away, she's due any minute now."

John seems totally weirded out, now, and maybe a little pale.

"You were told to come here, at this time, for a blind date?" he says, voice weirdly tight.

It should not be so hard to believe. Rodney crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yes. Teyla was extremely specific..." Rodney starts but he watches in awe as John curses, and then goes to the edge of the balcony. His hands are while from gripping the rail tightly and everything in his posture speaks of a John Sheppard freak out.

"I'm gonna kill her," Rodney hears John say. He has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.

"What? Care to explain to me what is going on?" Rodney asks.

John laughs but it doesn't sound joyful at all. He shakes his head a bit, but doesn't turn to answer.

"Teyla set me up on a blind date, too."

It makes no sense for a second until it does. Holy shit.

"Oh my god, you're my date!" Rodney exclaims.

John throws a look over his shoulder and cracks a smile.

"You should see your face right now," John says.

Rodney snaps his mouth close, and then turns to walk to the picnic basket.

"I need a drink. Do you want a drink?" Rodney says, starting to fiddle with the bottle. John doesn't answer, and when Rodney looks his way, he's rubbing the back of his head and looking back and forth between the door and Rodney, as if he's trying to decide what will win out.

"I should go..." John says.

"Don't be stupid," Rodney says as he fills two glasses. He drains his as he extends the other one to John, who finally comes over to take it. Rodney fills his glass again and drops on a chair. "Now, tell me John, why the hell did Teyla think this would be a good idea?"

John snort laughs and refills his own glass that he made fast work of, before sprawling in a chair too.

"I have no fucking idea," he says.

John's dressed for a date too, Rodney should have noticed that when he got out on the balcony. He's got those nice grey jeans and the black shirt, the one that looks soft and that Rodney likes particularly, with a couple of buttons opened at the collar. He looks fantastic of course, but John Sheppard always looks good.

"Did she choose your clothes, too?" Rodney asks.

That prompts John to give Rodney a once over, before looking down at himself.

"Yeah," John says.

"Interesting," Rodney says.

"Why?" John asks, looking at him with curiosity.

Of course, Rodney could just keep his mouth shut and there is a high probability that they could get over this weird incident as if it's nothing, chalking it up as one of Teyla's eccentricities and then laugh about it. But Rodney likes John a whole lot, and John's earlier reaction, when he figured it out, was pretty strong. It was maybe strong enough to mean Teyla had found John out and that he likes Rodney too.

"I've always thought you looked amazing in that shirt. Teyla probably caught me staring," Rodney says, then takes another sip of his wine.

John blinks, then to Rodney's astonishment he seems to blush. He looks down and away and there's a little smile at the corner of his lips now.

"Oh," John says. "Well likewise. Blue really makes your eyes pop out."

Was that a mutual admission of attraction? Rodney's pretty sure it was. It makes him grin and when John looks at him from under his eyelashes - oh my god, is he playing coy? Because it's so working - John grins back. The sweaty palms are back, backed up with an army of butterflies in Rodney's stomach and wow, he's on a date with John Sheppard.

"Teyla is the best friend ever," Rodney blurts out, though he didn't want to say that out loud, and John laughs.

"She might be, yes," he says. "It's possible I won't kill her, after all."

That's a good idea, since Rodney would like to keep her around. All of those emotions are draining, though, so Rodney drags the picnic basket closer.

"Sandwich?" Rodney asks.

"Sure," John says, and when he takes it their fingers touch for a second too long and it makes something drop in Rodney's gut that feels like anticipation and lust and maybe more. John felt it too, by the look of him, and his gaze is heated now.

This is going to be the best date ever.


sga fic: john/rodney, fic, sga, schmoop bingo

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