Fic: One Day I'll Believe In Salvation, (Sayid, Sawyer, Charlie), gen, rated G

Jul 12, 2010 00:18

Without any surprise, zelda_zee , asked for Sayid at the lostsquee Luau, and mentioned that she'd like fic focusing on friendship. I was really unsure of this, but greedyslayer was really encouraging and betaed it on top! thank you so much! (any similarity to the lovely fic isis2015 offered me today is the consequence of fandom mind meld!)

Title: One Day I'll Believe In Salvation
Characters: Sayid, Sawyer, Charlie, others
Word count: 575 words, rated G
Summary: Several hours later, everything has changed.
Note: Set in the S6 finale.

"Are you bloody nuts?" the angry little man says, glaring at Hurley. He has just regained consciousness and it is not a bad question to ask. At least he looks steady and not too affected by his ordeal.

"Come on, Charlie, you have to play, it's important," Hurley says, as if it makes any sense. With a last look filled with venom aimed at them, Charlie turns and goes in.

Hurley smiles as if everything is going the way he wants, before clapping Sayid on the shoulder.

"He'll do it. Come on, we're going to be late."

Late to what, he has no idea. But by this point, Sayid just follows. Everything is too surreal.


Several hours later, everything has changed. When Sayid walks in the church hands in hands with Shannon and sees so many people from the life he just remembered, it is a bit overwhelming.

In turn he is taken in several embraces as people go from one to another to reconnect. Desmond is with his Penny, no surprise there. Then it is Sawyer, as charming as ever.

"Well well well, if it's not my favorite Iraqi," Sawyer says, before he crushes him in a hug.

Sayid smiles, holding him close for a moment. After a rocky start, they had grown surprisingly close, back there.

"How did this life treat you, Sawyer?" Sayid asks, curious. It seems to vary widely, some way closer to their previous lives, others worst off, or better. Sawyer grins.

"From criminal to cop, would you believe that?" he says with a laugh.

Before they can discuss it more, Sawyer is accosted by someone else and the round continues. It is like a dance as they change partners and circle, Shannon staying by his side. Sayid is soon led towards Charlie and the contrast of him now and the angry man from before is staggering. That is the Island Charlie, not the hopeless junkie he saw earlier. He is smiling, for one, and looks years younger. By his side is the always beautiful Claire holding baby Aaron, and it seems like Charlie needs to keep touching them, as if he lets go just for a second they are going to vanish. Sayid understands: he feels the exact same way towards Shannon.

Charlie's grin when he sees Sayid is blinding.

"Sayid! Man, it's good to see you!" he says.

"It has not been that long," Sayid says, tongue in cheek.

Rolling his eyes, Charlie scoffs.

"That doesn't count, I thought you were a dangerous psychopath," Charlie says. "You might be surprised at how many of my fans are."

"There is that," Sayid nods. "It is good to see you too, Charlie."

As he puts his arm on Charlie's shoulders and cups the back of his head - now with dissonant short hair - Sayid is reassured by his physicality. He remembers the other Hurley, the one of the Island, telling him about having seen Charlie as a ghost; this one is definitely corporeal.

"I have missed you," Sayid says. And he had, Charlie had been a steady source of humor on the Island and a good friend.

"Hey, look, it's Aaron!" Charlie says, gathering his little family close and he looks so happy and content that it makes something warm diffuse in Sayid's chest.

This is right; this is the way things were meant to be: love, friends and family.

At last, Sayid lets himself believe that he might deserve it, too.

The End

lost fic: sayid, fic, lost

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