Apr 18, 2010 19:36

five acts

- Five Acts Master Post at toestastegood ;
- Post a list of your five favorite kinks/acts or themes in your journal. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists.
- Post comment-fic based off of other people's lists.
[sounds like fun, come join us!]

The Five Acts Meme will last from the 19th until the 26th of April

01. Jealousy (bonus points for marking)
02. Public Sex
03. Pining/Obliviousness
04. Knifeplay
05. Hurt/Comfort

Ratings are not important as far as I am concerned!

Stargate Atlantis: John/Rodney, John/Ronon, Rodney/Ronon, OT4 (John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla)
Lost: Sawyer/Miles, Sawyer/Kevin, Sawyer/Jack (oh, heck, Sawyer/anyone)
Generation Kill: Brad/Nate
Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Watson
Star Trek XI: Kirk/Bones, Kirk/Spock
White Collar: Peter/Neal, Elizabeth/Peter/Neal
Supernatural: Sam-Dean-Castiel-Gabriel in any permutation
RPS: J2, Misha/anyone, JDM/anyone, RDJ/anyone
Iron Man: Tony/Rhodey
The Vampire Diaries: Damon/Alaric

Oh and crossovers? With people above? Awesome :)

to do, writing, meme, 5acts

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