TVD (1-18) and Supernatural's 100th episode

Apr 15, 2010 23:05

I won't say much about TVD because I'm all flaily over Supernatural, but man, I really enjoyed this episode.

Stefan makes me believe his struggle with blood and control. I found out that he's pretty hot, too. THEN he also tries his best to be honest with Elena and THAT I respect to death. SO yeah. angst, but man, it's compelling.

Damon is still my favorite, though, although I'm insanely distracted by Alaric. hot hot hot. I was totally HATING John Gilbert (which is a proof of how good the guy was at playing an asshole) and I honest to go CHEERED when Damon snapped his neck. OH. MY. GOD. I was giddy with it. when did I become this person? then he comes back? jeez, I was "oh, crap!" right along with Damon. And I love that Damon and Alaric can bond on hating that John fellow.

I don't feel much about Jeremy's angst. Matt broke my heart, poor kid, he deserves so much. And I never remember his name, but his friend who made out with his mom? I kind of like him, too. Oh and his dad, the Maire? HATE.

okay, but the highlight of my evening was Supernatural. I don't know if it's because I was pumped for the 100th episode but MAN, I loved it to death. I think it's my favorite of all the season. By turn it was harsh as hell, but god.

see, when we had the episode with Adam, I liked him ok. But when I went to the convention in Vancouver, Jake Abel TOTALLY won me over. he was soooo awesome, as much when he did the panel (unexpectedly hilarious and interesting), the autograph line (he was totally giddy to see the book Cassie had done, checked it from front to cover saying he was indulging himself) and also when he sat down to speak with us at the dessert party, where he was the one who stayed the longest and really seemed interested talking to us. so yeah, a sweetheart. I had sort of been spoiled that he might be back, so I was THRILLED to see him tonight.

He did such a great job, didn't he? *is proud* I loved his attitude, and how he's loyal to his mom most of all, I was PISSED when Zacharia told him he was just bait.

Zach: well he rocked, so frigging much all episode long. He was such a great character that I loved to hate. how frigging awesome?

Bobby had AMAZING moments too. His little show with the gun, and how he doesn't give up because he promised Dean? wow, that was great. And several lines as "should I say in in Spanish?" had me LOL.

If you know me a little, you'll know that there is seldom a thing that gets me hotter than men who can kick ass and take names. So Castiel? shit, that was epic, and in different occasions. when has taking off a tie become so hot? and the angel banishing sign on his chest surprised me, that was clever. oh, right, what can put a kicker of asses even hotter is one with a brain *thumb up*

The Dean/Cas, btw, was off the charts. wow. just wow. that lines about last time he'd been looked at that like that he'd gotten laid was great, the beating up and "I've given up everything for this?" even better. gah. Dean/Cas shippers, I tip my hat to you guys, and hope you're still breathing.

I've had my ups and downs with Sam, although not this year. Tonight, Sam was just totally made of awesome (except his hair). he was so great, all I'll do is draw hearts around him. It's great that he does have faith in Dean and if he managed to hammer that in Dean's thick skull, wow, great job Sammy.

Dean... well Dean. Dean has always been my favorite, I can't help it. I thought he was going to say "Yes" and I thought I was ready for it. But then he gets this odd family of his not wanting to let him do it, and he said those horrible things that made me flinch - to Bobby and Sam - (I think he believed them, too), and still I just could see how weary he was, ready to sacrifice himself, at first and then again for his brothers. That little wink to Sam, when he changed his mind? that KILLED ME. oh boy, it killed me so much. Killing Zach was... it was a thing of beauty even if I'm sorry I won't get to hate Zach anymore. And then he gets Sam out (so sorry he lost Adam... is Adam now Michael? that would be pretty wicked, I want to see Michael!). The little renewal of faith and making up in the car could only have been better if Sam would have given Dean his amulet back or some making out, I am not sure. either/or

so yeah. I loved. it rocked, was such a great episode for me. bring it on, boys! I believe in you guys =D

the vampire diaries, spn

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