Big weekend and tons of paintings :)

Mar 18, 2010 22:32

Big weekend ahead for me! and since I don't work tomorrow, it starts tonight :)

first I have to get everything ready for the - at last - posting of my apocabigbang fic tomorrow! YAY!

It's a long (over 45 800 words!) Stargate Atlantis and Supernatural crossover. IMHO, it can be enjoyed knowing just one of the fandom (it gives an outsider POV of the SPN apocalypse).

Friday to Sunday is also my annual painting exhibit, with my friends and teacher. This year it's in a commercial center, so we should get have visitors. Maybe I'll sell something! It would be convenient, because I'd like to pay for a part of my trip to Italy ;)

btw, if any of you have money you'd love to spend, we can always arrange something! lol! I do commission work too, sometimes.

What I'll have on display, made this year (click to enlarge):


Vancouver skyline/boat sheds: Remember me bitching about a painting where I was no happy of the color scheme even I knew it was good decisions, artistically? that's it. I never re-did it, maybe I will one day. I love it, but it's NOT Vancouver for me, not the right colors.


Crocus: this one is big, 22" x 28" big. I like it a lot. the pic shaded it a bit, the background of the painting is pure white.


Cat nap in the sun: aww, a kitty. I love kitties, I must do one a year. From a picture, not my kitty.


Totem at Stanley Park: yep, another one from my Vancouver trip. it was fun to do.

4 paintings might be the most I can hang in my kiosk, but i did a couple more this year, such as:


Winter in Montreal: I finished that one Monday night. Oh, look at that, I forgot to sign it.

Calla lilies : this is the painting I did for mooms , when she won the auction I made in my LJ to benefit Haiti. I had to do flowers, she said she liked those lilies and that's the result. I send it over in England without her even seeing it, but thank god she likes it! lol! and it fits in her house!


Boat on the St-Laurent: the picture I used for this was soft. I felt like strong colors.

Beach, St-Simeon: I wonder why I even show you this one. I don't like it at all. well I don't like the girl, ruins everything. But it was done outside, on the site, and that's always a challenge.

While I am here, sharing, want to see some I did last year?

Chevaux à bascule: I love this one; it's from a picture I took years ago in Vienna.

Snow fight! : you might have seen that one before  ;)   made from a picture that is not mine. In my head, this is the 3 Winchesters, in a better and easier time.  ;)

(Not) paying attention: so that's from a real pic of my son playing ball. doesn't look like him at all for the face, I hate doing portraits and that's why.

Demoiselle: I think I saw that one as a webshot screesaver. I loved the colors of the original pic.

Train yard: the theme was winter, it looked cold as hell on the pic.

Dreaming of fairytales: I was on a "once upon a time" mood, it seems  ;)

Grand héron: I felt like doing something with a sort of Japanese vibe. Not sure I got it, but it's ok.

Water lily: this one was in fact started as a practical joke for my teacher who hates water lilies with a passion. One week, we all showed up with one. She literally got green, poor her. I've worked on this one on and off for like 3 years, but it's finally finished.

Supernova: we had to do an abstract painting. I had space on the brain. This is the positive force behind the universe, in bright colors  ;)

*do not look further Cassie, if you happen to see this post: squirrel alert! it's the last painting in the post*

Squirrel: the theme was autumn. I'm not really into landscapes, so that's what I came up with.

okay, so that was a lot of paintings!        

painting, apocabigbang, real life

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