
Mar 18, 2010 14:54

Is anyone surprised that I have a Lost bunny that demands to be written RE: this week's Lost episode?  *laughs*

Too bad I don't have time to write much. I'll get to you, little bunny. I'll do a big post later explaining why I don't have time this weekend, but I need to add a couple more pictures to it.

Oh, and I really owe jaydblu  her help_haiti  fic, so quit being distracting, damn bunny! *shakes fist at it*

oh oh oh! and thank you for the beer yesterday, alliecat8 !  and while I am at it, big hugs for the squirrel and the balloons by engel82 , and the balloons generously offered also by munibunny , missy_useless , kcohan1  and lab_jazz ! you guys are the best! *smooches*

to do, thank you, writing

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