for the princess

Jul 25, 2006 15:50

This is a real long one. Probably too long. I should have stopped after the sex part, but they just would not shut up. And they look like weathercocks. Sorry. I had painted myself in a corner leading to this, I plan to go back to baseball next (because like… girls? Ewww! cooties!)

I did this a couple of weeks ago and got it back from my beta while ( Read more... )

baseball!au, fic, lost fic: sawyer/jack/kate, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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Comments 20

astra2104 July 25 2006, 22:50:23 UTC
First of all: Good fic can never be too long. Never. Got that? Good. *is bossy, because you apparently like that ;)*

That being said, I love it; especially the ending Sawyer kisses Jack and it is hard and possessive, as if he is claiming him for keeps. Jack turns to face him, gripping him by the hair to pull him closer and he thinks he can easily live with that.
and the TBC. :) *snuggles you and the TBC*


gottalovev July 26 2006, 16:05:37 UTC
*stands up straight*
ok, got that!

thank you so much, I'm glad you liked this. thanks for taking the time to read it.

*snuggles back*


tillymint July 25 2006, 23:24:00 UTC
Ay carumba!

/fans self before thudding to the floor.


gottalovev July 26 2006, 16:06:33 UTC
you just put a silly grin on my face! =D

thanks for reading!


joloui July 26 2006, 02:16:04 UTC
oohhhhh, it was so nice to find a new story by you about Sawyer, oh yeah, and Jack and Kate. *wink*
Very hot! Brought back all sorts of lovely memories. *sigh*


gottalovev July 26 2006, 16:08:54 UTC
hi darling! I miss you guys! I'm sure I've missed gazillions of great stuff, I need to try to correct that soon!

happy you liked! *lends you Sawyer so you can grope a bit*


cynthia_arrow July 26 2006, 05:45:34 UTC
OMG, I can't remember the last time I read such a visceral sex scene. Some of your descriptions put me absolutely right in the middle of it.

I love how angry Jack is at the end, and how Sawyer reacts to that. You've got a great handle on Sawyer's way of communicating things without saying them outright, and on Jack's ability to see through it.

Hot Jack/Kate sex and jealous!Sawyer. Is there anything better? Except maybe...more baseball? :)


gottalovev July 26 2006, 16:12:47 UTC
wow, thanks, your FB makes me really proud.

yeah, poor Jack is a bit insecure it seems. and to know my Sawyer comes across is very reassuring. thank you.

I really want to get back in the game! lol! hopefully soon!


I've just gotta say... keyweegirlie July 26 2006, 07:44:43 UTC

I'm not really into the J/S/K threesomes in fics, I'd rather just have the guys ;-), but I've just gotta say...that sex scene was freakin' amazing.

Ok, that's all for now...LOL


Re: I've just gotta say... gottalovev July 26 2006, 16:14:31 UTC
oh, I aim to please, I'm so glad it worked for you!!!

ahh I think the girl distraction is away for good, if that reassures you... lol


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