for the princess

Jul 25, 2006 15:50

This is a real long one. Probably too long. I should have stopped after the sex part, but they just would not shut up. And they look like weathercocks. Sorry. I had painted myself in a corner leading to this, I plan to go back to baseball next (because like… girls? Ewww! cooties!)

I did this a couple of weeks ago and got it back from my beta while still away. Weirdly, it has the most improbable number of coincidental lookalike situations or random similarities to many fics I read since yesterday that I feel like a total copycat. I guess my mind sort of captured the waves from your minds since I could not read your magnificent fics. We should play some association game: this? Straight off that person, that? Over there… etc.

arabella_hope , it’s your day, I hope you like. It can be read as a stand alone smut one, or you can go see the previous parts.

Title : Up and away - part 3

Summary: Jack’s in the middle of things
Note: This is a complete alternate universe!!! I made the Lost universe morph into a baseball team and things surrounding it!!
Featuring : Sawyer, Jack and Kate
Rating: this is WITH gratuitous sex. So NC-17. Careful = threesome means that there’s a girl in the mix. Yes there is. So Het warning for the ones irked at the thought.
Word count: around 5 000. *facepalm*
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with the boys (and girl), I only own them in my dreams and get no profit out of it all.
Thanks to Sue, my dear beta, you’re the best!

Part 1 is here
Part 2 is here

They are just getting at the hotel and Jack is ready to go to his room. At least, Sawyer’s idea to eat that the hotel’s restaurant has the merit of offering him an easy way out. He can not stand the whispering Sawyer does in Kate’s ear every chance he got, making her giggle and avoid eye contact with him. But what is really starting to piss him off is that Sawyer is looking at him with such mischievous eyes, he’s sure that whatever he’s telling her, he must be mocking him in some way. And frankly, the more it goes on, the more he just wishes to damn them both to hell.

In the lobby, Sawyer gives his suitcase to the bellboy and Jack decides that is it. So as they walk to the restaurant, he stands there, holding his bag

“Hey guys, I think I’ll leave you to remember the good old days and I’ll call it a night.”

Sawyer’s eyes open wide while Kate looks at him, then away, seeming disappointed. He thought she’d be relieved to be left alone with Sawyer. To his surprise Sawyer is the one to protest

“Oh come on Doc! you can’t be serious!”
“Yeah, I’m tired.”

Sawyer rolls his eyes, sighs, walks to him giving him a bewildered look that confuses Jack more than anything, gives his bag to the bellboy too, takes hold of his elbow, and pushes him towards the entrance, all in one fluid motion that he can not resist.

“Jack. Come on now. You can relax here a bit. And you got to eat.”

He says that as if it is the ultimate argument and Kate gives him a shy encouraging smile. Jack figures that he does, indeed, have to eat, so he lets Sawyer lead him in. He can still leave afterwards if they keep up their flirtation.


Beer and tequila seem to appear every time he finishes it, Jack observes, his mind starting to fog a bit. Of course that miracle surely has a lot to do with that waiter who seems to look exclusively after their table. He looks suspiciously at Sawyer that is sitting at his right on the banquette. Probably his doing, he decides.

“Hey, are you trying to get me drunk?”

Sawyer smiles widely and laughs. He takes a swig of his beer before answering

“Why would I do such a thing, Doc?”

Jack has no idea. But the mischievous twinkle in his eyes is still there, and that in itself is a bit scary. Jack looks on the other side to Kate, her cheeks a bit red and her eyes sparkling, and she is laughing too. They are up to something. He is not so sure they are flirting with each other anymore, not when Sawyer has made sure he was sandwiched between the two of them in a booth to eat. He can not feel her up that way, and it is not like Sawyer to miss an opportunity to grope on a prey.

“I dunno.” He looks back at Sawyer, eyes half closed. “I don’t trust you.” He mumbles.

Sawyer tries to look like innocence incarnated, but of course that fails miserably. He is definitely the devil, not an angel.

“You should trust me. I only want what’s good for ya Jack, you know that.”

He purrs, while scooting closer. Jack shoots a worried glance at Kate. He is not coming on to him in a restaurant right in front of a journalist, is he? But Kate doesn’t even seem surprised or taken aback by it, she is in fact leaning closer to him herself, not missing a second of the exchange.

Not knowing what to do, Jack downs another tequila shot. He almost chokes on it when they simultaneously press themselves on his thighs, one on each side, as if obeying to a secret signal. He is just getting a bit of air to breathe again when he feels Sawyer reach past him to Kate, under the table. So he is going to grope anyway, he thinks, rolling his eyes. But he coughs when he feels that Sawyer took hold of Kate’s hand just to place it on his inner thigh.

“Huh?” He looks at Sawyer with round eyes.

Sawyer chuckles and whispers in his ear,

“Jack, you’re so blind sometimes, makes you look downright stupid. Freckles s’been wetting herself thinking about you for years. I thought I’d just help things along, since we’re all stuck in town anyway.”

Jack’s mouth just falls open. He is utterly confused. Sawyer is liquoring him up so that he’d sleep with Kate? And she is a part of this? That part of the theory is proved most possibly right in the following seconds, since the moment he turns to look at her she grabs him behind the neck and pulls him down into a kiss. Her lips are soft, she tastes like tequila a bit, and before he knows it he is kissing her back. Encouraged by his response she starts stroking his thigh while Sawyer keeps his own hand on his other thigh, although immobile. All the frustration Jack had felt since seeing them acting so intimate suddenly morph in a primal need to be a part of it, and he feels arousal build down deep inside him.

“Why don’t we just go find somewhere more private?”

He hears Sawyer say as he puts money on the table. Jack doesn’t protest when he is hurriedly shoved out of the booth. He grabs his beer, thinking it is a shame to waste a brand new one, and Kate takes his other hand. Jack finds the whole thing funny for some strange reason, maybe it is relief of being part of it now he thinks, trying to finish his bottle. Then if he feels awkward or bad tomorrow, he’ll be able to blame it all on Sawyer, he thinks, giggling.

Kate goes on attack mode in the elevator when she puts her arms around Jack’s neck and presses herself on him. All the moments over the years charged with sexual tension and long sideways glances that had made him think about making a move flash in his head. He drops his bottle on the floor and responds enthusiastically, backing her against one of the elevator walls, maybe a bit harder than necessary. Their mouths and tongues connect, deep hot wet slides with a touch of urgency. She is small and slender although firm and wiry, and he lets his hands travel down her sides to her ass, pulling her close, wanting as much contact as possible. Sawyer is suddenly behind his back, growling in his ear

“That’s more like it Doc… You need a fucking diagram, but when you get it…”

Sawyer’s voice jolts him and coupled with Kate’s supple body, it makes him groan and want more, right there, right now. He easily lifts Kate up and she hooks her legs around his waist. He grinds up, already hard and aching, the friction sending shots of pleasure up his spine. He is not thinking clearly at that point and Sawyer has to stir him out of the elevator, while he easily carries Kate, never stopping the kiss until they get to the room.

“God Jack” she whispers, once there, panting, as he backs her up to the wall once more. He grins to see her surprised by his intensity. He should have done that years ago.

Jack turns to Sawyer who entered the room too but stands by the door. He is not looking at Kate, but at him, eyes dark with need but with something else too, soft and vulnerable. He looks unsure of what to do, which is totally out of character for him. He’s lost control of the situation and that seems to strip him of his usual self confidence.

Jack looks at Kate, studying her face, trying to know what she is expecting out of this. She’s flushed, her eyes ardent, panting.

“What do you want Kate?”

Her breath hitches

“I want you. So bad.”

He can feel her almost shaking with need and she moves her hips, grinding into his erection. He hears Sawyer move to open the door and he knows instantly he doesn’t want him to leave.

“What about Sawyer?”

She looks over his shoulder to him then back at Jack. She obviously only really cares about him, today Sawyer has been a mean to get in his arms. But she doesn’t seem bothered by his presence either.

“Anything you want Jack.”

That is enough for him. He looks back at Sawyer, who still has a hand on the door, and now hides everything behind a smirking facade.

“See you tomorrow Doc.”

“Not so fast.”

Sawyer arches his eyebrows.

“You are staying here. And getting naked. Now.”

That brings a genuine smile back right up to his eyes, Jack smiles in return, and Sawyer starts stripping in an instant. He wants Kate, that’s for sure, but he needs Sawyer, he can feel it right to his core.

“You’re the boss!”

Jack turns to Kate but if she minds she doesn’t show it, she’s too busy pulling on his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. So he resumes kissing her, soon sliding her small body back on the floor to be able to untie her pants and push them down. She’s fondling with his belt now, as Sawyer gets behind Jack and takes his shirt off his shoulders, pressing his bare chest to his back. Jack feels a strong wave of pleasure just to sense him there, strong and solid, his mouth hot on his neck and his hands sliding to his belly, holding him close, close enough to feel his need.

“Told ya Freckles. With Jack you have to dive for it, he takes forever to make a move.”

Kate chuckles as she breaks the kiss and smiles at Sawyer over Jack’s shoulder

“Like you ever wait for something you want.”

Sawyer helps her get Jack’s pants and boxers off as Jack strips Kate of her shirt and bra, uncovering her breasts that he starts caressing and kissing, making her drop her head back and moan softly.

“Hell no, life’s too short.”

Sawyer’s hands are all over Jacks sides and back, thighs and ass, making him so painfully hard he is desperate that someone, anyone, will give his cock a bit of attention. As always with Sawyer, he seems to read his mind.

“C’mon sweetheart, touch him now.”

Kate’s hand leaves Jack’s neck and she takes hold of his dick lightly, her fingers soft and cool, making Jack jolt and groan in pleasure as he bites down lightly on a nipple.

“Oh god.” She whispers before gripping him tighter and stroking him slowly up and down, making Jack pant.

“He feels good huh?” Sawyer snakes his arm around and takes hold of him too, making Jack cry out at the overwhelming sensation. “Hard, thick and ready for you darling.”

“Oh yes. Yes. I want to feel you inside me Jack.”

Jack groans and he thinks he has to do something not to come too soon, as it is building awfully fast.

“Soon. How does she taste Sawyer?”

“She’s as sweet as can be Doc.”

Sawyer’s hand leaves his cock, the sensation missed as soon as he does it, but Jack feels a bit of his control coming back. Sawyer covers Kate’s mound and teases her clit, making her squirm, before slipping a finger down her cunt and bringing it back up to Jack’s mouth.

“She’s so wet Jack.”

Jack licks his finger before eagerly sucking on it, tasting Kate but loving that it makes Sawyer growl and nip at his shoulder, as he grinds his erection on his ass.

“Sawyer… keep talking.” Jack says, leaving Sawyer’s finger to kiss Kate once more.

That makes him laugh, a husky low rumble that shoots right through Jack.

“You kinky son of a bitch!”

“Well yeah, so keep talking.”

Jack starts backing up on Sawyer, getting away from the wall and pulling Kate along. He lays her on the bed and starts kissing her neck, trailing fast to her breast and stomach, licking around and inside her belly button. Sawyer does as he was asked, and even if Jack doesn’t quite get everything he says, his voice is a constant low stream of words pouring like honey through his mind. Kate is moaning, and alternately weakly pushes and pulls at Jack’s head, as if she can not decide what she wants. Sawyer is watching intently as he talks, trailing his fingers on a breast, then on Jack’s neck, while stroking himself lightly.

“You’re being a tease Doc. The poor girl’s almost begging.”

“Yeah, please, Jack, please…”

“See? Make her come, c’mon.”

And with that Sawyer lightly pushes on Jack’s shoulder, making him go down to Kate’s little triangle of curls, as she opens her thighs wide, offering herself. Jack takes a moment to look at her, swollen and dripping wet, and just her smell makes his mouth water. He doesn’t tease this time and directly takes her erect clit between his lips and sucks the soft bud lightly. Kate curses and almost sits upright before letting herself falling back again with a long groan as he starts licking softly.

“Oh Jack yes! So good…”

“That’s it Jack.”

Jack can feel Kate is close but he can see that Sawyer is pretty far gone too, precome oozing at the tip of his dick that he is using to slick himself as his jerking grown in speed. He is looking intently at Jack’s mouth, as if fascinated, so when Jack reaches and grips the base of his cock he jumps, surprised, then thrusts in his fist in earnest.

“God Jack, yes… just looking at you…”

Jack increases the pressure and the speed on Kate’s clit, making her start to whimper, and pumps Sawyer faster. They are both very close now, he can sense it, the feeling of power surging through his veins incredibly strong and intoxicating, menacing to bring him over the edge himself. Their pleas intertwine and overlap

“Fuck Jack yes, yes, so good, don’t stop..”
“Oh Jack, yes, oh god, oh god..”

Kate is the first to get off, and Jack has to let Sawyer go to hold her hips down as she shakes and pulsates, her back arching, letting a long moan escape. As soon as he is sure she had the most of it, Jack turns to Sawyer, pulls him near and takes as much of his cock in his mouth as he can.

“Jesus Christ! Oh fuck, so hot Jack, fuck!”

He only has to suck a couple of times and Sawyer is coming too, shooting in his mouth, holding Jack’s head tight.


Sawyer backs up and falls to his knees by the bed, still holding his head but now to kiss him slow and deep, purring in the back of his throat. Jack shares with him the taste of his come and Kate’s juices, a highly arousing mix of woman and man. Jack can feel Kate’s hand on his neck too, as she is now propped on an elbow and watching them intently, pupils dilated, biting her lower lip. Jack is on sensorial overload, his body coiled with built up need, his breath short. Everything he wants now is to find relief himself. Sawyer looks at him in the eyes.

“C’mon Jack. Fuck her now.”

Jack grunts, animal lust incapacitating him of any coherent speech. He takes hold of Kate’s thighs and pulls her close as she lets out a little yelp in surprise, before positioning himself and in one fast thrust he is sheathed completely in her. She is so wet and hot he almost comes on the spot and has to still, panting, until he feels he gets a tiny bit of control back.

“Oh god Jack! So good! Yes!”

“Oh fuck, I’m sorry, I won’t last long, good lord Kate, you feel so good.”

“Want me to stop you Jack?” Sawyer is whispering in his ear, the hot breath almost making him lose it.

“Yes please, please, I’m so far out… just a bit more.”

He gasps as Sawyer reaches below Kate’s thigh and grips the base of his cock real hard, cutting the buildup, giving him time to compose himself. Kate starts to rotate her hips, clearly wanting more, reaches for Jack’s neck and brings him down for a wet kiss, tongues dancing around each other.

Jack starts thrusting in slowly, and Sawyer lets him go, sensing the critical point is past for now. He is now caressing Jack’s lower back, sending chills up his spine.

“That’s it baby.”

“Oh yes, Jack, so good!”

“Told you Freckles. Harder Jack.”

The order shoots a thrill and he obeys, going faster, connecting harder. Kate levels herself with her hands on the wall over her head and uses it to meet him each time. She is beautiful, her green eyes almost all eaten by the pupil, shining, flushed all over down her throat, her breasts bobbing.

“You have absolutely no idea how beautiful you are.”

Echoes Sawyer, but he can be talking of Kate, of Jack or of the two of them together, that’s not clear.

When Kate starts to roll her eyes back in her head at every pound, he picks up speed, pleasure coiling down in his gut once more.

“That’s it Jack. Just like that. God.”

Sawyer presses a wet finger near Jack’s ass hole, making him groan, then he pushes it in, following Jack as he starts pounding in Kate with all his might. Kate suddenly explodes around him, once more arching her back, crying out Jack’s name. Sawyer brushes his prostate and Jack is gone too, all sense momentarily shut to leave way for pure pleasure to take over. After a few seconds that seem to be a part of eternity itself, waves and waves of sensation then overlap, sound making it’s way first, with Sawyer soothing hush, then touch, skin on skin, slow caresses in his hair and on his back, smell and taste of sex and finally sight coming back after the red hue dissolves.

Jack’s arms give way and he collapses on Kate’s side, just managing not to crush her. He is totally exhausted, spent, and just stays there, eyes closed and breathing hard as his heart pounds to get out of his chest. Kate is caressing his hair lightly as he rests on his side, facing her. He feels Sawyer stretch and lay down behind him, almost close enough to touch but not quite. He is silent now, they all are.

As sleep begins to try to take over, Jack rolls a bit to rest against Sawyer, finding there a familiar comfort, letting go a contented sigh when the other man drapes an arm around his waist and nuzzles his neck, kissing his nape lightly. Kate then untwines herself from him and he feels her reach over him to kiss Sawyer then she kisses him lightly on the lips. Already a bit numb with sleep Jack looks at her, confused

“You’re leaving?”

She gives him a soft smile, almost sad

“Yeah. It was great Jack, but I got to go.”

“Oh? Okay.”

Jack watches her dress, wondering if he has to say or do something. The sex had been great but he always had thought that if something had developed between Kate and him, it would not be a one night stand. If he lets her go like that, it was a casual fuck and who knew when he’d see her again. But then again he wonders if he wants more than that. Jack is prone to generally monogamous relationships, and getting romantically involved with Kate would necessarily mean keeping his distance from Sawyer. As open minded as they both seem to be on the question, a three person relationship is not something he wants to be a part of. That brings up another question that he has been avoiding the best he could: are Sawyer and him in a relationship or just fucking around? For the last two months they were always together, so as far as he knew Sawyer was not seeing anyone else, but they never talked about feelings or commitment.

Kate is all dressed and ready to go now, and she seems to be avoiding looking at them. As she goes to the door he can not help it and he gets up, pushing Sawyer’s arm away and calls out

“Kate wait…”

When he reaches her at the door she looks up at him with something like hope and that makes him feel guilty. Because in that instant he knows that he will not give up Sawyer, not now, it would be too hard. Jack reaches for a curl and tucks it behind her ear before holding her face lightly, whispering as if it would hurt her less.

“I never thought it would happen like that.”

She smiles, looking a bit sheepish

“Me neither.”

“Maybe, if… last year or another time, things… but now I just….”

She puts a finger on his lips to shut him up, he eyes sad again but he sees she understands more than he can say, more than he even cares to admit to himself

“Yeah, bad timing, it’s okay. We’ll see, maybe..” He hears the subtext too, the ‘when it’s over with Sawyer, maybe’. She reaches up to his cheek, almost tenderly. She then speaks a little louder over his shoulder

“Sweet dreams Sawyer.”

“‘Night Freckles.”

“Bye Jack, take care.”

“You too.”

She opens the door and after a slight hesitation gives Jack a chaste little kiss on the lips before slipping out.

Jack closes the door and sighs hard as he turns to the bed. Sawyer has rolled and now has his back to him. Unexpectedly, Jack realizes that he is pissed off at him. He feels bad about disappointing Kate, and not knowing where he really stands with Sawyer suddenly becomes unnerving. If Sawyer has feelings for him, wouldn’t he want him all to himself? Wasn’t that the way it went?

“Why Sawyer? Why did you do that?”

Sawyer grumbles

“Did what?”

“Shove me to Kate.”

“Don’t even try to pretend you didn’t like that, Jackass.”

“That’s not the point. Turn around asshole, I’m talking to you.”

Sawyer indeed turns and he is scowling now, getting angry himself

“What’s gotten into you hoss? She wanted you, I had seen you look at her with puppy eyes before, what’s the problem?”

Jack goes to the bed and pokes him hard on the chest with a finger while looking at him in the eyes, speaking fast and low

“Fuck. You. You don’t set me up, understand? She’s your friend, I get that, but I’m not a piece of ass you get drunk then share.”

“That’s not…” Sawyer starts but Jack just can not stop the words from coming out,

“You’re getting tired of me Sawyer, is that it? Just say it and let’s just end this!” Jack doesn’t like how his voice threatens to break as he says it. He knows he will not hold Sawyer’s attention indefinitely, but he thought it was going good enough

“What?” Sawyer’s glare is turning into confusion. “Are you fucking nuts? You didn’t protest AT ALL, if I recall. I didn’t do this for her, I did it for you, jerk.”

Jack has to admit this whole outburst is just a poor excuse to know where they are standing, and that offering him Kate as a gift does make some kind of sick sense from someone like Sawyer. So Jack sits on the bed, taking his face in his hands, his elbows on his knees and just shakes his head, trying his best to sort out all the feelings that are coming at him at once. They are so different, Jack wonders if it is even worth trying to make it work. With something like defeat, he whispers

“I know Boone wants you, and you’d probably like to get your hands on the kid. Did you see me shoving him into your bed? No.”

Jack feels Sawyer’s touch, feather light, on his hip. His voice is just as soft when he says

“I thought you’d like it, that’s it. And you did. Don’t go seein’ signs of something else or any bullshit like that.”

Jack almost snorts. Without looking at him, still with his face in his hands, he starts

“We’re different Sawyer and I don’t need stuff like that. I can’t take this Sawyer. I can’t, I’m sorry.”

Sawyer sits up behind his back, puts a hand on his shoulder, caressing his neck with his thumb, and starts speaking softly in his ear

“If you had not told me to stay, I don’t know what I would have done Jack. I swear I only did this to please you. If you think I’m getting tired of you, you’re even more stupid than you seem.”

It is a typical Sawyer apology, wrapped in an insult, but it sounds heartfelt and Jack’s heart flops a bit. It is as close as he ever heard Sawyer saying he cared about him. But he is so choked up now he can not talk and just shakes his head, making an effort to shake Sawyer’s hand away, he cannot think clearly if he touches him. He even finds the strength to get up and walk to his clothes. He should end this now while he can walk out and maybe not be totally devastated. He usually gets his heart crushed in the end, and he knows that with Sawyer he’ll get hit really hard when he chooses to leave him. His rigid stance tells a lot and Sawyer’s voice has a pleading tone now that shoots right to his heart.

“Okay so it was maybe not the best idea. Shit Jack, don’t leave like that. You’re going to go meet Kate somewhere now, is that it?”

Jack looks at him and he sees genuine fear, if not panic in the depth of Sawyer’s eyes. So he does care about him, that at least is obvious. He hesitates for a while, and in silence he comes back near the bed. He reaches for his cheek and Sawyer leans on his hand like a cat, closing his eyes. His heart swelling, Jack wonders how he can even think to leave him, he can not even bear the thought to see him and not touch him, even if it is stolen sparks in the day as they wait for the heat of the night.

“You’re such a fool yourself James.”

He pulls him close and kisses him softly. Sawyer kisses him back but as they pull apart he keeps his eyes downcast

“You’d be better off with her. I don’t deserve you Jack. You’re going to get tired of me and my bullshit for good soon, I know it.”

Jack has to laugh softly at that.

“Come on, like anyone could get tired of you, you stupid son of a bitch.”

Sawyer smirks and looks up at him, the dimples reappearing.

“Well, yeah, I guess that’s almost impossible.”

Jack shakes his head and laughs again. Sawyer is an irresistible force and he can not fool himself, there is nothing he can do to resist it. He should stop thinking too much and go wherever this will lead and just enjoy the ride while it lasts. Then live through the giant crash the best he could. Jack pushes him a bit to lay back on the bed on his side like he was minutes ago, then pulls on Sawyer’s arm to make him spoon behind him once more. Sawyer hugs him hard and long, rocking slightly, making Jack relax totally in his arms and his eyes start to close.

Sawyer then lets out a pensive humming sound. Jack knows it’s a bait but takes it anyway


He feels Sawyer smile in his neck

“Boone? Really?”

Jack snorts and elbows him hard, hearing a satisfying loss of breath followed by an half-outraged


“Don’t even think about it.”

Sawyer kisses his neck.

“Just kidding. Kid’s cute but does nothing for me. I prefer bossy hot men.”

Jack smiles and intertwines his fingers with Sawyer’s.

“Good. Glad that’s settled.”

After almost a minute, as Jack is once again almost drifting asleep

“Oh, and let me be real clear too now Jack.”

He pauses for a while and, curious, Jack turns to see Sawyer looking at him intently. He locks his eyes on Jack’s

“From now on, I happen to see you with even just a finger on Kate and I swear I’ll kill you both.”

For a second Jack thinks it is a joke, but he is dead serious. He scoffs

“The nerve you got…”

Sawyer doesn’t seem to realize how ridiculous he sounds after literally throwing him at her. He is scowling and his voice is low and aggressive.

“You’re mine, got that? Did her a favour on an old pact we had made, but you liked it way more than I expected. You scared the shit out of me. That’s it. I don’t wanna share anymore.”

Jack’s heartbeat quickens and he nods.


Sawyer nods too and his features relax a bit.

“Okay. Glad that’s settled.”

Sawyer kisses Jack and it is hard and possessive, as if he is claiming him for keeps. Jack turns to face him, gripping him by the hair to pull him closer and he thinks he can easily live with that.


Part four is here

baseball!au, fic, lost fic: sawyer/jack/kate, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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