And We Meet Again, PG-13, Sawyer/Kevin

Feb 15, 2009 20:07

I just wanted to re-post here the little bit of stuff I did for the Lost fic battle the other week. Thanks for the comments over there, loves! I just like to have my fics in my own LJ too!

Title: And We Meet Again
For: Made especially for the lovely toestastegood, who organized the fic battle. ♥
Pairing/Characters: Sawyer/Kevin
Prompt: Sawyer/Kevin - second chance ( .)
Rating/Notes: PG-13, about 780 words
Summary: Even months after their one night stand, Kevin still thinks he sees Sawyer everywhere

sequel to: Ever Wondered What Happened On The Tampa Job

There's a longer line than usual at the coffee shop and Kevin shifts his weight from one foot the other, bored out of his mind. He's looking around without really focusing on anything when a silhouette seen through the shop's window makes Kevin's heart race. The guy's the right height, blond hair and broad shoulders, but too fast he's out of sight.

His heart is hammering in his chest and Kevin hates it. Hates that it's been months since Tampa, since he woke up handcuffed to a bed after a one night stand, but that he still imagines seeing Sawyer at least twice a week. On the street, in crowds, at the supermarket, in a club: it's never him. Just Kevin's imagination doing overtime. Kevin wonders once again what he'd do, if he'd see the man again for real. Arrest him? Punch him in the face? Kiss him?

"Officer? Will it be a Mocha as usual?"

Kevin blinks out of his daze when he realizes the barista is talking to him and he nods.

"Yes, thank you."


The sun is strong when Kevin gets out of the Coffee shop and he has to shield his eyes while he holds the door open for a young mom fighting to enter a stroller while balancing a kid on her hip.

"Such a gentleman."

The way it's said almost makes it sound like an insult and Kevin turns slowly towards the voice. It was Sawyer for real, then, no mistaking that drawl. The man who's been haunting his fantasies is indeed smirking at him not ten feet away while sprawled on a chair tipped back on two legs, clad in tight jeans and a leather jacket. Kevin feels like he's been hit to the gut with a vague of lust and he has his answer: he just wants the chance to fuck Sawyer again. Maybe punch him in the face a little bit too. All of those realizations take less than a second and Kevin lets the store's door close, puts a hand on his hip (near his holster).

"Not everyone is a scoundrel."

Sawyer laughs at that and Kevin can't help but smile back when he sees those dimples. It's even better when Sawyer takes off his aviator glasses and hooks them on the collar of his t-shirt, as Kevin can see the amusement reach those mischievous blue eyes.

"Hey Kev." This time the tone is softer, friendly even. Kevin nods.


Slowly, so it's not even possible to miss, Sawyer gives him an once over before getting up in a feline-smooth movement. It reminds Kevin of how dangerous Sawyer is, and consequently how much more desirable it makes him. With three strides Sawyer's right next to him, just a little too close for comfort.

"You look fucking hot in that uniform, Stud."

Kevin can't repress a shiver at that and when Sawyer sees it, it makes his smile broaden.

"I should arrest you."

On one hand Kevin is proud that the words came out steadily, but he knows he fucked up by telling the guy that even if he should arrest him, he won't. He can't. And that Sawyer got it loud and clear. Sawyer shrugs lightly, probably to acknowledge that it's true, but then he looks away for a second and breathes in, as if unsure.

"Ten-thirty, your place?"

Kevin knows how incredibly stupid it is to give into his desires, to consider opening his door to this man he knows is trouble and who will most probably disappear again come morning without a trace. But there is only one answer Kevin can give, because as ridiculous as it is, he's hooked and he wants more.

"Okay. But make it nine, max, so I don't lose all my evening waiting for your sorry ass."

The confidence is back on Sawyer's face immediately as he grins.

"Ohhh, someone's eager."

Snorting, Kevin grabs Sawyer's wrist and clamps down hard, thinking about the handcuffs.

"After your little stunt last time? You owe me."

The little skin Kevin can touch is burning his fingers like a brand, and Sawyer's eyes darken with lust.

"No worries, boss, I'll make it up to you. Just wait and see."

Kevin lets him go and Sawyer saunters away, quickly disappearing in the crowd. With a deep breath, Kevin wills his frigging dick to just relax already, although he's pretty sure he's going to be half hard all day just thinking about what exactly he wants to do to Sawyer.

Taking a sip of his coffee, Kevin shakes his head thinking he never said where he lived. Somehow, he doesn't think it's going to be a problem.

(it continues here)

fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/kevin

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