Fic: "Ever Wondered What Happened On The Tampa Job?", Sawyer/Kevin, NC-17

Dec 24, 2008 14:57

ladies, here is the fic I did for the Lost_hohoho exchange organized by the marvelous zelda_zee, up at lostsquee :)

I swear, I was so happy to get Shona to write for because I love her so very much. It will be of no surprise to her what prompt I chose. I had not written Lost in a while, but this was a BLAST. I hope it's as fun to read as it was to do.

Title: Ever Wondered What Happened On The Tampa Job?
For: this is for the lovely toestastegood, who got me addicted to this pairing so it's only fair I give back a bit. ♥
Pairing/Characters: Sawyer/Kevin (click on his name if you don't remember him, which would be sad)
Prompt: Sawyer/Kevin - the Tampa job
Rating: that would be NC-17. *nods*
Disclaimer: Lost and all the characters are sadly not mine, it's lies, all lies.
Notes: almost 3 800 words, and thanks to Sue for looking it over for me!
Summary: see the title ;)

It is SO not fair that Kevin has to be here, not much better than a damn stakeout, when his partner Jaime can go home to her husband and kid. Seriously. The little bar is almost deserted on a Thursday and frankly, being here is pretty much a demotion, nothing else. Fucking Bob, needing to assert his leadership just because he's been promoted captain, it sucks. Kevin downs his beer and when the waiter strolls vaguely his way and makes eye contact, he waves and asks for another one. Kevin HATES stake outs. He didn't enter the police to lose his time waiting for nothing to happen.

The suspect, Johnson, is at the bar, drinking his own brew slowly. He has undone another button since this afternoon on his almost loud flowery blue shirt, and looks totally at ease in the wannabe posh bar of the condo complex. The barmaid, a feisty little Latina, is trying to secure his attention but the guy doesn't seem really interested, even with all the flirting he's been mirroring back for an hour or so. At one point, the man just leans back against the bar, elbow on the marble countertop, and scans the joint. Kevin ducks his head, hoping Johnson doesn't remember him from the afternoon sales pitch. Kevin had tried to be discreet, they were there on recon after all, but frigging Jaime never knew when to stop with her questions.

Kevin is about to stand up and get the hell out of dodge, calling for a replacement, when Johnson flops on the booth seat right in front of him, putting a new Bud on the table and pushes it forward.


Nothing more, nothing less. Guys like that, with feathered blond hair, killer dimples and sinful eyes don't need pick up lines. They make their intentions known and wait for panties, or boxer briefs, to fall off. Kevin, on the other hand just gapes, pretty stupidly. The man raises an eyebrow and sniggers. Shutting his mouth with a clack, Kevin finds nothing else to do but to take the offered beer and downs almost half of it, which makes the guy's eyebrows inch even higher towards his scalp.

"Thank god I brought you something, you look thirsty."

The southern drawl is more pronounced now than what it had been in the afternoon, as Johnson had made his PowerPoint presentation to a room full of naive persons drinking in his every words. Since Kevin obviously has to talk some time this century, he nods, and then coughs.

"Yeah, thanks. Huh..."

"Mike Sawyer Johnson."

"Mr. Johnson." Kevin says with a nod, but winces. Wow, that was lame. As predicted Johnson reacts.

"That's my Dad. Call me Sawyer."

"Kevin Callis."

Sawyer smiles. He cocks his head to the side, gives a pointed look to Kevin's hand on the table that has no ring what so ever, but then asks.

"The little lady called it a night early?"

He has recognized him, after all. Shit. Kevin fidgets, decides to lie through his teeth.

"Yeah. We had a small fight." He says, shrugging, drinks more beer to just do something.

"Sorry to hear that." Johnson says, but he has a little crooked smile and a gleam in his eyes that tells the exact opposite.

Kevin thinks rapidly, but usually the best lies are laced with the truth, so the best way not to seem too suspicious is to put himself forward. Or something. So on a whim, he shrugs and leans back on his bench.

"See, I am not that sure that this timeshare condo thing is a good idea. Lots of money."

It doesn't to seem to faze Sawyer, who smiles.

"Yeah, it's not given, but it's a great investment."

"The place is great, and the promises you make are quite awesome, but I dunno. We'll go hear your pitch tomorrow, or Jaime will kill me, but I can't say I'm hot at the idea."

Stretching an arm on the back of the booth, Sawyer's dimples deepen.

"Maybe I could try to convince you?"

Oh god, Kevin really doesn't want to be on the other hand of a sale pitch once more. He's heard the guy today, knows he can be mighty convincing. Kevin laughs, waving.

"No no, please. No more numbers."

The smile gets a bit devious, full on flirting then, no mistaking.

"I was thinking more among the lines of taking you to my unit. Show you the amenities."

And the thing is? It's tempting, in that way really bad ideas are tempting when you're bored, frustrated with your life, desperate to prove to your boss you're better than stakeouts and loosened up by a couple of beers. If he goes up with Sawyer, maybe he'll get a moment or two to snoop around. He's not been flirting back with Sawyer, so if it gets too much, Kevin can play stupid and get out of there. Before his common sense has the chance to kick in, Kevin shrugs.

"Sure, why not."


One thing Kevin learns on the way to the unit, set on the top floor of the condo complex, is that Sawyer uses the concept of physical presence like a weapon and personal space as a battlefield. And he's mighty good at it, too. There is absolutely no way that Kevin could be dumb enough not to notice the flirting now, so he tenses, worrying that his plan is going to get shot to hell. Sawyer does back up a bit when he notices, but he doesn't relent with the seemingly casual touches and double meaning comments. When they enter the condo, Sawyer goes straight to a wooden cabinet in the living room and presents a bottle of vodka, before pouring himself a drink.

"Want a drink, Kevin?"

"Huh. I don't know, I mean..." Kevin is ready to make an exit, doesn't know what to do and fidgets in the entryway.

Sawyer doesn't take that as a no, he pours another drink and brings it to Kevin. His tone is gentle, coaxing, when he proposes.

"Relax, man. Come see the view."

Gripping his glass, Kevin follows, darting his eyes right and left. There is nothing out of place, no papers on a table or a conveniently opened briefcase with files proving all of this is a scam. In fact the condo looks like a showroom... which is logical as it's used as one on days like today, when prospective clients come and take a peek for the timeshare stuff. What if it's all legit? The tracking of who holds the company didn't give anything bad (yet would say Bob), no one complained about fraud, and Johnson himself doesn't have a rap sheet, although his squeaky clean background does arouse suspicion. No way has a guy like that not been a whole lot of trouble once upon a time, or even just last week.

Stepping out in the sweet night air, Kevin can't help it and slowly whistles. The view is indeed breathtaking with the lights of Tampa - must be Davis Island over there all lit up - and the bay gleaming under a moon that's almost full. They stand there, quiet, leaning against the rail and watching down. There is something soothing in it all and Kevin finds himself relaxing a bit for the first time since the bar. He takes a sip of his drink and sighs. Sawyer makes their shoulders bumps.

"Pretty sweet, huh?" Sawyer says, low and still looking down.

Their shoulders are still touching, and the warmth that spreads through Kevin's gut is more than the alcohol's doing. It feels good, though, and Kevin's been wound so tight lately that he's really tempted to see where this could go. He's perfectly aware that as ideas go, it's a potential career suicide move. Sawyer turns to lean against the banister, tips his head up to look at the stars above and Kevin lets his eyes linger on his neck. He gets caught and Sawyer's smile is crooked.

"Yeah, really nice." Kevin agrees belatedly, not looking away.

The dimples appear in full force at that. "For a sec, there, I thought you were going to bolt."

Kevin chuckles, looks down and passes a hand on his neck.

"Would be the right thing to do."

The right thing for his job, of course, but Sawyer nods, surely thinking of his pretend girlfriend. Nudging Kevin with his shoulder, Sawyer teases.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Heh." Kevin's single, so it's a moot point, but he's never been a cheater and that someone can think he could be so easily swayed unsettles him a bit.

"Wouldn't be another woman, if she asks." Sawyer says with a wink.

Kevin snorts at the lame excuse, but he sees that Sawyer's only kidding, perfectly knowing it too and saying it just to make him laugh.

"I'd be fucked if she asks if it was a hot blonde." He replies, deadpan.

Sawyer laughs suddenly, surprised, and it's gorgeous to see.

"Should have started you on Vodka earlier, Abbott."

He clinks his glass on Kevin's and downs it, which prompts Kevin to do the same. When he finishes, Sawyer takes the tumbler out of Kevin's fingers and puts it down on a little table, and before Kevin has too much time to think Sawyer is right there, a hand on the side of his face and kissing him softly. It's such a shock -not that Sawyer is kissing him, he was expecting that to happen sooner or later - that it's slow and gentle that Kevin has a surprised gasp. It opens his lips slightly and Sawyer's tongue darts in, sneaky fast. Sawyer retreats immediately but Kevin can't help it and he chases after it, kissing back and taking charge. As Kevin fists his hands in Sawyer's shirt to haul him close, Sawyer groans, visibly pleased.

As soon as he has a taste of that sinful mouth and that hard body, Kevin's instincts all scream for moremoremore. And lucky him, Sawyer is happy to provide as they push and pull each other getting in, stumbling towards the bedroom and high on need. They strip each other along the way, reluctant to let go more than a second to get garments out of the way. Sawyer is constantly muttering encouragements and filth as they do so, "come on, yeah, that's it, can't wait to taste you, so fucking hot..." now in a thick and dirty southern drawl that makes Kevin so hard he thinks he's going to get out of his skin with want if he doesn't have him right now.

Kevin has not fooled around with men often, but he loves how rough it can be, to feel hard muscles and sharp angles instead of soft curves. The fact that he can't totally manhandle Sawyer around like he'd wish because the other man is almost as strong as he is and giving back as much as he gets turns Kevin's crank big time. He has a fleeting thought for his handcuffs in his coat pocket, somewhere in the living room probably -he's not sure where he lost it-, and growls as he nips hard at Sawyer's bottom lip, feels the soft skin give as Sawyer jerks back and they stop moving, panting.

"Jesus Christ." Sawyer's curse is more surprised than angry and Kevin can't take his eyes off the dot of crimson on Sawyer's lip. Looking up at Sawyer's eyes, he's blown away by the arousal he finds there, pupils totally dilated, leaving only a thin line of bright blue circling them. Slowly, deliberately, Sawyer licks the blood off and sucks in his lip, then rasps out. "Fuck yeah. C'mon. Let it all out, Tiger. I can take it."

They clash together again, rough kisses and groping hands, and Kevin can taste a hit of copper now, which should not turn him on this much. Shoes, pants and boxers get tossed away and they land on the bed, Kevin pinning Sawyer's wrists over his head and grinding down, both gasping when their cocks align and rub. Kevin's pretty sure that he'd be happy to hump until he comes, it's pretty awesome, but he asks anyway.

"What do you want?" Kevin almost doesn't recognize his own voice, it's so low.

Sawyer's answer is immediate as he writhes in Kevin's grasp.

"Fuck me."

It's not a suggestion, it's an order; takes all of Kevin's control not to lose it right there. He's never fucked a man before, and it sounds like the best idea in the world right now.


He's not even started his question properly that Sawyer jerks his head towards the nightstand.

"Over there. Come on, get it."

Kevin has to let go of Sawyer's wrists to go get the lube and condoms and he almost yelps when he feels a spit soaked hand close on his dick and stroke. Sawyer grins at the distressed noise and is way too smug when Kevin scowls at him.

"Hands and knees." He barks, unstraddling Sawyer's thigh and giving him a little push. Sawyer gets in position in a fluid motion and it's only seconds before Kevin is slicking a finger and rubbing the tight ring of Sawyer's asshole, slipping in carefully to the first knuckle. Sawyer groans, pushes back, and Kevin has to grip to try and still him. "Gimme a sec here..."

"C'mon Hoss, I can take it. Get this show on the road." Sawyer says, urgent, pushing back some more.

The few times he's had anal sex, Kevin had always been careful with the prep, but clearly Sawyer doesn't need to be coaxed and wants it fast. It's got to hurt, though, but maybe Sawyer likes it that way. Going with the flow, Kevin is soon scissoring two fingers in that tight hot fit, and when Sawyer bucks and lets out a loud curse that ends with a moan, it takes Kevin a second to realize he's probably hit the prostate sweet spot he's heard about. He repeats his movement and can't repress a smug smile when he gets the same reaction.

"Enjoying that?"

Sawyer snorts, looks over his shoulder with a smirk of his own.

"No shit, Sherlock. Are you gonna fuck me this century, or what?"

"If that's what it takes to shut you up..." Kevin replies, pulling his fingers out and putting on a rubber.

Rolling the condom on and slicking up with plenty of lube feels good, as it's finally some decent touch and friction, but it's nothing compared to the incredible heat and tightness of Sawyer when he starts to push in. Kevin tries to go slow to give Sawyer time to adjust, he's so frigging tight, but then Sawyer rears back again and Kevin's suddenly in balls deep. He groans as Sawyer hisses, finally still. Kevin takes a moment to compose himself, takes a deep breath and decides that if that's how Sawyer wants to play, two can dance. He grips tight at Sawyer's hips, and withdraws almost completely before slamming back home hard. It has the intended effect as Sawyer curses and shudders, clenching tight around him. Not letting Sawyer get his breath back, Kevin starts to thrust, in short rapid strokes.

"Fuck yeah. C'mon." Sawyer pants, meeting him half way each time Kevin pushes forward, impaling himself on Kevin's dick.

As Kevin fucks Sawyer, thumbs digging in a set of deep dimples the man has on his lower back, a sudden surge of heat coils in his belly. There is nothing loving or gentle in their coupling, it's pure animal lust and rough sex, no holds barred. Sawyer is all growls and grunts, and when he looks back over his shoulder again he's almost snarling, wild and dangerous even if he's the one getting nailed.

"Harder." Sawyer demands, teeth clenched and eyes glinting.

"Jesus." Kevin curses, because there is not much harder he can go. He puts a hand in between Sawyer's shoulder blades and pushes. "Down." He grits out, and Sawyer obediently lets his forearms give way and ends up with a cheek against the mattress, back bowed as Kevin holds him in place.

Kevin trades his short and fast strokes for deep and as hard as he can while Sawyer eats it all up, cursing a blue streak and hissing like a wildcat. It's a sight to behold and Kevin's never seen something hotter in all of his life. He feels his orgasm building fast, and he's not going to last, no way. After a couple of strokes Kevin takes a hold of Sawyer's left bicep, tugs, and then as he manages to get his other hand under Sawyer's torso, Kevin hauls him up onto his knees. Keeping his thrusts as hard as he can in the new position, Kevin wraps a hand around Sawyer's cock, slick with precome and starts jacking him hard and fast. It makes Sawyer shout and his head falls back on Kevin's shoulder, total abandon and now in a quest for relief, fucking up in Kevin's fist and then down on his cock.

"Yeah, that's it..." Kevin pants, trying to hold off a little bit still. "Come for me."

Sawyer grunts, moans and he's visibly teetering on the edge, seconds away but not quite there yet. On a whim, Kevin mouths Sawyer's neck and then bites down hard where it meets his shoulder, drawing blood once again and that's it, Sawyer's gone, howling as he starts to come shooting ropes of come all over his stomach and Kevin's hand. The pressure as he clenches and ripples around Kevin's dick is overwhelming, and Kevin lets go too: pleasure centers in his lower belly and then explodes throughout his body, and it hits so hard Kevin stops breathing and maybe his heart even skips a couple of beats as everything turns red and hot. The aftershocks are still tingling when Sawyer sags in his arms and Kevin almost topples sideways, but somehow manages to stay mostly upright as they both pant raggedly.

There is no other way to describe it, Kevin feels totally drained. Endorphins hit fast and hard, and he's glad when Sawyer finds his bearings back first, disengages with a pained groan and turns to cup Kevin's face before kissing him, strong and sure. Kevin can barely keep his eyes opened but he snorts at the soft self satisfied smirk Sawyer has upon looking him over. Sawyer's the best lay Kevin's ever had and he knows it.

"Don't look so smug." Kevin mumbles before letting himself fall on his side, aiming for the pillow and conveniently hitting his target with his head.

Sawyer laughs again, and it's probably the most unguarded he's been all night. He takes care of getting rid of the condom on Kevin's softening dick and then throws himself on his back by Kevin's side, sighing contentedly.

"Well hell, don't mind me." Kevin sees Sawyer reach for the bleeding mark on his neck and wince. "Should I get a rabies shot? Damn."

Kevin rolls his eyes… as much as he can with them drooping, anyway.

"Fuck you, you loved it."

Smiling some more, Sawyer winks at him, then surprisingly brushes sweat damped hair off of Kevin's forehead in a gesture that's almost tender.

"Yeah, I did. Sleep now, you deserve it."

"Damn right I do." Kevin tries to say but he's not even sure it comes out right because his eyes are closed now and he's rapidly going under. He should go, really, but he'll just sleep a bit first. "Just a little bit."

"As long as you want, Kev." Kevin thinks he hears, while he feels caresses on his neck, then his shoulder, feather light. But it's all hazy and without fighting it anymore Kevin falls into oblivion's open arms.


Kevin wakes up with a mixed feeling of general contentment laced with the fact he's uncomfortable somehow, which is a strange enough combo. There is a crick in his shoulder and when Kevin tries to stretch, he's startled when there is pain at his wrist and his movement is blocked. He tugs and that's it, Kevin's completely awake the second he spots the handcuff holding him to the bed's headboard. His own handcuffs he realizes in the next heartbeat.


He's alone in the bedroom but maybe there is hope that this is just a game, so Kevin shouts.

"Sawyer? Where are you, you kinky freak?"

The hope for this to NOT to be as shitty as he think it is dies when there is no answer, no sound of water in the bathroom that could cover his voice and Kevin spots a note on the bedside table, propped against his badge. Fuck, fuck fuck! He grabs the paper and reads a messy scrawl:

Morning, Stud!

You proved to be surprising 'till the end...

Wish I could say see ya around.


Groaning, Kevin flops back on the bed and rattles the headboard, wincing when all he can do is bruise his wrist. His clothes have been put on the chair near the door, probably when Sawyer did his pockets, too far for him to reach and get dressed. He sees his cell phone on the chair too, taunting him. Kevin blushes at the idea that even if it would have been closer, whomever he'd call for help would get a clear picture, with him cuffed to the bed naked in a room reeking of the smell of sex and their prime suspect vanished.

Guess Bob was right after all, saying that this timeshare business was just a big scam. If Sawyer took off at the sight of a badge, he's surely a con artist and he'll lay low for a while now, or go try his spiel in some other town somewhere. At least, he didn't close his deals here in Tampa, as this afternoon was when people were scheduled give Johnson their deposits after the final sales pitch. Kevin was supposed to keep an eye on the man and... well that backfired quite spectacularly. He's probably going to get ripped a new one and go back to traffic for a while.

Wondering what he's going to have to do to get out of this mess, if he should try pounding on the wall or crying out hoping the unit is not as soundproof as it's been said to be, Kevin spots a full glass of water on the night stand. He snorts, weirdly touched at the attention, which is frankly ridiculous given the position he's in. Sitting up, Kevin grabs the glass and as he sips, his attention is caught by something shiny at the bottom. Blinking, Kevin realizes it's the handcuff keys.

He can't help but smile.

The son of a bitch must have liked him, after all.

The End.

now with a sequel: And we Meet Again

fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/kevin

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