
Jan 02, 2009 16:55

I'd like to make it simple:
  1. more discipline (that's large, but it includes less procrastinating, more writing, more art, more exercise, more cleaning of the house, less snacks). ha ha ha ha   ;)
  2. loosing 15 pounds (if I keep with 1, this could be done)
  3. more fun with the kids

Speaking of fun? I got the all clear for Las Vegas, the October 2009 Lost GFG edition!    \o/

I do think that pushing for the Vancouver SPN convention on top would be a bit much for my husband's understanding ways though, so I doubt I'll make it to both. although I can still hope, right?

Okay, let's see if I can at least write a little 100 words for today  ;)

to do, writing, real life

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