Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2008 19:20

Still mostly MIA for family reasons, as my parents are visiting. Today is my husband's (39!) and father's (70!) birthdays  =D   we had cake and presents, and now we're leaving for my SIL's house for a little gathering (and more Guitar Heroe for sure! Lol!).

(btw, I know I've been bad with replying to comments lately, but OMG, when I could LJ would not let me. I'll do that tomorrow, promise!)

I had wonderful surprises today myself: 
thank you so much darlings!

to the best flist in all the world, HAPP Y NEW YEAR! may 2009 be wonderful for each and everyone of you guys, you surely make my life a better place   <3

thank you, real life

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