Got two more cards today, thanks so much to
haldoor and
elise_509 !!! *dances* they are fabulous (as you are!) and I LOVE them!
and you know what I had too?
Last Friday I checked Amazon and as it often happens I could not resist... I've just got season 1-4 of Stargate Atlantis in the mail *grins* what? they were over 50% off! lol! great deal!
it's a bit special because I did watch the movie back in the days, sporadic episodes of SG1 enough to know the main cast and basic ideas and such but never watched a full episode of SGA. BUT I feel like I know them because of the love that once was (and still is in some cases) on my flist, and frankly? I've been reading fic for that show for years now. Not often, but here and there, especially crossovers.
Me and my husband were looking for something to start, there is no French on the "24" R1 DVDs (even in subtitles for some seasons) past season 1 (even if there is serbo-croate) so I suggested SGA. As a bonus for me, S1 and S4 only have French subtitles, so at least I'll know the real voices before having to suffer the dubbing in S2 and S3. So yeah. as we watch approximately 5 episodes a week, we should have a couple of months of SGA watching on our hands ;)