and I dive!

Mar 24, 2006 10:03

*deep breath*

Fandom: Lost

Title: Hard to shake
Characters: Libby, Ana Lucia
Rating: PG
Prompt: 15. Halo Effect
Word Count: 399
Spoilers: Season 2, up to about 2X09: “what Kate did”
Warnings: nothing that hurts.
Disclaimer: If I’d own lost, I’d be playing with Sawyer right now. Written for fun, I borrow.
A/N: English is not my first language. I suck with ( Read more... )

psych_30, fic, lost fic: libby

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Comments 19

nikitangel March 24 2006, 08:22:54 UTC
Ooh, I love it, especially the last line. Really interesting take on this idea! The last paragraphs bring the whole thing together.

My only suggestion would be to change Ana's "Yes" to a "Yeah." It sounded a little formal for her in my head.


gottalovev March 24 2006, 08:27:26 UTC
thank you! you cannot imagine how nervous I am about how this will be received!
good comment for the "yes" I will edit now *hug*


nikitangel March 24 2006, 08:29:48 UTC
No problem! And you shouldn't feel nervous. I'm a huge Ana-Lucia fan, so I'm very picky about her characterization in fics. I really did like this :)


cynthia_arrow March 24 2006, 10:34:36 UTC
So great to see fic from you! I'm glad you took Libby for the challenge, because I think her observations of people could be interesting. I'm shocked that I haven't seen (or thought of) writing these two in a story, because Libby would be more sympathetic to Ana than most anybody else. I like how the dialogue is short here--Ana's response seems realistic to me, and I could see this happening on the show. I especially like the last two paragraphs. Thanks.


gottalovev March 24 2006, 12:39:10 UTC
I do think the tailies would be more sympathetic to Ana Lucia than the others, no matter what, even if she had not killed Shannon.

wow, great feedback, and it means a lot coming from you. Thank YOU! ♥


zelda_zee March 24 2006, 13:14:12 UTC
Hey, glad to see you writing! This is the 1st psych30 thing I've read, and it's got AL in it and it's PG for God's sake and I usually don't read anything unless it's at least an R (what can I say? I'm that shallow), but I read this b/c you always read my stuff, and I appreciate the HELL out of that!

And this is really good. I especially like the ending, the final two paragraphs, just really well done. Ana does have a black halo, you can almost see it.

Also, the restraint of the conversation, all the stuff that's not said. I admire restraint, I don't have much of it in my writing.

Looking forward to more!


gottalovev March 27 2006, 05:52:28 UTC
I'm happy that I could get you to read it even if it's almost against your religion! LOL!

thank you, I appreciate the FB a lot. I've been working on my restraint, and had to delete a lot of useless stuff to be satisfied with this fic, which was hard. But I LOVE your mega fics ;)



mooms March 24 2006, 13:51:18 UTC
This is really well written, GLV ! We are still waiting for the second series, so I am not familiar with these characters yet, although I have read up on the website. Nevertheless, your writing is so good that I do feel as if I know them and I really like your last line !


gottalovev March 27 2006, 05:55:38 UTC
thanks Mooms!
second year is very different from the first, and there is a lot of new characters to get used to. Thanks for your good words, you were always there to encourage me from the moment I started writing last summer, means a lot to me *HUG* ♥


Hi! annamalfoy March 24 2006, 16:08:50 UTC
I don´t really remember where i get this icon...




Re: Hi! gottalovev March 27 2006, 05:57:33 UTC
ok, thanks anyways... I think I'll take it none the less, it's too good =D

(note: if someone read this and knows who made annamalfoy great icon, tell me, I'd like to credit!)


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