(no subject)

Mar 24, 2006 08:22

I've jumped and applied to a fanfic challenge.

a LOST fanfic challenge! 
alliecat8 tempted me and I took the bait! looked like too much fun to pass!

my claim is Libby and it's at
psych_30 !

1. Transference 2. Daddy Issues 3. Addiction 4. Ego/Id 5. Multiple Personality 6. Inferiority Complex 7. Nature vs. Nurture 8. Phobia 9. Sociopath 10. Approach-Avoidance 11. Castration Anxiety 12. Collective Unconscious 13. Delusion 14. Fixation 15. Halo Effect 16. Fetish 17. Group Think 18. Instinct 19. Separation Anxiety 20. Learned Helplessness 21. Rationalizaton 22. Libido 23. Vicarious 24. Skinner Box 25. Placebo Effect 26. Obsession 27. Catharsis 28. Free Association 29. Repression 30. Denial

psych_30, fic, lost fic: libby

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