stupid, stupid, stupidity

Dec 10, 2008 13:03

well well well .... well.

I made the quaintest lil video today. Its a secret, though. Sorry.

Has anyone ever tried Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos? Im tellin yah, those things will take your taste buds to new places.

I still really really really long to go to Asheville, NC.
I just can't shake it.

For the past 2days I have been caught up on my work, leaving me with nothing to do besides watch the 2minute episodes of Sorority Forever, season 1. Im addicted. and now its over. Sad f'n face!

So I was thinking. The night before last you told me you had company, after u had already invited me over,  and then said that you couldnt have anymore, "at the moment"...BS! I naturally just assumed you had *company*, you know what kind I was thinking, but come to find out it was JUST WTF! 
Last night when you wanted to trade me a ride for your treats, i didnt even think about how u didnt invite me in.
It never dawned on me TILL someone else wanted me to come over later. Then I thought...this is the difference when someone likes you, and someone doesn't.

....So what do you think about THAT? cause what Im thinkin is that you like me, but mostly you just dont want anyone else to like me. Yet you still wanna like anyone else that walks up. Either like me OR let other ppl like me, don't be greedy.

I know how it will all work out, though. Ill put up with your antics...and really embrace the virtue of patience, and then just when Ive moved will fall in love with me. But Ill be over you.
Ill try to be able to see what I once saw in you, but It'll all be long gone. And there you'll my beck and call, can't even shake you off with a stick. I won't want you again, though. You will want me so bad it hurts.
Story of my life.
Happens again, and again, and again.

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