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Nov 25, 2008 11:13

Im a tid bit aloof today. I woke up nice n refreshed this morning...got myself together, brushed my teeth, and headed out the door on my way. I felt good cause I managed to throw together a nice little ensemble. Any chance I get to wear fake red pearls is sure to put a smile on my face. Anyway, so as I went waltzing out the door...I realized I had forgotten to grab my car keys. I turned to go back in and grab'em, and find that the door was locked. I managed to lock myself out in the cold. I called my work, and let my boss know...Im sure he found it hard to believe I locked myself OUT of my house....how would I do that without having my keys? I'll tell you.

About 3, almost 4 months ago....when I had an addict for a roommate, we changed the locks...once she finally got her shit out, for fear of her coming back and thieving more things that were not hers. As a temporary fix, my grandmother bought me a new handle with a lock to put on the door. About this time Joe M. decided he hated my face, so I was forced to replace the handle myself. Well, I couldnt get the damn handle off, so had to resort to putting the 2nd handle where the padlock goes. What this means...is I have two door handles. Well the top one we just turn from the inside to lock it, but you dont have to unlock it to get out. So, when my roommate left this morning, she just left it locked so no one could enter. Since I left my keys, and had already shut the door...I was locked out without hope of any solution.

The landlord or maintenance man wouldn't have been able to help me, but at least I could have sought shelter in the office! So I got ahold of my roomie and took shelter in the laundry facility till she got there to rescue me. ::siiigh::
Oh, and I had to chain smoke, cause I didnt know how long she would take, and I only had the lit cigg I left the house with...no lighter.
So that was that! Still, Im in a pretty good mood considering.

Im in a good mood cause I get to get my hurrr did later today! Im so totally stoked about this. I have not had my hair done in about 4-5 months....resulting in horrible roots so bad that it makes it hard to even style my hair. Its gunna be so so so so so great. Afterall, I have had nearly 5 months to come up with what colors I wanna do.

Lets see, A re-cap of this weekend...Saturday we had the Pariah Family Thanksgiving dinner/party. Since last year I was banned from the band...so I was super excited about it this year. Also, I managed to con Joe M. into coming. Since he's my current crush (I suppose)...it made it all the better.
I love to love ppl who hate me.
Anywho, so as to NOT do a repeat of halloween where I took too many shots, and got sick...I paced myself rather well. People were in watching the game, while me, Bronwyn (my wifey), and Miranda (my mistress) were getting the food ready. Sally came in with a bottle and we were forced to start taking shots, not that there was much complaining. Anyway, I found that my cooking is superb when Im tipsy...*mental note*.
Yes, so good times....good company, lots o fun! Later someone asked me why Joe got mad and left....this worried me, cause I had no clue....and naturally I just assumed it was my fault. I gave him a ring, and he said he just wanted to leave cause someone kept saying GD over and over, and he found it really offensive. 
                           ...okay, sounded like a legitimate excuse to me. I have seen him correct ppl over that word before. So anyway, I went over to his house to watch a movie, cause I was planning on not drinking anymore anyway. He loves me! heh. We hung out, after the movie was over...I was on my way home and my roommate called and said she was drunk and someone hurt her feelings, so she was wanting to see if I could give her a ride. I went back over to the band's and there was all kinds of new ppl still over there. Long story short, Russ came down...we hung out. I had not seen his cute face in quite a while. It was a good time, but a long night. Fun, but long.

I can't wait till the Christmas party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, I woke up feeling great! I went over to my wifey's around 9am...to wait for her to wake up n do my hair. She let me sit there till 9pm before she finally said she would just do it Monday and that she was not going to do it Sunday afterall. What was the most frustrating to me, is she knew that Johnny was getting mad at me for not being up there to help him paint...and she just never felt the need to mention she wasnt gunna do it ANY time that day, so that I could get on with my life. My entire Sunday was completely wasted. Except, I did go over to Joe's that night....so that was a little fun.
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