May 06, 2006 22:15

PLEASE READ THIS,,,just gimme maybe 2 minutes of your time..read the Jesus part

Enjoy life,,,be thankful for what you have,,,you will only be with your family for so long...either your mother or father have given dedicated their life towards raising you...spend a little time with your parents,,,yes friends are important,,be thankful for the friends that accept you for being you, not because of who you are trying to be,,,if your being something that youre not, you will know it because you will not feel right with what youre doing,,,dont look down on people because they like things that you dont...its also ridiculous to make fun of someone for something they cant help...if they dont have enough money to buy the "right" things or if theyre a lil on the strange side, love em like a brother or a sister...hey, everbody needs a little lovin!!!back to what i was first sayin lol when we get to be teens, we almost tottally leave our family out of everything and live our own lives, yes we are suppose to move out and that whole deal when we leave, but that dosnt mean you cant be close, most of you, your parents or parent need that...you need to let the people you love know you love them...not everything goes without saying, and if you and your parents arent on good terms, why not be the bigger person and break the ice...your parents have bought you everything that you need your whole life, maybe not all you want, but if you got everything you want, you will constantly be wanting more and never will be satisfied...thats why most famous people are never happy, they have that hole that they are trying to fill but nothing can fill it except father God...you were made that way, you are a spirit, possess a soul, and you live in a body...that spirit is 1 with God and if you turn to other thigns to satisfy you, then you are shutting yourself off from God...not shutting God off from you because he is waiting on you to come back to him...he holds no grudges and has grace that can whipe away all past, jesus didnt die for some sins, he died for all,,,but that does not give you the right to go and sin just because you will be forgiven,,,ive thought about that before and realized, if you are constantly sinning, you are getting yourself nowhere with your walk with Father God...you cannot live in sin and serve God...the 2 dont mix...bible says deny yourself, take up your own cross and follow Jesus...if you find yourself upset, depressed, unhappy, stressed out, unloved, any of that, i want you to know you were not created to feel like that...thats not you...i understand things happen, ive had alot happen to me and the devil has tries to do the same things to me that he does you,,,were all equal,,,weve all been given the same measure of faith,,,by faith give it up to God...Come to this conclusion, why waste time bein upset???...be thankful for what you have right now...we are on this earth for so long and then we get to go be with our father(and if u even have any questions about any of this vhsmulletluvr16@yahoo.com email me...)
I know i constantly repeat myself, but thats because there are people out there who need to realize things and just let go of things...yes its hard to let go when its still going on but when you let go, that lets God take care of it for you... i love every single one of you

Edit...i understand not everyone is raised in the"perfect family" but no family is perfect,,,and if yall do not have a mother or father or maybe eithor,,,i truly am sorry,but know that role wil not go unfilled...you will see them agian one day and hold on to the memorries that you have made, but if you let father God, he can fulfill that role for you...if you dont really have anyone close and wish you did, look a couple lines up for my email and ill love on ya like nobody has, with that jesus kind of love!!!ITS GREAT AND THERES ALWAYS MORE TO GO AROUND!!!really though, if ya email me im not gonna think youre weird at all whats said between me and you stays between me and you and my opinion of you changes none whatsoever...

man ive hadmore fun tonight that i have in so long...and it was with my family...

Erin and Jeromy had their wedding and it was awsome,,,i cant believe Erin is officially off the market...then we had to go to my Gmaws suprise Bday party at the club...wow,,,all 15 of us had a dance party, from ages 1 to 71,,,my grandad danced cirlces around me...then we had a slide show and we all made cards and gave em to my Gmaw...just abotu every single 1 of us was tearin up...whenever im wiht my family i feel like im in a movie...life is great...

ps. i love God and i dont care who knows it
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