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May 05, 2006 07:45

how is everybody in the LJ world doin???
everything just seems so crazy now that schools aobut to be out and graduation is in a couple weeks...its weird that highschool is about to be over, but i know im ready for it...any seniors out ther readin this, wer yall goin?any of yall goin to UAB???I AM WHHHHHHEWWWW!!!i dont really know what to expect, but i know im blessed and highly favored in all i do, i have the confidence knowledge wisdom joy boldness peace and strength i need to do what im pos to do, go wer i pos to go, say what im pos to say, and act how im pos to act...im not lettin up in any area and if any of yall jus start gettin stressd or start worryn, hit me up cuz im here to help...

i gotta go study cuz if i get all my grades over 85 i can exempt my exams...only class i gotta start tryin in is Gov/EC, i have an 83...

yesterday i was asleep in therNa kid squirted me with a squirt bottle...

i love wakin up to the smell of cinamin rolls...

i love wakin up early for school and havin time to waste...

i love it when theres no clouds out at night and bein amazed everynight at how everything got there and how beautiful it is...

i love cold weather...

i love yellow labs...

i love workin hard just so i can sit back and relax...

i love waterfalls, fishin, walkin thru tha creak barefoot, and just bein stupid...

i love not carin a single bit about what people think about me and just bein free and havin fun being ME...who cares if you think im weird, im happy and im satisfied with myself,,,if you hang out with me long enough, peeps gonna be callin you weird too!!!

i love knowing i have a mission and a purpose in life, and knowing that that purpose is going to be fufilled...

i love havin peeps that they can just look at me and tell what kinda mood im in just by the look on my face...

i love havin peeps close in my life, and sometimes things happend when you find out who true friends are, the ones that dont care whats gone on and are just waitin for you to be you...

i love being free from the cares of this world and being able to just be Gods child and know everything will work out...there is no point in me getting stressed out about anythign because that is just time that is wasted and time that im lettin the devil trick me and take my attention away from what i should be doin...

i love knowin Father God loves me with the same love he always has and he has called me his child and his friend...

i love knowin im one with the lord and i have power and authority and knowledge and wisdom and joy and peace and health!!!

i love bein able to preform Gods will here on this earth...

i love helpin Gods children and showin them how to achieve greatness in life...

i love alot of things in life, but most of all my father God and everything hes given me and done for me...i love all of you in my life...i love good peaceful moods
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